Master Data Reference of GS2-Schedule

  "version": "2019-03-31",
  "events": [
      "name": "[string]Event Type Name",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "scheduleType": "[string]Type of Event Period",
      "repeatType": "[string]Type of repetition",
      "absoluteBegin": "[long]Event start date and time",
      "absoluteEnd": "[long]Event end date and time",
      "repeatBeginDayOfMonth": "[int]Event repeat start date (If the value exceeds the days of the month, it is treated as the last day.)",
      "repeatEndDayOfMonth": "[int]Event repeat end date (If the value exceeds the days of the month, it is treated as the last day.)",
      "repeatBeginDayOfWeek": "[string]Repeat start day of event",
      "repeatEndDayOfWeek": "[string]Repeat event end day of the week",
      "repeatBeginHour": "[int]Repeat event start time",
      "repeatEndHour": "[int]Repeat event end time",
      "relativeTriggerName": "[string]Trigger the start of the event"
version2019-03-31Format version of master data



Two types of event durations exist: absolute and relative. Absolute periods are fixed periods, such as January 1, 2021 00:00(UTC) to January 7, 2021 23:59(UTC). A relative period is an event period that varies from one game player to another, such as 24 hours from the time the trigger is pulled.

The event can be set to repeat itself as well as the duration of the event. An event period can be set up so that only Monday from 10:00 to 11:00 is included in the event period.

eventIdstring~ 1024 charsEvent GRN
namestring~ 128 charsEvent Type Name
metadatastring~ 2048 charsmetadata
scheduleTypeenum [‘absolute’, ‘relative’]~ 128 charsType of Event Period
repeatTypeenum [‘always’, ‘daily’, ‘weekly’, ‘monthly’]“always”~ 128 charsType of repetition
absoluteBeginlong{scheduleType} == “absolute”Event start date and time
absoluteEndlong{scheduleType} == “absolute”Event end date and time
repeatBeginDayOfMonthint{repeatType} == “monthly”1 ~ 31Event repeat start date (If the value exceeds the days of the month, it is treated as the last day.)
repeatEndDayOfMonthint{repeatType} == “monthly”1 ~ 31Event repeat end date (If the value exceeds the days of the month, it is treated as the last day.)
repeatBeginDayOfWeekenum [‘sunday’, ‘monday’, ’tuesday’, ‘wednesday’, ’thursday’, ‘friday’, ‘saturday’]{repeatType} == “weekly”~ 128 charsRepeat start day of event
repeatEndDayOfWeekenum [‘sunday’, ‘monday’, ’tuesday’, ‘wednesday’, ’thursday’, ‘friday’, ‘saturday’]{repeatType} == “weekly”~ 128 charsRepeat event end day of the week
repeatBeginHourint{repeatType} in [“daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”]~ 23Repeat event start time
repeatEndHourint{repeatType} in [“daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”]~ 23Repeat event end time
relativeTriggerNamestring{scheduleType} == “relative”~ 128 charsTrigger the start of the event


repeatCountint~ 2147483646Number of times to repeat
currentRepeatStartAtlongStart date and time of repeating event
currentRepeatEndAtlongEnd date and time of repeating event
lastRepeatEndAtlongEnd date and time of last event
nextRepeatStartAtlongStart date and time of next event