Service Limitations

Restrictions on the use of each GS2 microservice.


Regarding transferring information, the registration, update, and deletion of the same user’s information should be limited to three times per second. This limit does not apply to different users.


You can only post up to 3 times per second for one room. Please avoid implementing a system that allows an extremely large number of people to participate in a room, or that encourages people to post all at once.


Please limit experience to 3 times per second for the same property. This limit does not apply to different users or different properties for the same user.


Update the same form no more than 3 times per second.


No more than 3 profile updates per second by the same game player. This limit does not apply to different users or to the same user granting experience to different properties.

Avoid concentrating friend requests on a single player. A player can only receive 3 friend requests per second.


Please limit the number of times per second that you increase or decrease the amount of inventory for the same property. For operations that use up inventory items that are new to the inventory, even for different properties, please limit the number of operations in the inventory to 3 per second. If it is an increase or decrease in the possession quantity for a different property, this limit does not apply.


Please limit job submissions to the queue for the same user to no more than 3 per second. Up to 10 jobs can be registered per job registration, so please be creative.

If the automatic execution function is not used, job execution should be limited to once per second. This limit does not apply if you are processing jobs for different users.


Please limit the number of operations on the same counter to 3 operations per second. This limit does not apply to operations on different users or different counters by the same user.


No more than 3 operations per second on the same mutex. This limit does not apply to operations on different mutexes.


No more than 5 updates of coordinate information per second per user.


No more than 3 operations on the same counter per second. This limit does not apply to operations on different users or different counters for the same user.


No more than 3 operations on the same wallet per second. This limit does not apply to operations on different users or different wallets of the same user.


Scripts must be completed within 10 seconds.


No more than 3 operations on the same stamina per second. This limit does not apply to operations on different users or different stamina models for the same user.


The number of state transitions for the same state machine is limited to 10,000. 10,000 transitions will result in an error response. Please limit the number of events sent to the same state machine to 3 per second.