GS2-JobQueue SDK API リファレンス モデル Namespace ネームスペース
ネームスペースは一つのプロジェクトで同じサービスを異なる用途で複数利用できるようにするための仕組みです。 GS2 のサービスは基本的にネームスペースというレイヤーがあり、ネームスペースが異なれば同じサービスでもまったく別のデータ空間として取り扱われます。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ネームスペースGRN name string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 enableAutoRun bool ✓ false 登録されたジョブをサーバーサイドで自動的に実行するか runNotification NotificationSetting ✓ ジョブキューのジョブが実行されたときのプッシュ通知 pushNotification NotificationSetting !{enableAutoRun} ジョブキューにジョブが登録されたときのプッシュ通知 logSetting LogSetting ログの出力設定 createdAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) updatedAt long ✓ 現在時刻 最終更新日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 リビジョン
Job ジョブ
ジョブキューとは直ちに処理を完了せず、処理を遅延実行するための仕組みです。 例えば、キャラクターを入手したときに直ちに実行しなければならない処理としては所持品にキャラクターを格納することです。 一方で、直ちに処理しなければならないわけではない処理として、図鑑に登録する
こういった直ちに処理するまでもない処理をジョブキューを経由して処理するようにすることで、障害に強い設計にすることができます。 なぜなら、図鑑サービスが何らかの障害によって止まっていたとしても、図鑑に登録されない状態でゲームを継続することができます。 ジョブキューに詰まれた処理は失敗しても、障害が解消した後でリトライすることで結果的に正しい状態にできます。
GS2 ではこのような 結果整合
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 jobId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ジョブGRN name string ✓ UUID ~ 36文字 ジョブの名前 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID scriptId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 スクリプトGRN args string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 引数 currentRetryCount int ✓ 0 ~ 100 現在のリトライ回数 maxTryCount int ✓ 3 1 ~ 100 最大試行回数 createdAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒) updatedAt long ✓ 現在時刻 最終更新日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒)
JobResult ジョブ実行結果
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 jobResultId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ジョブ実行結果GRN jobId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ジョブGRN scriptId string ~ 1024文字 スクリプトGRN args string ~ 5242880文字 引数 tryNumber int ✓ ~ 10000 試行回数 statusCode int ✓ ~ 1000 ステータスコード result string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 レスポンスの内容 tryAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒)
NotificationSetting プッシュ通知に関する設定
GS2 のマイクロサービス内で何らかのイベントが発生した際に、プッシュ通知を送信するための設定です。 ここでいうプッシュ通知は GS2-Gateway の提供する WebSocket インターフェースを経由した処理であり、スマートフォンのプッシュ通知とは性質が異なります。 たとえば、マッチメイキングが完了した時やフレンドリクエストが届いた時など、ゲームクライアントの操作とは関係なく状態が変化した際に GS2-Gateway を経由してプッシュ通知をすることで、ゲームクライアントは状態の変化を検知することができます。
GS2-Gateway のプッシュ通知は通知先のデバイスがオフラインだった時に追加の処理としてモバイルプッシュ通知を送信できます。 モバイルプッシュ通知をうまく利用すれば、マッチメイキング中にゲームを終了しても、モバイルプッシュ通知を使用してプレイヤーに通知し、ゲームに戻ってくるフローを実現できる可能性があります。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 gatewayNamespaceId string ✓ “grn:gs2:{region}:{ownerId}:gateway:default” ~ 1024文字 プッシュ通知に使用する GS2-Gateway のネームスペース enableTransferMobileNotification bool? false モバイルプッシュ通知へ転送するか sound string {enableTransferMobileNotification} == true ~ 1024文字 モバイルプッシュ通知で使用するサウンドファイル名
LogSetting ログの書き出し設定
ログデータの書き出し設定を管理します。この型は、ログデータを書き出すために使用されるログ名前空間の識別子(Namespace ID)を保持します。 ログ名前空間IDは、ログデータを集約し、保存する対象の GS2-Log の名前空間を指定します。 この設定を通じて、この名前空間以下のAPIリクエスト・レスポンスログデータが対象の GS2-Log へ出力されるようになります。 GS2-Log にはリアルタイムでログが提供され、システムの監視や分析、デバッグなどに利用できます。
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 loggingNamespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 ネームスペースGRN
JobEntry 登録ジョブ
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 scriptId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 スクリプトGRN args string ✓ “{}” ~ 131072文字 引数 maxTryCount int ✓ 3 ~ 100 最大試行回数
JobResultBody ジョブの実行結果
型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 tryNumber int ✓ 1 ~ 10000 試行回数 statusCode int ✓ ~ 1000 ステータスコード result string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 レスポンスの内容 tryAt long ✓ 現在時刻 作成日時 (UNIX時間 単位:ミリ秒)
メソッド describeNamespaces ネームスペースの一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeNamespaces (
& job_queue . DescribeNamespacesRequest {
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeNamespaces (
( new DescribeNamespacesRequest ())
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeNamespacesResult result = client . describeNamespaces (
new DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < Namespace > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . DescribeNamespacesResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeNamespaces (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeNamespaces (
new Gs2JobQueue . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_namespaces (
job_queue . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.describe_namespaces ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_namespaces_async ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createNamespace ネームスペースを新規作成
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 name string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 enableAutoRun bool ✓ false 登録されたジョブをサーバーサイドで自動的に実行するか pushNotification NotificationSetting !{enableAutoRun} ジョブキューにジョブが登録されたときのプッシュ通知 runNotification NotificationSetting ✓ ジョブキューのジョブが実行されたときのプッシュ通知 logSetting LogSetting ログの出力設定
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateNamespace (
& job_queue . CreateNamespaceRequest {
Name : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Description : nil ,
EnableAutoRun : nil ,
PushNotification : nil ,
RunNotification : nil ,
LogSetting : & jobQueue . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\CreateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createNamespace (
( new CreateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withDescription ( null )
-> withEnableAutoRun ( null )
-> withPushNotification ( null )
-> withRunNotification ( null )
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\JobQueue\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log: \n amespace1" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
CreateNamespaceResult result = client . createNamespace (
new CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace1" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withEnableAutoRun ( null )
. withPushNotification ( null )
. withRunNotification ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . jobQueue . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . CreateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithName ( "namespace1" )
. WithDescription ( null )
. WithEnableAutoRun ( null )
. WithPushNotification ( null )
. WithRunNotification ( null )
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createNamespace (
new Gs2JobQueue . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace1" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withEnableAutoRun ( null )
. withPushNotification ( null )
. withRunNotification ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2JobQueue . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_namespace (
job_queue . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_description ( None )
. with_enable_auto_run ( None )
. with_push_notification ( None )
. with_run_notification ( None )
. with_log_setting (
job_queue . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.create_namespace ({
name = "namespace1" ,
description = nil ,
enableAutoRun = nil ,
pushNotification = nil ,
runNotification = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.create_namespace_async ({
name = "namespace1" ,
description = nil ,
enableAutoRun = nil ,
pushNotification = nil ,
runNotification = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getNamespaceStatus ネームスペースの状態を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespaceStatus (
& job_queue . GetNamespaceStatusRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
status := result . Status
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespaceStatus (
( new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$status = $result -> getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceStatusResult result = client . getNamespaceStatus (
new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
String status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . GetNamespaceStatusResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var status = result . Status ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2JobQueue . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace_status (
job_queue . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
status = result . status
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.get_namespace_status ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_status_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
getNamespace ネームスペースを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespace (
& job_queue . GetNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\GetNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespace (
( new GetNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.GetNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceResult result = client . getNamespace (
new GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.GetNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . GetNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespace (
new Gs2JobQueue . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace (
job_queue . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.get_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateNamespace ネームスペースを更新
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 description string ~ 1024文字 説明文 enableAutoRun bool ✓ false 登録されたジョブをサーバーサイドで自動的に実行するか pushNotification NotificationSetting !{enableAutoRun} ジョブキューにジョブが登録されたときのプッシュ通知 runNotification NotificationSetting ✓ ジョブキューのジョブが実行されたときのプッシュ通知 logSetting LogSetting ログの出力設定
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateNamespace (
& job_queue . UpdateNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
EnableAutoRun : nil ,
PushNotification : nil ,
RunNotification : nil ,
LogSetting : & jobQueue . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateNamespace (
( new UpdateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
-> withEnableAutoRun ( null )
-> withPushNotification ( null )
-> withRunNotification ( null )
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\JobQueue\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log: \n amespace1" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateNamespaceResult result = client . updateNamespace (
new UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withEnableAutoRun ( null )
. withPushNotification ( null )
. withRunNotification ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . jobQueue . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . UpdateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" )
. WithEnableAutoRun ( null )
. WithPushNotification ( null )
. WithRunNotification ( null )
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateNamespace (
new Gs2JobQueue . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withEnableAutoRun ( null )
. withPushNotification ( null )
. withRunNotification ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2JobQueue . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_namespace (
job_queue . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
. with_enable_auto_run ( None )
. with_push_notification ( None )
. with_run_notification ( None )
. with_log_setting (
job_queue . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.update_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
description = "description1" ,
enableAutoRun = nil ,
pushNotification = nil ,
runNotification = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.update_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
description = "description1" ,
enableAutoRun = nil ,
pushNotification = nil ,
runNotification = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteNamespace ネームスペースを削除
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteNamespace (
& job_queue . DeleteNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteNamespace (
( new DeleteNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteNamespaceResult result = client . deleteNamespace (
new DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . DeleteNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteNamespace (
new Gs2JobQueue . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_namespace (
job_queue . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.delete_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
dumpUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DumpUserDataByUserId (
& job_queue . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> dumpUserDataByUserId (
( new DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.DumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
DumpUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . dumpUserDataByUserId (
new DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.DumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . DumpUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . dumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . dump_user_data_by_user_id (
job_queue . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.dump_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.dump_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkDumpUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプが完了しているか確認
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckDumpUserDataByUserId (
& job_queue . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
url := result . Url
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$url = $result -> getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
new CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckDumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var url = result . Url ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_dump_user_data_by_user_id (
job_queue . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
url = result . url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.check_dump_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.check_dump_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
cleanUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CleanUserDataByUserId (
& job_queue . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> cleanUserDataByUserId (
( new CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.CleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
CleanUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . cleanUserDataByUserId (
new CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.CleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . CleanUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . cleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . clean_user_data_by_user_id (
job_queue . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.clean_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.clean_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkCleanUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのダンプが完了しているか確認
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckCleanUserDataByUserId (
& job_queue . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
new CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckCleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_clean_user_data_by_user_id (
job_queue . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.check_clean_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.check_clean_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
prepareImportUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのインポートを開始
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 型 説明 uploadToken string アップロード後に結果を反映する際に使用するトークン uploadUrl string ユーザーデータアップロード処理の実行に使用するURL
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . PrepareImportUserDataByUserId (
& job_queue . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
uploadToken := result . UploadToken
uploadUrl := result . UploadUrl
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
( new PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$uploadToken = $result -> getUploadToken ();
$uploadUrl = $result -> getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String uploadToken = result . getUploadToken ();
String uploadUrl = result . getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . PrepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var uploadToken = result . UploadToken ;
var uploadUrl = result . UploadUrl ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const uploadToken = result . getUploadToken ();
const uploadUrl = result . getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id (
job_queue . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
upload_token = result . upload_token
upload_url = result . upload_url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
uploadToken = result.uploadToken ;
uploadUrl = result.uploadUrl ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
uploadToken = result.uploadToken ;
uploadUrl = result.uploadUrl ;
importUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのインポートを開始
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID uploadToken string ✓ ~ 1024文字 アップロード準備で受け取ったトークン timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . ImportUserDataByUserId (
& job_queue . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
UploadToken : pointy . String ( "upload-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> importUserDataByUserId (
( new ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.ImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
ImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . importUserDataByUserId (
new ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.ImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . ImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . ImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . importUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . import_user_data_by_user_id (
job_queue . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_upload_token ( 'upload-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkImportUserDataByUserId 指定したユーザーIDに紐づくデータのインポートが完了しているか確認
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID uploadToken string ✓ ~ 1024文字 アップロード準備で受け取ったトークン timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckImportUserDataByUserId (
& job_queue . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
UploadToken : pointy . String ( "upload-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
url := result . Url
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkImportUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$url = $result -> getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkImportUserDataByUserId (
new CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var url = result . Url ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_import_user_data_by_user_id (
job_queue . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_upload_token ( 'upload-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
url = result . url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.check_import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.check_import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
describeJobsByUserId ジョブの一覧を取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID pageToken string ~ 1024文字 データの取得を開始する位置を指定するトークン limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 データの取得件数 timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 型 説明 items List<Job> ジョブのリスト nextPageToken string リストの続きを取得するためのページトークン
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeJobsByUserId (
& job_queue . DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeJobsByUserId (
( new DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.DescribeJobsByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeJobsByUserIdResult result = client . describeJobsByUserId (
new DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
List < Job > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.DescribeJobsByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . DescribeJobsByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeJobsByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeJobsByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_jobs_by_user_id (
job_queue . DescribeJobsByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.describe_jobs_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_jobs_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
getJobByUserId ジョブを取得
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID jobName string ✓ UUID ~ 36文字 ジョブの名前 timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetJobByUserId (
& job_queue . GetJobByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
JobName : pointy . String ( "job1" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\GetJobByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getJobByUserId (
( new GetJobByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withJobName ( "job1" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.GetJobByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.GetJobByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
GetJobByUserIdResult result = client . getJobByUserId (
new GetJobByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withJobName ( "job1" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Job item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.GetJobByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.GetJobByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . GetJobByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetJobByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . GetJobByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithJobName ( "job1" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getJobByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . GetJobByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withJobName ( "job1" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_job_by_user_id (
job_queue . GetJobByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_job_name ( 'job1' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.get_job_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
jobName = "job1" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.get_job_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
jobName = "job1" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
pushByUserId ユーザIDを指定してジョブを登録
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID jobs List<JobEntry> ~ 10 items 追加するジョブの一覧 timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . PushByUserId (
& job_queue . PushByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
Jobs : [] jobQueue . JobEntry {
jobQueue . JobEntry {
ScriptId : pointy . String ( "script-0001" ),
Args : pointy . String ( "{\"hoge\": \"fuga\"}" ),
jobQueue . JobEntry {
ScriptId : pointy . String ( "script-0001" ),
Args : pointy . String ( "{\"piyo\": \"piyopiyo\"}" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
autoRun := result . AutoRun
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\PushByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> pushByUserId (
( new PushByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withJobs ([
( new \Gs2\JobQueue\Model\JobEntry ())
-> withScriptId ( "script-0001" )
-> withArgs ( "{ \" hoge \" : \" fuga \" }" ),
( new \Gs2\JobQueue\Model\JobEntry ())
-> withScriptId ( "script-0001" )
-> withArgs ( "{ \" piyo \" : \" piyopiyo \" }" ),
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$autoRun = $result -> getAutoRun ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.PushByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.PushByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
PushByUserIdResult result = client . pushByUserId (
new PushByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withJobs ( Arrays . asList (
new io . gs2 . jobQueue . model . JobEntry ()
. withScriptId ( "script-0001" )
. withArgs ( "{\"hoge\": \"fuga\"}" ),
new io . gs2 . jobQueue . model . JobEntry ()
. withScriptId ( "script-0001" )
. withArgs ( "{\"piyo\": \"piyopiyo\"}" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
List < Job > items = result . getItems ();
boolean autoRun = result . getAutoRun ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.PushByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.PushByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . PushByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . PushByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . PushByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithJobs ( new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Model . JobEntry [] {
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Model . JobEntry ()
. WithScriptId ( "script-0001" )
. WithArgs ( "{\"hoge\": \"fuga\"}" ),
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Model . JobEntry ()
. WithScriptId ( "script-0001" )
. WithArgs ( "{\"piyo\": \"piyopiyo\"}" ),
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var autoRun = result . AutoRun ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . pushByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . PushByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withJobs ([
new Gs2JobQueue . model . JobEntry ()
. withScriptId ( "script-0001" )
. withArgs ( "{\"hoge\": \"fuga\"}" ),
new Gs2JobQueue . model . JobEntry ()
. withScriptId ( "script-0001" )
. withArgs ( "{\"piyo\": \"piyopiyo\"}" ),
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const autoRun = result . getAutoRun ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . push_by_user_id (
job_queue . PushByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_jobs ([
job_queue . JobEntry ()
. with_script_id ( 'script-0001' )
. with_args ( '{"hoge": "fuga"}' ),
job_queue . JobEntry ()
. with_script_id ( 'script-0001' )
. with_args ( '{"piyo": "piyopiyo"}' ),
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
items = result . items
auto_run = result . auto_run
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.push_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
jobs = {
scriptId = "script-0001" ,
args = "{ \" hoge \" : \" fuga \" }" ,
scriptId = "script-0001" ,
args = "{ \" piyo \" : \" piyopiyo \" }" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
autoRun = result.autoRun ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.push_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
jobs = {
scriptId = "script-0001" ,
args = "{ \" hoge \" : \" fuga \" }" ,
scriptId = "script-0001" ,
args = "{ \" piyo \" : \" piyopiyo \" }" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
autoRun = result.autoRun ;
run ジョブを実行
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 accessToken string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . Run (
& job_queue . RunRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
result := result . Result
isLastJob := result . IsLastJob
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\RunRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> run (
( new RunRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withAccessToken ( self :: $accessToken0001 )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$result = $result -> getResult ();
$isLastJob = $result -> getIsLastJob ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.RunRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.RunResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
RunResult result = client . run (
new RunRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
Job item = result . getItem ();
JobResultBody result = result . getResult ();
boolean isLastJob = result . getIsLastJob ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.RunRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.RunResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . RunResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . Run (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . RunRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var result = result . Result ;
var isLastJob = result . IsLastJob ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . run (
new Gs2JobQueue . RunRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
const result = result . getResult ();
const isLastJob = result . getIsLastJob ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . run (
job_queue . RunRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_access_token ( self . access_token_0001 )
item = result . item
result = result . result
is_last_job = result . is_last_job
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
result = result.result ;
isLastJob = result.isLastJob ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.run_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
result = result.result ;
isLastJob = result.isLastJob ;
runByUserId ユーザIDを指定してジョブを実行
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . RunByUserId (
& job_queue . RunByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
result := result . Result
isLastJob := result . IsLastJob
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\RunByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> runByUserId (
( new RunByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$result = $result -> getResult ();
$isLastJob = $result -> getIsLastJob ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.RunByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.RunByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
RunByUserIdResult result = client . runByUserId (
new RunByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Job item = result . getItem ();
JobResultBody result = result . getResult ();
boolean isLastJob = result . getIsLastJob ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.RunByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.RunByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . RunByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . RunByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . RunByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var result = result . Result ;
var isLastJob = result . IsLastJob ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . runByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . RunByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const result = result . getResult ();
const isLastJob = result . getIsLastJob ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . run_by_user_id (
job_queue . RunByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
result = result . result
is_last_job = result . is_last_job
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.run_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
result = result.result ;
isLastJob = result.isLastJob ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.run_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
result = result.result ;
isLastJob = result.isLastJob ;
deleteJob ジョブを削除
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 accessToken string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID jobName string ✓ UUID ~ 36文字 ジョブの名前
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteJob (
& job_queue . DeleteJobRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
JobName : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\DeleteJobRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteJob (
( new DeleteJobRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withAccessToken ( self :: $accessToken0001 )
-> withJobName ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.DeleteJobRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.DeleteJobResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteJobResult result = client . deleteJob (
new DeleteJobRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withJobName ( null )
Job item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.DeleteJobRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.DeleteJobResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . DeleteJobResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteJob (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . DeleteJobRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithJobName ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteJob (
new Gs2JobQueue . DeleteJobRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withJobName ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_job (
job_queue . DeleteJobRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_access_token ( self . access_token_0001 )
. with_job_name ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.delete_job ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
jobName = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_job_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
jobName = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteJobByUserId ユーザーIDを指定してジョブを削除
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128文字 ネームスペース名 userId string ✓ ~ 128文字 ユーザーID jobName string ✓ UUID ~ 36文字 ジョブの名前 timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024文字 タイムオフセットトークン
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteJobByUserId (
& job_queue . DeleteJobByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace1" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
JobName : pointy . String ( "job1" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteJobByUserId (
( new DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( self :: namespace1 )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withJobName ( "job1" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.DeleteJobByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteJobByUserIdResult result = client . deleteJobByUserId (
new DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withJobName ( "job1" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Job item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.DeleteJobByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . DeleteJobByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteJobByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithJobName ( "job1" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteJobByUserId (
new Gs2JobQueue . DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace1" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withJobName ( "job1" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_job_by_user_id (
job_queue . DeleteJobByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( self . hash1 )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_job_name ( 'job1' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.delete_job_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
jobName = "job1" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_job_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace1" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
jobName = "job1" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
pushByStampSheet 入手アクションとしてジョブの登録を実行
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 stampSheet string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 トランザクション keyId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 暗号鍵GRN
Result 実装例
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . PushByStampSheet (
& job_queue . PushByStampSheetRequest {
StampSheet : pointy . String ( "stampSheet" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
autoRun := result . AutoRun
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
use Gs2\JobQueue\Request\PushByStampSheetRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> pushByStampSheet (
( new PushByStampSheetRequest ())
-> withStampSheet ( self :: stampSheet )
-> withKeyId ( self :: key - 0001 )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$autoRun = $result -> getAutoRun ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.request.PushByStampSheetRequest ;
import io.gs2.jobQueue.result.PushByStampSheetResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2JobQueueRestClient client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
PushByStampSheetResult result = client . pushByStampSheet (
new PushByStampSheetRequest ()
. withStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
List < Job > items = result . getItems ();
boolean autoRun = result . getAutoRun ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Gs2JobQueueRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Request.PushByStampSheetRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2JobQueue.Result.PushByStampSheetResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Result . PushByStampSheetResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . PushByStampSheet (
new Gs2 . Gs2JobQueue . Request . PushByStampSheetRequest ()
. WithStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. WithKeyId ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var autoRun = result . AutoRun ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2JobQueue from '@/gs2/jobQueue' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2JobQueue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . pushByStampSheet (
new Gs2JobQueue . PushByStampSheetRequest ()
. withStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
const items = result . getItems ();
const autoRun = result . getAutoRun ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import job_queue
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . push_by_stamp_sheet (
job_queue . PushByStampSheetRequest ()
. with_stamp_sheet ( self . stamp_sheet )
. with_key_id ( self . key1 . key_id )
items = result . items
auto_run = result . auto_run
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result = client.push_by_stamp_sheet ({
stampSheet = "stampSheet" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
autoRun = result.autoRun ;
client = gs2 ( 'jobQueue' )
api_result_handler = client.push_by_stamp_sheet_async ({
stampSheet = "stampSheet" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
autoRun = result.autoRun ;
deleteByStampTask 消費アクションとしてジョブの削除を実行
Request 型 有効化条件 必須 デフォルト 値の制限 説明 stampTask string ✓ ~ 5242880文字 消費アクション keyId string ✓ ~ 1024文字 暗号鍵GRN
Result 型 説明 item Job 削除したジョブ newContextStack string 消費アクションの実行結果を記録したコンテキスト
GS2-Script(Async) import ""
import ""
import ""
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := job_queue . Gs2JobQueueRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteByStampTask (
& job_queue . DeleteByStampTaskRequest {
StampTask : pointy . String ( "stampTask" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),