GS2-Money2 SDK API リファレンス モデル Namespace ネームスペース
ネームスペースは一つのプロジェクトで同じサービスを異なる用途で複数利用できるようにするための仕組みです。 GS2 のサービスは基本的にネームスペースというレイヤーがあり、ネームスペースが異なれば同じサービスでもまったく別のデータ空間として取り扱われます。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ネームスペースGRN name string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 currencyUsagePriority enum { “PrioritizeFree”, “PrioritizePaid” } ✓ ~ 128文字 消費優先度 sharedFreeCurrency bool ✓ 無償課金通貨を異なるスロットで共有するか platformSetting PlatformSetting ✓ ストアプラットフォーム設定 depositBalanceScript ScriptSetting ウォレット残高を加算したときに実行するスクリプト withdrawBalanceScript ScriptSetting ウォレット残高を消費したときに実行するスクリプト logSetting LogSetting ログの出力設定 createdAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) updatedAt long ✓ 現在時刻 最終更新日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 リビジョン
currencyUsagePriority に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 PrioritizeFree 無償通貨を優先して使用する PrioritizePaid 有償通貨を優先して使用する
Wallet ウォレット
ウォレット内の通貨は大きく有償で購入した通貨と、無償で入手した通貨が分けて管理されます。 有償で購入した通貨は更に購入時の単価毎に管理され、サービス終了になってしまった際の返金や資金決済法に該当するだけの残高が存在するかが集計できます。
ウォレットにはスロットがあり、スロットごとに異なる残高を管理できます。 プラットフォームをまたいで残高を共有できない場合にはプラットフォーム毎に異なるスロットを利用することで分けて管理することができます。 その際に無償で入手した通貨は全てのプラットフォームで共通した値を利用することもできます。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 walletId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ウォレットGRN userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID slot int ✓ ~ 100000000 スロット番号 summary WalletSummary ✓ ウォレットの状態 depositTransactions List<DepositTransaction> [] ~ 1000 items 入金トランザクションリスト sharedFreeCurrency bool ✓ 無償課金通貨を共有するか createdAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) updatedAt long ✓ 現在時刻 最終更新日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 リビジョン
Event レシート
レシートは決済履歴を記録するエンティティです。 決済履歴とは、課金通貨の増減に関するリクエストだけではなく、各種配信プラットフォームにおける決済トランザクションの履歴も含まれます。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 eventId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 イベントGRN transactionId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 トランザクションID userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID eventType enum { “VerifyReceipt”, “Deposit”, “Withdraw” } ✓ ~ 128文字 イベントの種類 verifyReceiptEvent VerifyReceiptEvent レシート検証イベント depositEvent DepositEvent 入金イベント withdrawEvent WithdrawEvent 出金イベント createdAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 リビジョン
eventType に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 VerifyReceipt レシート検証 Deposit 加算 Withdraw 消費
StoreContentModel ストアプラットフォームのコンテンツ
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 storeContentModelId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 コンテンツモデルGRN name string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名 metadata string ~ 1024文字 メタデータ appleAppStore AppleAppStoreContent Apple AppStore のコンテンツ googlePlay GooglePlayContent Google Play のコンテンツ
StoreContentModelMaster ストアプラットフォームのコンテンツ
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 storeContentModelId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 コンテンツモデルマスターGRN name string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 metadata string ~ 1024文字 メタデータ appleAppStore AppleAppStoreContent Apple AppStore のコンテンツ googlePlay GooglePlayContent Google Play のコンテンツ createdAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) updatedAt long ✓ 現在時刻 最終更新日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 リビジョン
CurrentModelMaster 現在有効なマスターデータ
GS2ではマスターデータの管理にJSON形式のファイルを使用します。 ファイルをアップロードすることで、実際にサーバーに設定を反映することができます。
JSONファイルを作成する方法として、マネージメントコンソール上でのマスターデータエディタを提供していますが よりゲームの運営に相応しいツールを作成し、適切なフォーマットのJSONファイルを書き出すことでもサービスを利用可能です。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 現在有効なモデルマスターGRN settings string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 マスターデータ
Receipt ストアプラットフォームのレシート
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 Store enum { “AppleAppStore”, “GooglePlay”, “fake” } ✓ ~ 128文字 ストア TransactionID string ✓ ~ 1024文字 トランザクションID Payload string ✓ ~ 1048576文字 ペイロード
Store に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 AppleAppStore Apple App Store GooglePlay Google Play fake Fake
AppleAppStoreSetting Apple AppStore の設定
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 bundleId string ~ 1024文字 Apple AppStore のバンドルID
GooglePlaySetting Google Play の設定
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 packageName string ~ 5120文字 Google Play で配信するパッケージ名 publicKey string ~ 5120文字 署名検証に使用する暗号鍵
FakeSetting デバッグ用の偽のプラットフォームの設定
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 acceptFakeReceipt enum { “Accept”, “Reject” } ✓ “Reject” ~ 128文字 UnityEditorが出力する偽のレシートで決済できるようにするか
acceptFakeReceipt に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 Accept 受け入れる Reject 拒否する
WalletSummary ウォレットの状態
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 paid int ✓ 0 ~ 2147483646 有償課金通貨 free int ✓ 0 ~ 2147483646 無償課金通貨 total int ✓ 0 ~ 2147483646 総数
DepositTransaction 入金トランザクション
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 price float ✓ ~ 100000.0 購入価格 currency string {price} > 0 ✓ ~ 8文字 通貨コード count int ✓ ~ 2147483646 所持量 depositedAt long 入金日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒)
VerifyReceiptEvent 入金イベント
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 contentName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名 platform enum { “AppleAppStore”, “GooglePlay”, “fake” } ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアプラットフォーム appleAppStoreVerifyReceiptEvent AppleAppStoreVerifyReceiptEvent Apple AppStore のレシート検証イベント googlePlayVerifyReceiptEvent GooglePlayVerifyReceiptEvent Google Play のレシート検証イベント
定義 説明 AppleAppStore Apple AppStore GooglePlay Google Play fake Fake
DepositEvent 入金イベント
WithdrawEvent 出金イベント
AppleAppStoreVerifyReceiptEvent Apple AppStore のレシート
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 environment enum { “sandbox”, “production” } ✓ ~ 128文字 環境
environment に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 sandbox Sandbox production Production
GooglePlayVerifyReceiptEvent Google Play のレシート検証イベント
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 purchaseToken string ~ 4096文字 Purchase Token
AppleAppStoreContent Apple AppStore のコンテンツ
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 productId string ~ 1024文字 プロダクトID
GooglePlayContent Google Play のコンテンツ
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 productId string ~ 1024文字 プロダクトID
GitHubCheckoutSetting GitHubからマスターデータをチェックアウトする設定
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 apiKeyId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 GitHub のAPIキーGRN repositoryName string ✓ ~ 1024文字 リポジトリ名 sourcePath string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ソースコードのファイルパス referenceType enum { “commit_hash”, “branch”, “tag” } ✓ ~ 128文字 コードの取得元 commitHash string {referenceType} == “commit_hash” ✓ ~ 1024文字 コミットハッシュ branchName string {referenceType} == “branch” ✓ ~ 1024文字 ブランチ名 tagName string {referenceType} == “tag” ✓ ~ 1024文字 タグ名
referenceType に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 commit_hash コミットハッシュ branch ブランチ tag タグ
ScriptSetting スクリプト設定
GS2 ではマイクロサービスのイベントに関連づけて、カスタムスクリプトを実行することができます。 このモデルは、スクリプトの実行をトリガーするための設定を保持します。
スクリプトの実行方式は大きく2種類あり、それは「同期実行」と「非同期実行」です。 同期実行は、スクリプトの実行が完了するまで処理がブロックされます。 かわりに、スクリプトの実行結果を使ってAPIの実行を止めたり、APIの結果を改ざんすることができます。
一方、非同期実行は、スクリプトの実行が完了するまで処理がブロックされません。 かわりに、スクリプトの実行結果を使ってAPIの実行を止めたり、APIの結果を改ざんすることはできません。 しかし、非同期実行は、スクリプトの実行が完了するまで処理がブロックされないため、APIの応答に影響を与えないため、原則非同期実行を使用することをおすすめします。
非同期実行には実行方式が2種類あり、GS2-Script と Amazon EventBridge があります。 Amazon EventBridge を使用することで、Lua 以外の言語で処理を記述することができます。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 triggerScriptId string ~ 1024文字 スクリプトGRN doneTriggerTargetType enum { “none”, “gs2_script”, “aws” } ✓ “none” ~ 128文字 完了通知の通知先 doneTriggerScriptId string {doneTriggerTargetType} == “gs2_script” ~ 1024文字 スクリプトGRN doneTriggerQueueNamespaceId string {doneTriggerTargetType} == “gs2_script” ~ 1024文字 ネームスペースGRN
doneTriggerTargetType に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 none なし gs2_script GS2-Script aws Amazon EventBridge
LogSetting ログの書き出し設定
ログデータの書き出し設定を管理します。この型は、ログデータを書き出すために使用されるログ名前空間の識別子(Namespace ID)を保持します。 ログ名前空間IDは、ログデータを集約し、保存する対象の GS2-Log の名前空間を指定します。 この設定を通じて、この名前空間以下のAPIリクエスト・レスポンスログデータが対象の GS2-Log へ出力されるようになります。 GS2-Log にはリアルタイムでログが提供され、システムの監視や分析、デバッグなどに利用できます。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 loggingNamespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ネームスペースGRN
DailyTransactionHistory 日々の取引履歴
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 dailyTransactionHistoryId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 日々の取引履歴GRN year int ✓ 2000 ~ 3000 年 month int ✓ 1 ~ 12 月 day int ✓ 1 ~ 31 日 currency string ✓ ~ 8文字 通貨コード depositAmount float ✓ 0 ~ 16777214 売り上げ総額 withdrawAmount float ✓ 0 ~ 16777214 消費総額 updatedAt long ✓ 現在時刻 最終更新日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 リビジョン
UnusedBalance 未使用残高
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 unusedBalanceId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 未使用残高GRN currency string ✓ ~ 8文字 通貨コード balance float ✓ ~ 16777214 未使用残高 updatedAt long ✓ 現在時刻 最終更新日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 リビジョン
メソッド describeNamespaces ネームスペースの一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeNamespaces (
& money2 . DescribeNamespacesRequest {
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeNamespaces (
( new DescribeNamespacesRequest ())
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeNamespacesResult result = client . describeNamespaces (
new DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < Namespace > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeNamespacesResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeNamespaces (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeNamespaces (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_namespaces (
money2 . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_namespaces ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_namespaces_async ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createNamespace ネームスペースを新規作成
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 name string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 currencyUsagePriority enum { “PrioritizeFree”, “PrioritizePaid” } ✓ ~ 128文字 消費優先度 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 sharedFreeCurrency bool ✓ 無償課金通貨を異なるスロットで共有するか platformSetting PlatformSetting ✓ ストアプラットフォーム設定 depositBalanceScript ScriptSetting ウォレット残高を加算したときに実行するスクリプト withdrawBalanceScript ScriptSetting ウォレット残高を消費したときに実行するスクリプト logSetting LogSetting ログの出力設定
currencyUsagePriority に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 PrioritizeFree 無償通貨を優先して使用する PrioritizePaid 有償通貨を優先して使用する
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateNamespace (
& money2 . CreateNamespaceRequest {
Name : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
CurrencyUsagePriority : pointy . String ( "PrioritizeFree" ),
Description : nil ,
SharedFreeCurrency : pointy . Bool ( false ),
PlatformSetting : nil ,
DepositBalanceScript : nil ,
WithdrawBalanceScript : nil ,
LogSetting : & money2 . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\CreateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createNamespace (
( new CreateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizeFree" )
-> withDescription ( null )
-> withSharedFreeCurrency ( False )
-> withPlatformSetting ( null )
-> withDepositBalanceScript ( null )
-> withWithdrawBalanceScript ( null )
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log: \n amespace1" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
CreateNamespaceResult result = client . createNamespace (
new CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizeFree" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withSharedFreeCurrency ( false )
. withPlatformSetting ( null )
. withDepositBalanceScript ( null )
. withWithdrawBalanceScript ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . CreateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithName ( "namespace1" )
. WithCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizeFree" )
. WithDescription ( null )
. WithSharedFreeCurrency ( false )
. WithPlatformSetting ( null )
. WithDepositBalanceScript ( null )
. WithWithdrawBalanceScript ( null )
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createNamespace (
new Gs2Money2 . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizeFree" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withSharedFreeCurrency ( false )
. withPlatformSetting ( null )
. withDepositBalanceScript ( null )
. withWithdrawBalanceScript ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2Money2 . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_namespace (
money2 . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_currency_usage_priority ( 'PrioritizeFree' )
. with_description ( None )
. with_shared_free_currency ( False )
. with_platform_setting ( None )
. with_deposit_balance_script ( None )
. with_withdraw_balance_script ( None )
. with_log_setting (
money2 . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.create_namespace ({
name = "namespace1" ,
currencyUsagePriority = "PrioritizeFree" ,
description = nil ,
sharedFreeCurrency = false ,
platformSetting = nil ,
depositBalanceScript = nil ,
withdrawBalanceScript = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.create_namespace_async ({
name = "namespace1" ,
currencyUsagePriority = "PrioritizeFree" ,
description = nil ,
sharedFreeCurrency = false ,
platformSetting = nil ,
depositBalanceScript = nil ,
withdrawBalanceScript = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getNamespaceStatus ネームスペースの状態を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespaceStatus (
& money2 . GetNamespaceStatusRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
status := result . Status
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespaceStatus (
( new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$status = $result -> getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceStatusResult result = client . getNamespaceStatus (
new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
String status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetNamespaceStatusResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var status = result . Status ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2Money2 . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace_status (
money2 . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
status = result . status
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_namespace_status ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_status_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
getNamespace ネームスペースを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespace (
& money2 . GetNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespace (
( new GetNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceResult result = client . getNamespace (
new GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespace (
new Gs2Money2 . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace (
money2 . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateNamespace ネームスペースを更新
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 currencyUsagePriority enum { “PrioritizeFree”, “PrioritizePaid” } ✓ ~ 128文字 消費優先度 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 platformSetting PlatformSetting ✓ ストアプラットフォーム設定 depositBalanceScript ScriptSetting ウォレット残高を加算したときに実行するスクリプト withdrawBalanceScript ScriptSetting ウォレット残高を消費したときに実行するスクリプト logSetting LogSetting ログの出力設定
currencyUsagePriority に指定する列挙型の定義 定義 説明 PrioritizeFree 無償通貨を優先して使用する PrioritizePaid 有償通貨を優先して使用する
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateNamespace (
& money2 . UpdateNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
CurrencyUsagePriority : pointy . String ( "PrioritizePaid" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
PlatformSetting : & money2 . PlatformSetting {
AppleAppStore : money2 . AppleAppStoreSetting {
BundleId : pointy . String ( "io.gs2.sample" ),
GooglePlay : money2 . GooglePlaySetting {
PackageName : pointy . String ( "io.gs2.sample" ),
PublicKey : pointy . String ( "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB" ),
Fake : money2 . FakeSetting {
AcceptFakeReceipt : pointy . String ( "Accept" ),
DepositBalanceScript : & money2 . ScriptSetting {
TriggerScriptId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1003" ),
DoneTriggerScriptId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1004" ),
WithdrawBalanceScript : & money2 . ScriptSetting {
TriggerScriptId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1005" ),
DoneTriggerScriptId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1006" ),
LogSetting : & money2 . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateNamespace (
( new UpdateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizePaid" )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
-> withPlatformSetting (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\PlatformSetting ())
-> withAppleAppStore (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\AppleAppStoreSetting ())
-> withBundleId ( "io.gs2.sample" ))
-> withGooglePlay (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\GooglePlaySetting ())
-> withPackageName ( "io.gs2.sample" )
-> withPublicKey ( "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB" ))
-> withFake (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\FakeSetting ())
-> withAcceptFakeReceipt ( "Accept" )))
-> withDepositBalanceScript (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\ScriptSetting ())
-> withTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script: \n amespace1:script:script-1003" )
-> withDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script: \n amespace1:script:script-1004" ))
-> withWithdrawBalanceScript (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\ScriptSetting ())
-> withTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script: \n amespace1:script:script-1005" )
-> withDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script: \n amespace1:script:script-1006" ))
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log: \n amespace1" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateNamespaceResult result = client . updateNamespace (
new UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizePaid" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withPlatformSetting ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . PlatformSetting ()
. withAppleAppStore ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . AppleAppStoreSetting ()
. withBundleId ( "io.gs2.sample" ))
. withGooglePlay ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . GooglePlaySetting ()
. withPackageName ( "io.gs2.sample" )
. withPublicKey ( "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB" ))
. withFake ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . FakeSetting ()
. withAcceptFakeReceipt ( "Accept" )))
. withDepositBalanceScript ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . ScriptSetting ()
. withTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1003" )
. withDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1004" ))
. withWithdrawBalanceScript ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . ScriptSetting ()
. withTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1005" )
. withDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1006" ))
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . UpdateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizePaid" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" )
. WithPlatformSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . PlatformSetting ()
. WithAppleAppStore ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . AppleAppStoreSetting ()
. WithBundleId ( "io.gs2.sample" ))
. WithGooglePlay ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . GooglePlaySetting ()
. WithPackageName ( "io.gs2.sample" )
. WithPublicKey ( "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB" ))
. WithFake ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . FakeSetting ()
. WithAcceptFakeReceipt ( "Accept" )))
. WithDepositBalanceScript ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . ScriptSetting ()
. WithTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1003" )
. WithDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1004" ))
. WithWithdrawBalanceScript ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . ScriptSetting ()
. WithTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1005" )
. WithDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1006" ))
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateNamespace (
new Gs2Money2 . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrencyUsagePriority ( "PrioritizePaid" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withPlatformSetting ( new Gs2Money2 . model . PlatformSetting ()
. withAppleAppStore ( new Gs2Money2 . model . AppleAppStoreSetting ()
. withBundleId ( "io.gs2.sample" ))
. withGooglePlay ( new Gs2Money2 . model . GooglePlaySetting ()
. withPackageName ( "io.gs2.sample" )
. withPublicKey ( "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB" ))
. withFake ( new Gs2Money2 . model . FakeSetting ()
. withAcceptFakeReceipt ( "Accept" )))
. withDepositBalanceScript ( new Gs2Money2 . model . ScriptSetting ()
. withTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1003" )
. withDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1004" ))
. withWithdrawBalanceScript ( new Gs2Money2 . model . ScriptSetting ()
. withTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1005" )
. withDoneTriggerScriptId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1006" ))
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2Money2 . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_namespace (
money2 . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_currency_usage_priority ( 'PrioritizePaid' )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
. with_platform_setting (
money2 . PlatformSetting ()
. with_apple_app_store ( money2 . AppleAppStoreSetting ()
. with_bundle_id ( 'io.gs2.sample' ))
. with_google_play ( money2 . GooglePlaySetting ()
. with_package_name ( 'io.gs2.sample' )
. with_public_key ( 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB' ))
. with_fake ( money2 . FakeSetting ()
. with_accept_fake_receipt ( 'Accept' )))
. with_deposit_balance_script (
money2 . ScriptSetting ()
. with_trigger_script_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1003' )
. with_done_trigger_script_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1004' ))
. with_withdraw_balance_script (
money2 . ScriptSetting ()
. with_trigger_script_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1005' )
. with_done_trigger_script_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1006' ))
. with_log_setting (
money2 . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.update_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
currencyUsagePriority = "PrioritizePaid" ,
description = "description1" ,
platformSetting = {
appleAppStore = {
bundleId = "io.gs2.sample" ,
googlePlay = {
packageName = "io.gs2.sample" ,
publicKey = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB" ,
fake = {
acceptFakeReceipt = "Accept" ,
depositBalanceScript = {
triggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1003" ,
doneTriggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1004" ,
withdrawBalanceScript = {
triggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1005" ,
doneTriggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1006" ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.update_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
currencyUsagePriority = "PrioritizePaid" ,
description = "description1" ,
platformSetting = {
appleAppStore = {
bundleId = "io.gs2.sample" ,
googlePlay = {
packageName = "io.gs2.sample" ,
publicKey = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAicE6mZuA6w39F+xhKQfn+KJw9AVxLuwsJGS8oTRj8K9IPTfs4BVuVLYkgxz7qA0ltO20X2Xvkf/lRfZJBLlwMa1PihXv96/sipj6FPu7xsqlvvaPmDi5JT5+8XirE33M8ezR5M7QlUoNHOuELT+DGxbnFn1s/A3bGI58SYqLzQvoqrEDGHKfKsCtP5ncX1ZwF8AFvk5WQlK5W3wkkrZXrbJbBsfur+5hWpVg5qS+dXAKSrKPfPmq9Fn11rhMDutGmm8BQ+/fDMz5jiuAVWcSjhEn7HI473es7dquQ7OO4NZJ0R9vkpTiQUzrEdnforr51du0riegjJOLTQtXAKLOIQIDAQAB" ,
fake = {
acceptFakeReceipt = "Accept" ,
depositBalanceScript = {
triggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1003" ,
doneTriggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1004" ,
withdrawBalanceScript = {
triggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1005" ,
doneTriggerScriptId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:script:namespace1:script:script-1006" ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteNamespace ネームスペースを削除
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteNamespace (
& money2 . DeleteNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteNamespace (
( new DeleteNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteNamespaceResult result = client . deleteNamespace (
new DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DeleteNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteNamespace (
new Gs2Money2 . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_namespace (
money2 . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.delete_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
dumpUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DumpUserDataByUserId (
& money2 . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> dumpUserDataByUserId (
( new DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DumpUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . dumpUserDataByUserId (
new DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DumpUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . dumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . dump_user_data_by_user_id (
money2 . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.dump_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.dump_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkDumpUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプが完了しているか確認
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckDumpUserDataByUserId (
& money2 . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
url := result . Url
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$url = $result -> getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
new CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckDumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var url = result . Url ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_dump_user_data_by_user_id (
money2 . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
url = result . url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.check_dump_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.check_dump_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
cleanUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CleanUserDataByUserId (
& money2 . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> cleanUserDataByUserId (
( new CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.CleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
CleanUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . cleanUserDataByUserId (
new CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.CleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . CleanUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . cleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . clean_user_data_by_user_id (
money2 . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.clean_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.clean_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkCleanUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプが完了しているか確認
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckCleanUserDataByUserId (
& money2 . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
new CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckCleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_clean_user_data_by_user_id (
money2 . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.check_clean_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.check_clean_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
prepareImportUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのインポートを開始
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 型 説明 uploadToken string アップロード後に結果を反映する際に使用するトークン uploadUrl string ユーザーデータアップロード処理の実行に使用するURL
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . PrepareImportUserDataByUserId (
& money2 . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
uploadToken := result . UploadToken
uploadUrl := result . UploadUrl
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
( new PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$uploadToken = $result -> getUploadToken ();
$uploadUrl = $result -> getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String uploadToken = result . getUploadToken ();
String uploadUrl = result . getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . PrepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var uploadToken = result . UploadToken ;
var uploadUrl = result . UploadUrl ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const uploadToken = result . getUploadToken ();
const uploadUrl = result . getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id (
money2 . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
upload_token = result . upload_token
upload_url = result . upload_url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
uploadToken = result.uploadToken ;
uploadUrl = result.uploadUrl ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
uploadToken = result.uploadToken ;
uploadUrl = result.uploadUrl ;
importUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのインポートを開始
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID uploadToken string ✓ ~ 1024文字 アップロード準備で受け取ったトークン timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . ImportUserDataByUserId (
& money2 . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
UploadToken : pointy . String ( "upload-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> importUserDataByUserId (
( new ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.ImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
ImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . importUserDataByUserId (
new ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.ImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . ImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . ImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . importUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . import_user_data_by_user_id (
money2 . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_upload_token ( 'upload-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkImportUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのインポートが完了しているか確認
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID uploadToken string ✓ ~ 1024文字 アップロード準備で受け取ったトークン timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckImportUserDataByUserId (
& money2 . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
UploadToken : pointy . String ( "upload-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
url := result . Url
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkImportUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$url = $result -> getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkImportUserDataByUserId (
new CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var url = result . Url ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_import_user_data_by_user_id (
money2 . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_upload_token ( 'upload-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
url = result . url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.check_import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.check_import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
describeWallets ウォレット一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 accessToken string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数
Result 型 説明 items List<Wallet> ウォレットのリスト nextPageToken string リストの続きを取得するためのページトークン
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeWallets (
& money2 . DescribeWalletsRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeWalletsRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeWallets (
( new DescribeWalletsRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withAccessToken ( self :: $accessToken0001 )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeWalletsRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeWalletsResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeWalletsResult result = client . describeWallets (
new DescribeWalletsRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < Wallet > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeWalletsRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeWalletsResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeWalletsResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeWallets (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeWalletsRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeWallets (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeWalletsRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_wallets (
money2 . DescribeWalletsRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_access_token ( self . access_token_0001 )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_wallets ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_wallets_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
describeWalletsByUserId ユーザーIDを指定してウォレット一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数 timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 型 説明 items List<Wallet> ウォレットのリスト nextPageToken string リストの続きを取得するためのページトークン
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeWalletsByUserId (
& money2 . DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeWalletsByUserId (
( new DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeWalletsByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeWalletsByUserIdResult result = client . describeWalletsByUserId (
new DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
List < Wallet > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeWalletsByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeWalletsByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeWalletsByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeWalletsByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_wallets_by_user_id (
money2 . DescribeWalletsByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_wallets_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_wallets_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
getWallet ウォレットを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 accessToken string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID slot int ✓ ~ 100000000 スロット番号
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetWallet (
& money2 . GetWalletRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
Slot : pointy . Int32 ( 0 ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetWalletRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getWallet (
( new GetWalletRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withAccessToken ( self :: $accessToken0001 )
-> withSlot ( 0 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetWalletRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetWalletResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetWalletResult result = client . getWallet (
new GetWalletRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
Wallet item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetWalletRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetWalletResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetWalletResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetWallet (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetWalletRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithSlot ( 0 ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getWallet (
new Gs2Money2 . GetWalletRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_wallet (
money2 . GetWalletRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_access_token ( self . access_token_0001 )
. with_slot ( 0 )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_wallet ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_wallet_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getWalletByUserId ユーザーIDを指定してウォレットを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID slot int ✓ ~ 100000000 スロット番号 timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetWalletByUserId (
& money2 . GetWalletByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
Slot : pointy . Int32 ( 0 ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetWalletByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getWalletByUserId (
( new GetWalletByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withSlot ( 0 )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetWalletByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetWalletByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetWalletByUserIdResult result = client . getWalletByUserId (
new GetWalletByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Wallet item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetWalletByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetWalletByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetWalletByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetWalletByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetWalletByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithSlot ( 0 )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getWalletByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . GetWalletByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_wallet_by_user_id (
money2 . GetWalletByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_slot ( 0 )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_wallet_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_wallet_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
depositByUserId ユーザーIDを指定してウォレットに残高を加算
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID slot int ✓ ~ 100000000 スロット番号 depositTransactions List<DepositTransaction> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items 入金トランザクションリスト timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DepositByUserId (
& money2 . DepositByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
Slot : pointy . Int32 ( 0 ),
DepositTransactions : [] money2 . DepositTransaction {
money2 . DepositTransaction {
Price : pointy . Float32 ( 120 ),
Currency : pointy . String ( "JPY" ),
Count : pointy . Int32 ( 50 ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DepositByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> depositByUserId (
( new DepositByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withSlot ( 0 )
-> withDepositTransactions ([
( new DepositTransaction ())
-> withPrice ( 120 )
-> withCurrency ( "JPY" )
-> withCount ( 50 ),
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DepositByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DepositByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DepositByUserIdResult result = client . depositByUserId (
new DepositByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withDepositTransactions ( Arrays . asList (
new DepositTransaction ()
. withPrice ( 120f )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
. withCount ( 50 )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Wallet item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DepositByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DepositByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DepositByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DepositByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DepositByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithSlot ( 0 )
. WithDepositTransactions ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . DepositTransaction [] {
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . DepositTransaction ()
. WithPrice ( 120f )
. WithCurrency ( "JPY" )
. WithCount ( 50 ),
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . depositByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . DepositByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withDepositTransactions ([
new Gs2Money2 . model . DepositTransaction ()
. withPrice ( 120 )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
. withCount ( 50 ),
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . deposit_by_user_id (
money2 . DepositByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_slot ( 0 )
. with_deposit_transactions ([
money2 . DepositTransaction ()
. with_price ( 120 )
. with_currency ( 'JPY' )
. with_count ( 50 ),
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.deposit_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
depositTransactions = {
price = 120 ,
currency = "JPY" ,
count = 50 ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.deposit_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
depositTransactions = {
price = 120 ,
currency = "JPY" ,
count = 50 ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdraw ウォレットから残高を消費
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 accessToken string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID slot int ✓ ~ 100000000 スロット番号 withdrawCount int ✓ 1 ~ 2147483646 消費する課金通貨の数量 paidOnly bool ✓ false 有償課金通貨のみを対象とするか
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . Withdraw (
& money2 . WithdrawRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
Slot : pointy . Int32 ( 0 ),
WithdrawCount : pointy . Int32 ( 50 ),
PaidOnly : pointy . Bool ( false ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
withdrawTransactions := result . WithdrawTransactions
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\WithdrawRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> withdraw (
( new WithdrawRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withAccessToken ( self :: $accessToken0001 )
-> withSlot ( 0 )
-> withWithdrawCount ( 50 )
-> withPaidOnly ( False )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$withdrawTransactions = $result -> getWithdrawTransactions ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.WithdrawRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.WithdrawResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
WithdrawResult result = client . withdraw (
new WithdrawRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withWithdrawCount ( 50 )
. withPaidOnly ( false )
Wallet item = result . getItem ();
List < DepositTransaction > withdrawTransactions = result . getWithdrawTransactions ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.WithdrawRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.WithdrawResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . WithdrawResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . Withdraw (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . WithdrawRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithSlot ( 0 )
. WithWithdrawCount ( 50 )
. WithPaidOnly ( false ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var withdrawTransactions = result . WithdrawTransactions ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . withdraw (
new Gs2Money2 . WithdrawRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withWithdrawCount ( 50 )
. withPaidOnly ( false )
const item = result . getItem ();
const withdrawTransactions = result . getWithdrawTransactions ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . withdraw (
money2 . WithdrawRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_access_token ( self . access_token_0001 )
. with_slot ( 0 )
. with_withdraw_count ( 50 )
. with_paid_only ( False )
item = result . item
withdraw_transactions = result . withdraw_transactions
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.withdraw ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
withdrawCount = 50 ,
paidOnly = false ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdrawTransactions = result.withdrawTransactions ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.withdraw_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
withdrawCount = 50 ,
paidOnly = false ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdrawTransactions = result.withdrawTransactions ;
withdrawByUserId ユーザーIDを指定してウォレットから残高を消費
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID slot int ✓ ~ 100000000 スロット番号 withdrawCount int ✓ 1 ~ 2147483646 消費する課金通貨の数量 paidOnly bool ✓ false 有償課金通貨のみを対象とするか timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . WithdrawByUserId (
& money2 . WithdrawByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
Slot : pointy . Int32 ( 0 ),
WithdrawCount : pointy . Int32 ( 50 ),
PaidOnly : pointy . Bool ( false ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
withdrawTransactions := result . WithdrawTransactions
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\WithdrawByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> withdrawByUserId (
( new WithdrawByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withSlot ( 0 )
-> withWithdrawCount ( 50 )
-> withPaidOnly ( False )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$withdrawTransactions = $result -> getWithdrawTransactions ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.WithdrawByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.WithdrawByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
WithdrawByUserIdResult result = client . withdrawByUserId (
new WithdrawByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withWithdrawCount ( 50 )
. withPaidOnly ( false )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Wallet item = result . getItem ();
List < DepositTransaction > withdrawTransactions = result . getWithdrawTransactions ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.WithdrawByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.WithdrawByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . WithdrawByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . WithdrawByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . WithdrawByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithSlot ( 0 )
. WithWithdrawCount ( 50 )
. WithPaidOnly ( false )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var withdrawTransactions = result . WithdrawTransactions ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . withdrawByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . WithdrawByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withSlot ( 0 )
. withWithdrawCount ( 50 )
. withPaidOnly ( false )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const withdrawTransactions = result . getWithdrawTransactions ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . withdraw_by_user_id (
money2 . WithdrawByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_slot ( 0 )
. with_withdraw_count ( 50 )
. with_paid_only ( False )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
withdraw_transactions = result . withdraw_transactions
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.withdraw_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
withdrawCount = 50 ,
paidOnly = false ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdrawTransactions = result.withdrawTransactions ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.withdraw_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
slot = 0 ,
withdrawCount = 50 ,
paidOnly = false ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdrawTransactions = result.withdrawTransactions ;
depositByStampSheet 入手アクションとしてウォレットに残高の加算を実行
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 stampSheet string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 トランザクション keyId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 暗号鍵GRN
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DepositByStampSheet (
& money2 . DepositByStampSheetRequest {
StampSheet : pointy . String ( "stampSheet" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DepositByStampSheetRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> depositByStampSheet (
( new DepositByStampSheetRequest ())
-> withStampSheet ( self :: stampSheet )
-> withKeyId ( self :: key - 0001 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DepositByStampSheetRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DepositByStampSheetResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DepositByStampSheetResult result = client . depositByStampSheet (
new DepositByStampSheetRequest ()
. withStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
Wallet item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DepositByStampSheetRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DepositByStampSheetResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DepositByStampSheetResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DepositByStampSheet (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DepositByStampSheetRequest ()
. WithStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. WithKeyId ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . depositByStampSheet (
new Gs2Money2 . DepositByStampSheetRequest ()
. withStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . deposit_by_stamp_sheet (
money2 . DepositByStampSheetRequest ()
. with_stamp_sheet ( self . stamp_sheet )
. with_key_id ( self . key1 . key_id )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.deposit_by_stamp_sheet ({
stampSheet = "stampSheet" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.deposit_by_stamp_sheet_async ({
stampSheet = "stampSheet" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdrawByStampTask 消費アクションとしてウォレットから残高の消費を実行
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 stampTask string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 消費アクション keyId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 暗号鍵GRN
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . WithdrawByStampTask (
& money2 . WithdrawByStampTaskRequest {
StampTask : pointy . String ( "stampTask" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
withdrawTransactions := result . WithdrawTransactions
newContextStack := result . NewContextStack
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> withdrawByStampTask (
( new WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ())
-> withStampTask ( self :: stampTask )
-> withKeyId ( self :: key - 0001 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$withdrawTransactions = $result -> getWithdrawTransactions ();
$newContextStack = $result -> getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.WithdrawByStampTaskResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
WithdrawByStampTaskResult result = client . withdrawByStampTask (
new WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ()
. withStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
Wallet item = result . getItem ();
List < DepositTransaction > withdrawTransactions = result . getWithdrawTransactions ();
String newContextStack = result . getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.WithdrawByStampTaskResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . WithdrawByStampTaskResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . WithdrawByStampTask (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ()
. WithStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. WithKeyId ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var withdrawTransactions = result . WithdrawTransactions ;
var newContextStack = result . NewContextStack ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . withdrawByStampTask (
new Gs2Money2 . WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ()
. withStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
const withdrawTransactions = result . getWithdrawTransactions ();
const newContextStack = result . getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . withdraw_by_stamp_task (
money2 . WithdrawByStampTaskRequest ()
. with_stamp_task ( self . stamp_task )
. with_key_id ( self . key1 . key_id )
item = result . item
withdraw_transactions = result . withdraw_transactions
new_context_stack = result . new_context_stack
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.withdraw_by_stamp_task ({
stampTask = "stampTask" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdrawTransactions = result.withdrawTransactions ;
newContextStack = result.newContextStack ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.withdraw_by_stamp_task_async ({
stampTask = "stampTask" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
withdrawTransactions = result.withdrawTransactions ;
newContextStack = result.newContextStack ;
describeEventsByUserId イベントの一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID begin long ✓ 現在時刻からの差分(-30日) 検索開始日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) end long ✓ 現在時刻 検索終了日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数 timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 型 説明 items List<Event> イベントのリスト nextPageToken string リストの続きを取得するためのページトークン
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeEventsByUserId (
& money2 . DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
Begin : nil ,
End : nil ,
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeEventsByUserId (
( new DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withBegin ( null )
-> withEnd ( null )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeEventsByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeEventsByUserIdResult result = client . describeEventsByUserId (
new DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withBegin ( null )
. withEnd ( null )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
List < Event > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeEventsByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeEventsByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeEventsByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithBegin ( null )
. WithEnd ( null )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeEventsByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withBegin ( null )
. withEnd ( null )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_events_by_user_id (
money2 . DescribeEventsByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_begin ( None )
. with_end ( None )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_events_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
begin = nil ,
end = nil ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_events_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
begin = nil ,
end = nil ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
getEventByTransactionId トランザクションIDを指定してイベントを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 transactionId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 トランザクションID
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetEventByTransactionId (
& money2 . GetEventByTransactionIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
TransactionId : pointy . String ( "transaction-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getEventByTransactionId (
( new GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withTransactionId ( "transaction-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetEventByTransactionIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetEventByTransactionIdResult result = client . getEventByTransactionId (
new GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withTransactionId ( "transaction-0001" )
Event item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetEventByTransactionIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetEventByTransactionIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetEventByTransactionId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithTransactionId ( "transaction-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getEventByTransactionId (
new Gs2Money2 . GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withTransactionId ( "transaction-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_event_by_transaction_id (
money2 . GetEventByTransactionIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_transaction_id ( 'transaction-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_event_by_transaction_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
transactionId = "transaction-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_event_by_transaction_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
transactionId = "transaction-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
verifyReceipt レシートを使用済み化
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 accessToken string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID contentName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名 receipt Receipt ✓ レシート
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . VerifyReceipt (
& money2 . VerifyReceiptRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
ContentName : pointy . String ( "content-0001" ),
Receipt : & money2 . Receipt {
Store : pointy . String ( "AppleAppStore" ),
TransactionID : pointy . String ( "transaction-0001" ),
Payload : pointy . String ( "payload" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\VerifyReceiptRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> verifyReceipt (
( new VerifyReceiptRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withAccessToken ( self :: $accessToken0001 )
-> withContentName ( "content-0001" )
-> withReceipt (( new Receipt ())
-> withStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
-> withTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
-> withPayload ( "payload" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.VerifyReceiptRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.VerifyReceiptResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
VerifyReceiptResult result = client . verifyReceipt (
new VerifyReceiptRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
. withReceipt ( new Receipt ()
. withStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
. withTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
. withPayload ( "payload" )
Event item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.VerifyReceiptRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.VerifyReceiptResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . VerifyReceiptResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . VerifyReceipt (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . VerifyReceiptRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithContentName ( "content-0001" )
. WithReceipt ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . Receipt ()
. WithStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
. WithTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
. WithPayload ( "payload" )
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . verifyReceipt (
new Gs2Money2 . VerifyReceiptRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
. withReceipt ( new Gs2Money2 . model . Receipt ()
. withStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
. withTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
. withPayload ( "payload" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . verify_receipt (
money2 . VerifyReceiptRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_access_token ( self . access_token_0001 )
. with_content_name ( 'content-0001' )
. with_receipt ( money2 . Receipt ()
. with_store ( 'AppleAppStore' )
. with_transaction_i_d ( 'transaction-0001' )
. with_payload ( 'payload' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.verify_receipt ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
receipt = {
store = "AppleAppStore" ,
transaction_i_d = "transaction-0001" ,
payload = "payload" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.verify_receipt_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
receipt = {
store = "AppleAppStore" ,
transaction_i_d = "transaction-0001" ,
payload = "payload" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
verifyReceiptByUserId ユーザーIDを指定してレシートを使用済み化
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID contentName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名 receipt Receipt ✓ レシート timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . VerifyReceiptByUserId (
& money2 . VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
ContentName : pointy . String ( "content-0001" ),
Receipt : & money2 . Receipt {
Store : pointy . String ( "AppleAppStore" ),
TransactionID : pointy . String ( "transaction-0001" ),
Payload : pointy . String ( "payload" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> verifyReceiptByUserId (
( new VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withContentName ( "content-0001" )
-> withReceipt (( new Receipt ())
-> withStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
-> withTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
-> withPayload ( "payload" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.VerifyReceiptByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
VerifyReceiptByUserIdResult result = client . verifyReceiptByUserId (
new VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
. withReceipt ( new Receipt ()
. withStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
. withTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
. withPayload ( "payload" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Event item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.VerifyReceiptByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . VerifyReceiptByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . VerifyReceiptByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithContentName ( "content-0001" )
. WithReceipt ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . Receipt ()
. WithStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
. WithTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
. WithPayload ( "payload" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . verifyReceiptByUserId (
new Gs2Money2 . VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
. withReceipt ( new Gs2Money2 . model . Receipt ()
. withStore ( "AppleAppStore" )
. withTransactionID ( "transaction-0001" )
. withPayload ( "payload" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . verify_receipt_by_user_id (
money2 . VerifyReceiptByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_content_name ( 'content-0001' )
. with_receipt ( money2 . Receipt ()
. with_store ( 'AppleAppStore' )
. with_transaction_i_d ( 'transaction-0001' )
. with_payload ( 'payload' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.verify_receipt_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
receipt = {
store = "AppleAppStore" ,
transaction_i_d = "transaction-0001" ,
payload = "payload" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.verify_receipt_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
receipt = {
store = "AppleAppStore" ,
transaction_i_d = "transaction-0001" ,
payload = "payload" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
verifyReceiptByStampTask 消費アクションとしてレシートの使用済み化を実行
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 stampTask string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 消費アクション keyId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 暗号鍵GRN
Result 型 説明 item Event イベント newContextStack string 消費アクションの実行結果を記録したコンテキスト
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . VerifyReceiptByStampTask (
& money2 . VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest {
StampTask : pointy . String ( "stampTask" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
newContextStack := result . NewContextStack
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> verifyReceiptByStampTask (
( new VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ())
-> withStampTask ( self :: stampTask )
-> withKeyId ( self :: key - 0001 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$newContextStack = $result -> getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.VerifyReceiptByStampTaskResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
VerifyReceiptByStampTaskResult result = client . verifyReceiptByStampTask (
new VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ()
. withStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
Event item = result . getItem ();
String newContextStack = result . getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.VerifyReceiptByStampTaskResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . VerifyReceiptByStampTaskResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . VerifyReceiptByStampTask (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ()
. WithStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. WithKeyId ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var newContextStack = result . NewContextStack ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . verifyReceiptByStampTask (
new Gs2Money2 . VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ()
. withStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
const newContextStack = result . getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . verify_receipt_by_stamp_task (
money2 . VerifyReceiptByStampTaskRequest ()
. with_stamp_task ( self . stamp_task )
. with_key_id ( self . key1 . key_id )
item = result . item
new_context_stack = result . new_context_stack
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.verify_receipt_by_stamp_task ({
stampTask = "stampTask" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
newContextStack = result.newContextStack ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.verify_receipt_by_stamp_task_async ({
stampTask = "stampTask" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
newContextStack = result.newContextStack ;
describeStoreContentModels ストアコンテンツモデルの一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeStoreContentModels (
& money2 . DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeStoreContentModels (
( new DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeStoreContentModelsResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeStoreContentModelsResult result = client . describeStoreContentModels (
new DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
List < StoreContentModel > items = result . getItems ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeStoreContentModelsResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeStoreContentModelsResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeStoreContentModels (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeStoreContentModels (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const items = result . getItems ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_store_content_models (
money2 . DescribeStoreContentModelsRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
items = result . items
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_store_content_models ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_store_content_models_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
getStoreContentModel ストアコンテンツモデルを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 contentName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetStoreContentModel (
& money2 . GetStoreContentModelRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
ContentName : pointy . String ( "content-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetStoreContentModelRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getStoreContentModel (
( new GetStoreContentModelRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withContentName ( "content-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetStoreContentModelRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetStoreContentModelResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetStoreContentModelResult result = client . getStoreContentModel (
new GetStoreContentModelRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
StoreContentModel item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetStoreContentModelRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetStoreContentModelResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetStoreContentModelResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetStoreContentModel (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetStoreContentModelRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithContentName ( "content-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getStoreContentModel (
new Gs2Money2 . GetStoreContentModelRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_store_content_model (
money2 . GetStoreContentModelRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_content_name ( 'content-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_store_content_model ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_store_content_model_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
describeStoreContentModelMasters ストアコンテンツマスターの一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeStoreContentModelMasters (
& money2 . DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeStoreContentModelMasters (
( new DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeStoreContentModelMastersResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeStoreContentModelMastersResult result = client . describeStoreContentModelMasters (
new DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < StoreContentModelMaster > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeStoreContentModelMastersResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeStoreContentModelMastersResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeStoreContentModelMasters (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeStoreContentModelMasters (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_store_content_model_masters (
money2 . DescribeStoreContentModelMastersRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_store_content_model_masters ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_store_content_model_masters_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createStoreContentModelMaster ストアコンテンツマスターを新規作成
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 name string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 metadata string ~ 1024文字 メタデータ appleAppStore AppleAppStoreContent Apple AppStore のコンテンツ googlePlay GooglePlayContent Google Play のコンテンツ
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateStoreContentModelMaster (
& money2 . CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Name : pointy . String ( "content-0001" ),
Description : nil ,
Metadata : nil ,
AppleAppStore : & money2 . AppleAppStoreContent {
ProductId : pointy . String ( "" ),
GooglePlay : & money2 . GooglePlayContent {
ProductId : pointy . String ( "" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createStoreContentModelMaster (
( new CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withName ( "content-0001" )
-> withDescription ( null )
-> withMetadata ( null )
-> withAppleAppStore (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\AppleAppStoreContent ())
-> withProductId ( "" ))
-> withGooglePlay (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\GooglePlayContent ())
-> withProductId ( "" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.CreateStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
CreateStoreContentModelMasterResult result = client . createStoreContentModelMaster (
new CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withName ( "content-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withMetadata ( null )
. withAppleAppStore ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
. withGooglePlay ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . GooglePlayContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
StoreContentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.CreateStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . CreateStoreContentModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithName ( "content-0001" )
. WithDescription ( null )
. WithMetadata ( null )
. WithAppleAppStore ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. WithProductId ( "" ))
. WithGooglePlay ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . GooglePlayContent ()
. WithProductId ( "" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2Money2 . CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withName ( "content-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withMetadata ( null )
. withAppleAppStore ( new Gs2Money2 . model . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
. withGooglePlay ( new Gs2Money2 . model . GooglePlayContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_store_content_model_master (
money2 . CreateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_name ( 'content-0001' )
. with_description ( None )
. with_metadata ( None )
. with_apple_app_store (
money2 . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. with_product_id ( '' ))
. with_google_play (
money2 . GooglePlayContent ()
. with_product_id ( '' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.create_store_content_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
name = "content-0001" ,
description = nil ,
metadata = nil ,
appleAppStore = {
productId = "" ,
googlePlay = {
productId = "" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.create_store_content_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
name = "content-0001" ,
description = nil ,
metadata = nil ,
appleAppStore = {
productId = "" ,
googlePlay = {
productId = "" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getStoreContentModelMaster ストアコンテンツマスターを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 contentName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetStoreContentModelMaster (
& money2 . GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
ContentName : pointy . String ( "content-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getStoreContentModelMaster (
( new GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withContentName ( "content-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetStoreContentModelMasterResult result = client . getStoreContentModelMaster (
new GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
StoreContentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetStoreContentModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithContentName ( "content-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2Money2 . GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_store_content_model_master (
money2 . GetStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_content_name ( 'content-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_store_content_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_store_content_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateStoreContentModelMaster ストアコンテンツマスターを更新
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 contentName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 metadata string ~ 1024文字 メタデータ appleAppStore AppleAppStoreContent Apple AppStore のコンテンツ googlePlay GooglePlayContent Google Play のコンテンツ
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateStoreContentModelMaster (
& money2 . UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
ContentName : pointy . String ( "content-0001" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
Metadata : nil ,
AppleAppStore : & money2 . AppleAppStoreContent {
ProductId : pointy . String ( "" ),
GooglePlay : & money2 . GooglePlayContent {
ProductId : pointy . String ( "" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateStoreContentModelMaster (
( new UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withContentName ( "content-0001" )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
-> withMetadata ( null )
-> withAppleAppStore (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\AppleAppStoreContent ())
-> withProductId ( "" ))
-> withGooglePlay (( new \Gs2\Money2\Model\GooglePlayContent ())
-> withProductId ( "" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.UpdateStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateStoreContentModelMasterResult result = client . updateStoreContentModelMaster (
new UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withMetadata ( null )
. withAppleAppStore ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
. withGooglePlay ( new io . gs2 . money2 . model . GooglePlayContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
StoreContentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.UpdateStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . UpdateStoreContentModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithContentName ( "content-0001" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" )
. WithMetadata ( null )
. WithAppleAppStore ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. WithProductId ( "" ))
. WithGooglePlay ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . GooglePlayContent ()
. WithProductId ( "" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2Money2 . UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withMetadata ( null )
. withAppleAppStore ( new Gs2Money2 . model . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
. withGooglePlay ( new Gs2Money2 . model . GooglePlayContent ()
. withProductId ( "" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_store_content_model_master (
money2 . UpdateStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_content_name ( 'content-0001' )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
. with_metadata ( None )
. with_apple_app_store (
money2 . AppleAppStoreContent ()
. with_product_id ( '' ))
. with_google_play (
money2 . GooglePlayContent ()
. with_product_id ( '' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.update_store_content_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
metadata = nil ,
appleAppStore = {
productId = "" ,
googlePlay = {
productId = "" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.update_store_content_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
metadata = nil ,
appleAppStore = {
productId = "" ,
googlePlay = {
productId = "" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteStoreContentModelMaster ストアコンテンツマスターを削除
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 contentName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ストアコンテンツモデル名
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteStoreContentModelMaster (
& money2 . DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
ContentName : pointy . String ( "content-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteStoreContentModelMaster (
( new DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withContentName ( "content-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DeleteStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteStoreContentModelMasterResult result = client . deleteStoreContentModelMaster (
new DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
StoreContentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DeleteStoreContentModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DeleteStoreContentModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithContentName ( "content-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteStoreContentModelMaster (
new Gs2Money2 . DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withContentName ( "content-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_store_content_model_master (
money2 . DeleteStoreContentModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_content_name ( 'content-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.delete_store_content_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_store_content_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
contentName = "content-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
exportMaster 現在有効なモデルマスターのマスターデータをエクスポート
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . ExportMaster (
& money2 . ExportMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\ExportMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> exportMaster (
( new ExportMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.ExportMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.ExportMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
ExportMasterResult result = client . exportMaster (
new ExportMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
CurrentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.ExportMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.ExportMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . ExportMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . ExportMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . ExportMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . exportMaster (
new Gs2Money2 . ExportMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . export_master (
money2 . ExportMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.export_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.export_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getCurrentModelMaster 現在有効なモデルマスターを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetCurrentModelMaster (
& money2 . GetCurrentModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getCurrentModelMaster (
( new GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetCurrentModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetCurrentModelMasterResult result = client . getCurrentModelMaster (
new GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
CurrentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetCurrentModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetCurrentModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetCurrentModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getCurrentModelMaster (
new Gs2Money2 . GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_current_model_master (
money2 . GetCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_current_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_current_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateCurrentModelMaster 現在有効なモデルマスターを更新
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 settings string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 マスターデータ
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateCurrentModelMaster (
& money2 . UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Settings : pointy . String ( "{\"version\": \"2024-06-20\", \"storeContentModels\": [{\"name\": \"content-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"content-0002\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"apple-only-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"google-only-0001\", \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}]}" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateCurrentModelMaster (
( new UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withSettings ( "{ \" version \" : \" 2024-06-20 \" , \" storeContentModels \" : [{ \" name \" : \" content-0001 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }, \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" content-0002 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }, \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" apple-only-0001 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" google-only-0001 \" , \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}]}" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.UpdateCurrentModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateCurrentModelMasterResult result = client . updateCurrentModelMaster (
new UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withSettings ( "{\"version\": \"2024-06-20\", \"storeContentModels\": [{\"name\": \"content-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"content-0002\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"apple-only-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"google-only-0001\", \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}]}" )
CurrentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.UpdateCurrentModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . UpdateCurrentModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateCurrentModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithSettings ( "{\"version\": \"2024-06-20\", \"storeContentModels\": [{\"name\": \"content-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"content-0002\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"apple-only-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"google-only-0001\", \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}]}" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateCurrentModelMaster (
new Gs2Money2 . UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withSettings ( "{\"version\": \"2024-06-20\", \"storeContentModels\": [{\"name\": \"content-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"content-0002\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}, \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"apple-only-0001\", \"appleAppStore\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}, {\"name\": \"google-only-0001\", \"googlePlay\": {\"productId\": \"\"}}]}" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_current_model_master (
money2 . UpdateCurrentModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_settings ( '{"version": "2024-06-20", "storeContentModels": [{"name": "content-0001", "appleAppStore": {"productId": ""}, "googlePlay": {"productId": ""}}, {"name": "content-0002", "appleAppStore": {"productId": ""}, "googlePlay": {"productId": ""}}, {"name": "apple-only-0001", "appleAppStore": {"productId": ""}}, {"name": "google-only-0001", "googlePlay": {"productId": ""}}]}' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.update_current_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
settings = "{ \" version \" : \" 2024-06-20 \" , \" storeContentModels \" : [{ \" name \" : \" content-0001 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }, \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" content-0002 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }, \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" apple-only-0001 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" google-only-0001 \" , \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}]}" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.update_current_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
settings = "{ \" version \" : \" 2024-06-20 \" , \" storeContentModels \" : [{ \" name \" : \" content-0001 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }, \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" content-0002 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }, \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" apple-only-0001 \" , \" appleAppStore \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}, { \" name \" : \" google-only-0001 \" , \" googlePlay \" : { \" productId \" : \" \" }}]}" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHub 現在有効なモデルマスターを更新
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 checkoutSetting GitHubCheckoutSetting ✓ GitHubからマスターデータをチェックアウトしてくる設定
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHub (
& money2 . UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
CheckoutSetting : & money2 . GitHubCheckoutSetting {
ApiKeyId : pointy . String ( "$gitHubApiKey1.apiKeyId" ),
RepositoryName : pointy . String ( "gs2io/master-data" ),
SourcePath : pointy . String ( "path/to/file.json" ),
ReferenceType : pointy . String ( "branch" ),
BranchName : pointy . String ( "develop" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHub (
( new UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withCheckoutSetting (( new GitHubCheckoutSetting ())
-> withApiKeyId ( self :: $gitHubApiKey1 . apiKeyId )
-> withRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
-> withSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
-> withReferenceType ( "branch" )
-> withBranchName ( "develop" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubResult result = client . updateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHub (
new UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCheckoutSetting ( new GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. withApiKeyId ( "$gitHubApiKey1.apiKeyId" )
. withRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
. withSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
. withReferenceType ( "branch" )
. withBranchName ( "develop" )
CurrentModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHub (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithCheckoutSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Model . GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. WithApiKeyId ( "$gitHubApiKey1.apiKeyId" )
. WithRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
. WithSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
. WithReferenceType ( "branch" )
. WithBranchName ( "develop" )
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHub (
new Gs2Money2 . UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCheckoutSetting ( new Gs2Money2 . model . GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. withApiKeyId ( "$gitHubApiKey1.apiKeyId" )
. withRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
. withSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
. withReferenceType ( "branch" )
. withBranchName ( "develop" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_current_model_master_from_git_hub (
money2 . UpdateCurrentModelMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_checkout_setting ( money2 . GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. with_api_key_id ( self . git_hub_api_key1 . api_key_id )
. with_repository_name ( 'gs2io/master-data' )
. with_source_path ( 'path/to/file.json' )
. with_reference_type ( 'branch' )
. with_branch_name ( 'develop' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.update_current_model_master_from_git_hub ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
checkoutSetting = {
api_key_id = "$gitHubApiKey1.apiKeyId" ,
repository_name = "gs2io/master-data" ,
source_path = "path/to/file.json" ,
reference_type = "branch" ,
branch_name = "develop" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.update_current_model_master_from_git_hub_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
checkoutSetting = {
api_key_id = "$gitHubApiKey1.apiKeyId" ,
repository_name = "gs2io/master-data" ,
source_path = "path/to/file.json" ,
reference_type = "branch" ,
branch_name = "develop" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
describeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrency 通貨を指定して日々の取引履歴の一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 currency string ✓ ~ 8文字 通貨コード year int ✓ 2000 ~ 3000 年 month int 1 ~ 12 月 pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrency (
& money2 . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Currency : pointy . String ( "JPY" ),
Year : pointy . Int32 ( 2024 ),
Month : pointy . Int32 ( 1 ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrency (
( new DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withCurrency ( "JPY" )
-> withYear ( 2024 )
-> withMonth ( 1 )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyResult result = client . describeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrency (
new DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
. withYear ( 2024 )
. withMonth ( 1 )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < DailyTransactionHistory > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrency (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithCurrency ( "JPY" )
. WithYear ( 2024 )
. WithMonth ( 1 )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrency (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
. withYear ( 2024 )
. withMonth ( 1 )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_daily_transaction_histories_by_currency (
money2 . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesByCurrencyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_currency ( 'JPY' )
. with_year ( 2024 )
. with_month ( 1 )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_daily_transaction_histories_by_currency ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
currency = "JPY" ,
year = 2024 ,
month = 1 ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_daily_transaction_histories_by_currency_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
currency = "JPY" ,
year = 2024 ,
month = 1 ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
describeDailyTransactionHistories 日々の取引履歴の一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 year int ✓ 2000 ~ 3000 年 month int 1 ~ 12 月 day int {month} > 0 1 ~ 31 日 pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeDailyTransactionHistories (
& money2 . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Year : pointy . Int32 ( 2024 ),
Month : pointy . Int32 ( 1 ),
Day : pointy . Int32 ( 2 ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeDailyTransactionHistories (
( new DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withYear ( 2024 )
-> withMonth ( 1 )
-> withDay ( 2 )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesResult result = client . describeDailyTransactionHistories (
new DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withYear ( 2024 )
. withMonth ( 1 )
. withDay ( 2 )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < DailyTransactionHistory > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeDailyTransactionHistories (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithYear ( 2024 )
. WithMonth ( 1 )
. WithDay ( 2 )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeDailyTransactionHistories (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withYear ( 2024 )
. withMonth ( 1 )
. withDay ( 2 )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_daily_transaction_histories (
money2 . DescribeDailyTransactionHistoriesRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_year ( 2024 )
. with_month ( 1 )
. with_day ( 2 )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_daily_transaction_histories ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
year = 2024 ,
month = 1 ,
day = 2 ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_daily_transaction_histories_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
year = 2024 ,
month = 1 ,
day = 2 ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
getDailyTransactionHistory トランザクションIDを指定して日々の取引履歴を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 year int ✓ 2000 ~ 3000 年 month int ✓ 1 ~ 12 月 day int ✓ 1 ~ 31 日 currency string ✓ ~ 8文字 通貨コード
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetDailyTransactionHistory (
& money2 . GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Year : pointy . Int32 ( 2024 ),
Month : pointy . Int32 ( 1 ),
Day : pointy . Int32 ( 2 ),
Currency : pointy . String ( "JPY" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getDailyTransactionHistory (
( new GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withYear ( 2024 )
-> withMonth ( 1 )
-> withDay ( 2 )
-> withCurrency ( "JPY" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetDailyTransactionHistoryResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetDailyTransactionHistoryResult result = client . getDailyTransactionHistory (
new GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withYear ( 2024 )
. withMonth ( 1 )
. withDay ( 2 )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
DailyTransactionHistory item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetDailyTransactionHistoryResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetDailyTransactionHistoryResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetDailyTransactionHistory (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithYear ( 2024 )
. WithMonth ( 1 )
. WithDay ( 2 )
. WithCurrency ( "JPY" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getDailyTransactionHistory (
new Gs2Money2 . GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withYear ( 2024 )
. withMonth ( 1 )
. withDay ( 2 )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_daily_transaction_history (
money2 . GetDailyTransactionHistoryRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_year ( 2024 )
. with_month ( 1 )
. with_day ( 2 )
. with_currency ( 'JPY' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_daily_transaction_history ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
year = 2024 ,
month = 1 ,
day = 2 ,
currency = "JPY" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_daily_transaction_history_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
year = 2024 ,
month = 1 ,
day = 2 ,
currency = "JPY" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
describeUnusedBalances 未使用残高の一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeUnusedBalances (
& money2 . DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeUnusedBalances (
( new DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.DescribeUnusedBalancesResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeUnusedBalancesResult result = client . describeUnusedBalances (
new DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < UnusedBalance > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.DescribeUnusedBalancesResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . DescribeUnusedBalancesResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeUnusedBalances (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeUnusedBalances (
new Gs2Money2 . DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_unused_balances (
money2 . DescribeUnusedBalancesRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.describe_unused_balances ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_unused_balances_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
getUnusedBalance トランザクションIDを指定して未使用残高を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペースの名前 currency string ✓ ~ 8文字 通貨コード
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetUnusedBalance (
& money2 . GetUnusedBalanceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Currency : pointy . String ( "JPY" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Money2\Gs2Money2RestClient ;
use Gs2\Money2\Request\GetUnusedBalanceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getUnusedBalance (
( new GetUnusedBalanceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withCurrency ( "JPY" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.money2.request.GetUnusedBalanceRequest ;
import io.gs2.money2.result.GetUnusedBalanceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2Money2RestClient client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
GetUnusedBalanceResult result = client . getUnusedBalance (
new GetUnusedBalanceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
UnusedBalance item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Gs2Money2RestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Request.GetUnusedBalanceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Money2.Result.GetUnusedBalanceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Result . GetUnusedBalanceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetUnusedBalance (
new Gs2 . Gs2Money2 . Request . GetUnusedBalanceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithCurrency ( "JPY" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Money2 from '@/gs2/money2' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getUnusedBalance (
new Gs2Money2 . GetUnusedBalanceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withCurrency ( "JPY" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import money2
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = money2 . Gs2Money2RestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_unused_balance (
money2 . GetUnusedBalanceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_currency ( 'JPY' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result = client.get_unused_balance ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
currency = "JPY" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'money2' )
api_result_handler = client.get_unused_balance_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
currency = "JPY" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;