GS2 States Language Definition Extension

extension syntax for defining GS2 States Language in CDK

GSL is a state machine definition language with excellent readability and descriptiveness, but it is not superior in terms of IDE input support and learning cost. CDK is available as a way to define GSLs using various programming languages.

CDK details

Start defining a state machine

Use the following syntax to start a state machine definition

    class TestStateMachine extends io.gs2.cdk.stateMachine.integration.StateMachineDefinition {
        public TestStateMachine() {
            // write state definition here
    class TestStateMachine extends \Gs2Cdk\StateMachine\Integration\StateMachineDefinition {
        public function __construct() {

            // write state definition here
    class TestStateMachine(gs2_cdk.state_machine.StateMachineDefinition):
        def __init__(self):
            # Write state definition here.
    class TestStateMachine extends StateMachineDefinition {
        constructor() {

            // Write the state definition here
    public class TestStateMachine : Gs2Cdk.Gs2StateMachine.Integration.StateMachineDefinition
        public TestStateMachine()
            // Write state definition here.

State machine definition.

            "MainStateMachine", // name of the state machine
            new IVariable[]{
                new IntType("turn")
            } // Parameters that the state machine receives
        .entryPoint(task1.getName()) // first state name of the state machine
            error // type of state
        "MainStateMachine", // name of the state machine.
            new IntType("turn"),
        ] // parameters received by the state machine
        ->entryPoint($task1->getName()) // first state name of the state machine
            $error // type of state
        name="MainStateMachine", # name of the state machine
        ], # Parameters that the state machine receives
    ).entry_point(, # first state name of the state machine
        error, # type of state
        "MainStateMachine", // name of the state machine.
        ] // parameters that the state machine receives
        .entryPoint( // first state name of the state machine
            error // type of state
        "MainStateMachine", // name of the state machine
        new IVariable[] {
        } // Parameters that the state machine receives
        .EntryPoint(task1.Name) // first state name of the state machine
            error // type of state

State definition.


    var task1 = scriptTask(
            "Task1", // state name
            new IVariable[0], // list of parameters to be received by the state
            result = 'Pass'
            """ // Lua script to execute when transitioning to state
                "Pass", // result issued by the script (Pass)
                new HashMap<>(), // parameters to pass to the next state
                task2.getName() // name of the state to transition to when a Pass is issued
                "Error", // result issued by the script (Error)
                    new StringType("reason"), // name and type of the parameter to pass to the next state
                    "reason" // name of the Lua variable to pass to the parameter
                error.getName() // name of the state to transition to if Error is issued
    $task1 = $this->scriptTask(
        "Task1", // state name
        [], // list of parameters to be received by the state
        "result = 'Pass'" // Lua script to execute when transitioning to state
            "Pass", // result issued by the script (Pass)
            [], // parameters to pass to the next state
            $task2->getName() // the name of the state to transition to if Pass is issued
            "Error", // result issued by the script (Error)
                    new StringType('reason'), // name and type of the parameter to pass to the next state
                    'reason' // name of the Lua variable to pass to the parameter
            $error->getName() // name of the state to transition to if Error is issued
    task1 = self.script_task(
        name="Task1", # state name
        arguments=[], # list of parameters that the state receives
        result = 'Pass'
        """, # Lua script to run when transitioning to state
        result_name="Pass", # The result the script issues (Pass)
        emit_event_argument_variable_names={}, # Parameters to pass to the next state, # Name of the state to transition to if Pass is issued
        result_name="Error", # Result issued by the script (Error)
            self.string_type("reason"): # Name and type of parameter to pass to next state
                "reason", # name of the Lua variable to pass to the parameter
  , # name of state to transition to if Error is issued
    let task1 = this.scriptTask(
        "Task1", // state name
        [], // list of parameters received by the state.
        result = 'Pass'
        ` // Lua script to execute when transitioning to state
            "Pass", // result issued by the script (Pass)
            new Map(), // parameters to pass to the next state
            task2.getName() // the name of the state to transition to if Pass is issued
            "Error", // result issued by the script (Error)
            new Map([
                    new StringType("reason"), // name and type of the parameter to pass to the next state
                    "reason" // name of the Lua variable to pass to the parameter
            error.getName() // name of the state to transition to if Error is issued
    var task1 = ScriptTask(
        "Task1", // state name
        new IVariable[0], // list of parameters that the state receives
        result = 'Pass'
        " // Lua script to execute when transitioning to state
            "Pass", // result issued by the script (Pass)
            new Dictionary<IVariable, string>(), // parameters to pass to the next state
            task2.Name // the name of the state to transition to if Pass is issued
            "Error", // the result issued by the script (Error)
            new Dictionary<IVariable, string> {
                    new StringType("reason"), // name and type of the parameter to pass to the next state
                    "reason" // name of the Lua variable to pass to the parameter
            error.Name // name of the state to transition to if Error is issued


    var task3 = subStateMachineTask(
            "ChoiceSkill", // state name
            "ChoiceSkill", // subStateMachineName to transition to
            new InParam[] {
                    this.intType("turn"), // state variable name of the currently executing state machine
                    this.intType("turn") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the first state of the sub-state machine
            new OutParam[] {
                    this.intType("choiceSkill"), // name of the state variable to receive as a result from the sub-state machine
                    this.intType("choiceSkill") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the state after returning from the substate machine
            "InGame" // name of the state to transition to after returning from the sub-state machine
    $task3 = $this->subStateMachineTask(
        "ChoiceSkill", // state name
        "ChoiceSkill", // name of the sub-state machine to transition to
                $this->intType("turn"), // state variable name of the currently executing state machine
                $this->intType("turn") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the first state of the sub-state machine
                $this->intType("choiceSkill"), // name of the state variable to receive as a result from the sub-state machine
                $this->intType("choiceSkill") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the state after returning from the substate machine
        "InGame" // name of the state to transition to after returning from the sub-state machine
    task3 = self.sub_state_machine_task(
        name='ChoiceSkill', # state name
        sub_state_machine_name="ChoiceSkill", # name of the sub state machine to transition to
                self.int_type("turn"), # name of the state variable of the currently running state machine
                self.int_type("turn") # name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the first state of the sub-state machine
                self.int_type("choiceSkill"), # name of the state variable to receive as a result from the sub-state machine
                self.int_type("choiceSkill") # name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the state after returning from the substate machine
        next_task_name="InGame", # the name of the state to transition to after returning from the sub-state machine
    let task3 = this.subStateMachineTask(
        "ChoiceSkill", // state name
        "ChoiceSkill", // subStateMachineName to transition to.
                this.intType("turn"), // state variable name of the currently executing state machine
                this.intType("turn") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the first state of the sub-state machine
                this.intType("choiceSkill"), // name of the state variable to receive as a result from the sub-state machine
                this.intType("choiceSkill") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the state after returning from the substate machine
        "InGame" // name of the state to transition to after returning from the sub-state machine
    var task3 = SubStateMachineTask(
        "ChoiceSkill", // state name
        "ChoiceSkill", // name of the sub-state machine to transition to
        new InParam[] {
                IntType("turn"), // state variable name of the currently executing state machine
                IntType("turn") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the first state of the sub-state machine
        new OutParam[] {
                IntType("choiceSkill"), // name of the state variable to receive as a result from the sub-state machine
                IntType("choiceSkill") // name of the argument to pass as a parameter to the state after returning from the substate machine
        "InGame" // name of the state to transition to after returning from the sub-state machine


    var task4 = this.waitTask(
            "WaitChoiceSkill" // state name
            "ChoiceSkill", // name of the event to wait for
            new HashMap<>() {{ // parameters of the event to wait for
                    stringType("skill"), // type and name of the parameter to pass to the destination state
                    "skill" // name of the parameter to receive in the event
            "ChoiceSkill" // name of the state to transition to when this event is received
            "ReLotterySkill", // name of the event to wait for
            new HashMap<>(), // Parameters of the event to wait for
            "ReLotterySkill" // name of the state to transition to when this event is received
    $task4 = $this->waitTask(
        "WaitChoiceSkill" // state name
        "ChoiceSkill", // name of the event to wait for
        [ // parameters of the event to wait for.
                $this->stringType("skill"), // type and name of the parameter to pass to the state to transition to
                "skill" // name of the parameter to receive in the event
        "ChoiceSkill" // name of the state to transition to when this event is received
        "ReLotterySkill", // name of the event to wait for
        [], // Parameters of the event to wait for
        "ReLotterySkill" // state name to transition to when this event is received
    task4 = self.wait_task(
        name="WaitChoiceSkill", # state name
        result_name="ChoiceSkill", # name of the event to wait for
        emit_event_argument_variable_names={ # Parameters of the event to wait for
            self.int_type("skill"): # Type and name of the parameter to pass to the destination state
                "skill", # Name of the parameter to receive in the event.
        next_task_name="ChoiceSkill", # name of the state to transition to when this event is received
        result_name="ReLotterySkill", # Name of the event to wait for
        emit_event_argument_variable_names={ # Parameters of the event to wait for
        next_task_name="ReLotterySkill", # Name of the state to transition to when this event is received
    let task4 = this.waitTask(
        "WaitChoiceSkill" // state name
        "ChoiceSkill", // name of the event to wait for
        new Map<IVariable, string>() // parameters of the event to wait for
                this.stringType("skill"), // type and name of the parameter to pass to the destination state
                "skill" // name of the parameter to receive in the event
        "ChoiceSkill" // name of the state to transition to when this event is received
        "ReLotterySkill", // name of the event to wait for
        new Map<IVariable, string>(), // Parameters of the event to wait for
        "ReLotterySkill" // name of the state to transition to when this event is received
    var task4 = this.WaitTask(
        "WaitChoiceSkill" // state name
        "ChoiceSkill", // name of the event to wait for
        new Dictionary<IVariable, string>{{ // parameters of the event to wait for
            StringType("skill"), // type and name of the parameter to pass to the destination state
            "skill" // name of the parameter to receive in the event
        "ChoiceSkill" // name of the state to transition to when this event is received
        "ReLotterySkill", // name of the event to wait for
        new Dictionary<IVariable, string>(), // Parameters of the event to wait for
        "ReLotterySkill" // state name to transition to when this event is received


    var task2 = passTask(
        "Task2" // state name
    $task2 = $this->passTask(
        "Task2" // state name
    task2 = self.pass_task(
        name="Task2" # state name
    let task2 = this.passTask(
        "Task2" // state name
    var task2 = PassTask(
        "Task2" // state name


    var error = errorTask(
        "Error" // state name
    $error = $this->errorTask(
        "Error" // state name
    error = self.error_task(
        name="Error" # state name
    let error = this.errorTask(
        "Error" // state name
    var error = ErrorTask(
        "Error" // state name

Register to the stack.

    new io.gs2.cdk.stateMachine.model.Namespace(
            this, // Stack object
            "state-machine-0001" // namespace name of GS2-StateMachine
            new io.gs2.cdk.script.model.Namespace(
                this, // Stack object
                "script-0001" // namespace name of GS2-Script
            new TesStateMachine() // StateMachineDefinition object
    (new \Gs2Cdk\StateMachine\Model\Namespace_(
        $this, // Stack object
        "state-machine-0001" // namespace name of GS2-StateMachine
        new \Gs2Cdk\Script\Model\Namespace_(
            $this, // Stack object
            "script-0001" // namespace name of GS2-Script
        new TestStateMachine() // StateMachineDefinition object
        self, # Stack object
        name='state-machine-0001', # Namespace name of GS2-StateMachine
            self, # Stack object
            name='script-0001', # Namespace name of GS2-Script
        definition=TestStateMachine(), # StateMachineDefinition object
    new StateMachineNamespace(
        this, // Stack object
        "state-machine-0001" // namespace name of GS2-StateMachine
        new ScriptNamespace(
            this, // Stack object
            "script-0001" // namespace name of GS2-Script
        new TestStateMachine() // StateMachineDefinition object
    new Gs2Cdk.Gs2StateMachine.Model.Namespace(
        this, // Stack object
        "state-machine-0001" // namespace name of GS2-StateMachine
            this, // Stack object
            "script-0001" // namespace name of GS2-Script
        new TestStateMachine() // StateMachineDefinition object

Full sample

    class TestStateMachine extends StateMachineDefinition {
        public TestStateMachine() {
            ErrorTask error = errorTask("Error");

            PassTask task2 = passTask("Task2");

            Task task1 = scriptTask(
                    new IVariable[0],
                    result = 'Pass'
                    .result("Pass", new HashMap<>(), task2.getName())
                    .result("Error", Map.of(new StringType("reason"), "reason"), error.getName());

                    new IVariable[]{new IntType("turn")}
                    .task(task1, task2, error);

    class TestStateMachineStack extends Stack {
        public TestStateMachineStack() {

            new io.gs2.cdk.stateMachine.model.Namespace(this, "state-machine-0001")
                    new io.gs2.cdk.script.model.Namespace(this, "script-0001"),
                    new TesStateMachine()
    class TestStateMachine extends StateMachineDefinition {
        public function __construct() {

            $error = $this->errorTask("Error");

            $task2 = $this->passTask("Task2");

            $task1 = $this->scriptTask(
                "result = 'Pass'"
                ->result("Pass", [], $task2->getName())
                ->result("Error", [[new StringType('reason'), 'reason']], $error->getName());

                [new IntType("turn")]
                ->task($task1, $task2, $error);

    class TestStateMachineStack extends Stack {
        public function __construct() {

            (new \Gs2Cdk\StateMachine\Model\Namespace_($this, "state-machine-0001"))
                    new \Gs2Cdk\Script\Model\Namespace_($this, "script-0001"),
                    new TestStateMachine()
    class TestStateMachine(gs2_cdk.state_machine.StateMachineDefinition):

        def __init__(self):

            task2 = self.pass_task("Task2")
            error = self.error_task("Error")

            task1 = self.script_task(
                result = 'Pass'
                    self.string_type("reason"): "reason",


    class TestStateMachineStack(gs2_cdk.Stack):

        def __init__(self):

    class TestStateMachine extends StateMachineDefinition {
        constructor() {

            let error = this.errorTask("Error");
            let task2 = this.passTask("Task2");
            let task1 = this.scriptTask(
                result = 'Pass'
                .result("Pass", new Map(), task2.getName())
                .result("Error", new Map([[new StringType("reason"), "reason"]]), error.getName());

                [new IntType("turn")]
                .task(task1, task2, error);

    class TestStateMachineStack extends Stack {
        constructor() {

            new StateMachineNamespace(
                new ScriptNamespace(
    public class TestStateMachine : StateMachineDefinition
        public TestStateMachine()
            var error = ErrorTask("Error");
            var task2 = PassTask("Task2");

            Task task1 = ScriptTask(
                    new IVariable[0],
                    result = 'Pass'
                .Result("Pass", new Dictionary<IVariable, string>(), task2.Name)
                .Result("Error", new Dictionary<IVariable, string> { { new StringType("reason"), "reason" } }, error.Name);

                    new IVariable[] { IntType("turn") }
                .Task(task1, task2, error);

    public class TestStateMachineStack : Stack
        public TestStateMachineStack()
            new Gs2Cdk.Gs2StateMachine.Model.Namespace(
                    new Gs2Cdk.Gs2Script.Model.Namespace(
                    new TestStateMachine()