API Reference of GS2-SkillTree SDK Specification of models and API references for GS2-SDK for various programming languages
Model Namespace Namespace
Namespace is a mechanism that allows multiple uses of the same service for different purposes within a single project.
Basically, GS2 services have a layer called namespace, and different namespaces are treated as completely different data spaces, even for the same service.
Therefore, it is necessary to create a namespace before starting to use each service.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Namespace GRN name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name description string ~ 1024 chars Description transactionSetting TransactionSetting ✓ Transaction settings releaseScript ScriptSetting Script to run when a node is released restrainScript ScriptSetting Script to run when a node is restrained logSetting LogSetting Log output settings createdAt long ✓ Now Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) updatedAt long ✓ Now Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 Revision
NodeModel node model
The node model is the entity to be recorded in the skill tree.
This section defines what kind of entities can be recorded in the skill tree.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description nodeModelId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Node Model GRN name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Node Model Name metadata string ~ 2048 chars metadata releaseVerifyActions List<VerifyAction> [] ~ 10 items List of verify actions required to determine the conditions for release releaseConsumeActions List<ConsumeAction> ✓ [] 1 ~ 10 items List of consume actions required for release returnAcquireActions List<AcquireAction> ~ 10 items List of acquire actions required for return restrainReturnRate float ✓ 1 ~ 1 Return Rate premiseNodeNames List<string> [] ~ 10 items List of premise node model name
NodeModelMaster Node Model Master Data
The node model is the entity to be recorded in the skill tree.
This section defines what kind of entities can be recorded in the skill tree.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description nodeModelId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Node Model Master GRN name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Node Model Name description string ~ 1024 chars Description metadata string ~ 2048 chars metadata releaseVerifyActions List<VerifyAction> [] ~ 10 items List of verify actions required to determine the conditions for release releaseConsumeActions List<ConsumeAction> ✓ [] 1 ~ 10 items List of consume actions required for release restrainReturnRate float ✓ 1.0 ~ 1.0 Return Rate premiseNodeNames List<string> [] ~ 10 items List of premise node model name createdAt long ✓ Now Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) updatedAt long ✓ Now Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 Revision
Status Status of skill tree
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description statusId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Status GRN userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID releasedNodeNames List<string> [] ~ 1000 items List of released node model name createdAt long ✓ Now Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) updatedAt long ✓ Now Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 Revision
CurrentTreeMaster Currently available master data
GS2 uses JSON format files for master data management.
By uploading the file, you can actually reflect the settings on the server.
We provide a master data editor on the management console as a way to create JSON files, but you can also create JSON files using the
The service can also be used by creating a tool more appropriate for game management and exporting a JSON file in the appropriate format.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Currently available status settings GRN settings string ✓ ~ 5242880 chars Master data
Config Configration
Set values to be applied to transaction variables
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description key string ✓ ~ 64 chars Name value string ~ 51200 chars Value
ConsumeAction Consume Action
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description action enum {"Gs2AdReward:ConsumePointByUserId" ,"Gs2Dictionary:DeleteEntriesByUserId" ,"Gs2Enhance:DeleteProgressByUserId" ,"Gs2Exchange:DeleteAwaitByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:SubExperienceByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:SubRankCapByUserId" ,"Gs2Formation:SubMoldCapacityByUserId" ,"Gs2Grade:SubGradeByUserId" ,"Gs2Guild:DecreaseMaximumCurrentMaximumMemberCountByGuildName" ,"Gs2Idle:DecreaseMaximumIdleMinutesByUserId" ,"Gs2Inbox:OpenMessageByUserId" ,"Gs2Inbox:DeleteMessageByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeSimpleItemsByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeBigItemByUserId" ,"Gs2JobQueue:DeleteJobByUserId" ,"Gs2Limit:CountUpByUserId" ,"Gs2LoginReward:MarkReceivedByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:ReceiveByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:BatchReceiveByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:DecreaseCounterByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:ResetCounterByUserId" ,"Gs2Money:WithdrawByUserId" ,"Gs2Money:RecordReceipt" ,"Gs2Money2:WithdrawByUserId" ,"Gs2Money2:VerifyReceiptByUserId" ,"Gs2Quest:DeleteProgressByUserId" ,"Gs2Ranking2:CreateGlobalRankingReceivedRewardByUserId" ,"Gs2Ranking2:CreateClusterRankingReceivedRewardByUserId" ,"Gs2Schedule:DeleteTriggerByUserId" ,"Gs2SerialKey:UseByUserId" ,"Gs2Showcase:IncrementPurchaseCountByUserId" ,"Gs2SkillTree:MarkRestrainByUserId" ,"Gs2Stamina:DecreaseMaxValueByUserId" ,"Gs2Stamina:ConsumeStaminaByUserId" , } ✓ ~ 128 chars Types of actions to be performed in the consume action request string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars JSON of request
VerifyAction Verify Action
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description action enum {"Gs2Dictionary:VerifyEntryByUserId" ,"Gs2Distributor:IfExpressionByUserId" ,"Gs2Distributor:AndExpressionByUserId" ,"Gs2Distributor:OrExpressionByUserId" ,"Gs2Enchant:VerifyRarityParameterStatusByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:VerifyRankByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:VerifyRankCapByUserId" ,"Gs2Grade:VerifyGradeByUserId" ,"Gs2Grade:VerifyGradeUpMaterialByUserId" ,"Gs2Guild:VerifyCurrentMaximumMemberCountByGuildName" ,"Gs2Guild:VerifyIncludeMemberByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:VerifyInventoryCurrentMaxCapacityByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:VerifyItemSetByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:VerifyReferenceOfByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:VerifySimpleItemByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:VerifyBigItemByUserId" ,"Gs2Limit:VerifyCounterByUserId" ,"Gs2Matchmaking:VerifyIncludeParticipantByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:VerifyCompleteByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:VerifyCounterValueByUserId" ,"Gs2Ranking2:VerifyGlobalRankingScoreByUserId" ,"Gs2Ranking2:VerifyClusterRankingScoreByUserId" ,"Gs2Ranking2:VerifySubscribeRankingScoreByUserId" ,"Gs2Schedule:VerifyTriggerByUserId" ,"Gs2Schedule:VerifyEventByUserId" ,"Gs2SerialKey:VerifyCodeByUserId" , } ✓ ~ 128 chars Types of actions to be performed in the verify task request string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars JSON of request
AcquireAction Acquire Action
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description action enum {"Gs2AdReward:AcquirePointByUserId" ,"Gs2Dictionary:AddEntriesByUserId" ,"Gs2Enchant:ReDrawBalanceParameterStatusByUserId" ,"Gs2Enchant:SetBalanceParameterStatusByUserId" ,"Gs2Enchant:ReDrawRarityParameterStatusByUserId" ,"Gs2Enchant:AddRarityParameterStatusByUserId" ,"Gs2Enchant:SetRarityParameterStatusByUserId" ,"Gs2Enhance:DirectEnhanceByUserId" ,"Gs2Enhance:UnleashByUserId" ,"Gs2Enhance:CreateProgressByUserId" ,"Gs2Exchange:ExchangeByUserId" ,"Gs2Exchange:IncrementalExchangeByUserId" ,"Gs2Exchange:CreateAwaitByUserId" ,"Gs2Exchange:AcquireForceByUserId" ,"Gs2Exchange:SkipByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:AddExperienceByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:SetExperienceByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:AddRankCapByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:SetRankCapByUserId" ,"Gs2Experience:MultiplyAcquireActionsByUserId" ,"Gs2Formation:AddMoldCapacityByUserId" ,"Gs2Formation:SetMoldCapacityByUserId" ,"Gs2Formation:AcquireActionsToFormProperties" ,"Gs2Formation:SetFormByUserId" ,"Gs2Formation:AcquireActionsToPropertyFormProperties" ,"Gs2Friend:UpdateProfileByUserId" ,"Gs2Grade:AddGradeByUserId" ,"Gs2Grade:ApplyRankCapByUserId" ,"Gs2Grade:MultiplyAcquireActionsByUserId" ,"Gs2Guild:IncreaseMaximumCurrentMaximumMemberCountByGuildName" ,"Gs2Guild:SetMaximumCurrentMaximumMemberCountByGuildName" ,"Gs2Idle:IncreaseMaximumIdleMinutesByUserId" ,"Gs2Idle:SetMaximumIdleMinutesByUserId" ,"Gs2Idle:ReceiveByUserId" ,"Gs2Inbox:SendMessageByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:AddCapacityByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:SetCapacityByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:AcquireItemSetByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:AcquireItemSetWithGradeByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:AddReferenceOfByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:DeleteReferenceOfByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:AcquireSimpleItemsByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:SetSimpleItemsByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:AcquireBigItemByUserId" ,"Gs2Inventory:SetBigItemByUserId" ,"Gs2JobQueue:PushByUserId" ,"Gs2Limit:CountDownByUserId" ,"Gs2Limit:DeleteCounterByUserId" ,"Gs2LoginReward:DeleteReceiveStatusByUserId" ,"Gs2LoginReward:UnmarkReceivedByUserId" ,"Gs2Lottery:DrawByUserId" ,"Gs2Lottery:ResetBoxByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:RevertReceiveByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:IncreaseCounterByUserId" ,"Gs2Mission:SetCounterByUserId" ,"Gs2Money:DepositByUserId" ,"Gs2Money:RevertRecordReceipt" ,"Gs2Money2:DepositByUserId" ,"Gs2Quest:CreateProgressByUserId" ,"Gs2Schedule:TriggerByUserId" ,"Gs2Script:InvokeScript" ,"Gs2SerialKey:RevertUseByUserId" ,"Gs2SerialKey:IssueOnce" ,"Gs2Showcase:DecrementPurchaseCountByUserId" ,"Gs2Showcase:ForceReDrawByUserId" ,"Gs2SkillTree:MarkReleaseByUserId" ,"Gs2Stamina:RecoverStaminaByUserId" ,"Gs2Stamina:RaiseMaxValueByUserId" ,"Gs2Stamina:SetMaxValueByUserId" ,"Gs2Stamina:SetRecoverIntervalByUserId" ,"Gs2Stamina:SetRecoverValueByUserId" ,"Gs2StateMachine:StartStateMachineByUserId" , } ✓ ~ 128 chars Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action request string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars JSON of request
VerifyActionResult Verify action execution result
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description action enum { } ✓ ~ 128 chars Types of actions to be performed in the verify task verifyRequest string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars JSON of request statusCode int ~ 999 Status code verifyResult string ~ 1048576 chars Result payload
Enumeration type definition to specify as action Enumerator String Definition Description
ConsumeActionResult Consume action execution result
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description action enum { } ✓ ~ 128 chars Types of actions to be performed in the consume action consumeRequest string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars JSON of request statusCode int ~ 999 Status code consumeResult string ~ 1048576 chars Result payload
Enumeration type definition to specify as action Enumerator String Definition Description
AcquireActionResult Acquire action execution result
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description action enum { } ✓ ~ 128 chars Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action acquireRequest string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars JSON of request statusCode int ~ 999 Status code acquireResult string ~ 1048576 chars Result payload
Enumeration type definition to specify as action Enumerator String Definition Description
TransactionResult Transaction execution results
Transaction execution results executed using server-side transaction auto-execution functionality
GitHubCheckoutSetting Setup to check out master data from GitHub
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description apiKeyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars GitHub API key GRN repositoryName string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Repository Name sourcePath string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Source code file path referenceType enum { “commit_hash”, “branch”, “tag” } ✓ ~ 128 chars Source of code commitHash string {referenceType} == “commit_hash” ✓ ~ 1024 chars Commit hash branchName string {referenceType} == “branch” ✓ ~ 1024 chars Branch Name tagName string {referenceType} == “tag” ✓ ~ 1024 chars Tag Name
Enumeration type definition to specify as referenceType Enumerator String Definition Description commit_hash Commit hash branch Branch tag Tag
ScriptSetting Script settings
In GS2, you can associate custom scripts with microservice events and execute them.
This model holds the settings for triggering script execution.
There are two main ways to execute a script: synchronous execution and asynchronous execution.
Synchronous execution blocks processing until the script has finished executing.
Instead, you can use the script execution result to stop the execution of the API or to tamper with the result of the API.
On the other hand, asynchronous execution does not block processing until the script has finished executing.
Instead, you can use the script execution result to stop the execution of the API or to tamper with the result of the API.
However, asynchronous execution does not block processing until the script has finished executing, so it is generally recommended to use asynchronous execution.
There are two types of asynchronous execution methods: GS2-Script and Amazon EventBridge.
By using Amazon EventBridge, you can write processing in languages other than Lua.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description triggerScriptId string ~ 1024 chars Script GRN doneTriggerTargetType enum { “none”, “gs2_script”, “aws” } ✓ “none” ~ 128 chars Notification of Completion doneTriggerScriptId string {doneTriggerTargetType} == “gs2_script” ~ 1024 chars Script GRN doneTriggerQueueNamespaceId string {doneTriggerTargetType} == “gs2_script” ~ 1024 chars Namespace GRN
Enumeration type definition to specify as doneTriggerTargetType Enumerator String Definition Description none None gs2_script GS2-Script aws Amazon EventBridge
TransactionSetting Transaction settings
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description enableAutoRun bool ✓ false Whether to automatically execute issued transactions on the server side enableAtomicCommit bool {enableAutoRun} == true ✓ false Whether to commit the execution of transactions atomically transactionUseDistributor bool {enableAtomicCommit} == true ✓ false Whether to execute transactions asynchronously acquireActionUseJobQueue bool {enableAtomicCommit} == true ✓ false Whether to use GS2-JobQueue to execute the acquire action distributorNamespaceId string ✓ “grn:gs2:{region}:{ownerId}:distributor:default” ~ 1024 chars GS2-Distributor namespace used for transaction execution queueNamespaceId string ✓ “grn:gs2:{region}:{ownerId}:queue:default” ~ 1024 chars Namespace in GS2-JobQueue used to run the transaction
LogSetting Log setting
This type manages log output settings.
This type holds the identifier of the log namespace used to output log data.
The log namespace ID specifies the GS2-Log namespace to aggregate and store the log data.
Through this setting, API request and response log data under this namespace will be output to the target GS2-Log.
GS2-Log provides logs in real time, which can be used for system monitoring, analysis, debugging, etc.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description loggingNamespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Namespace GRN
Methods describeNamespaces Get list of namespaces
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description pageToken string ~ 1024 chars Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 Number of data acquired
Result Type Description items List<Namespace> List of Namespace nextPageToken string Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeNamespaces (
& skill_tree . DescribeNamespacesRequest {
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeNamespaces (
( new DescribeNamespacesRequest ())
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeNamespacesResult result = client . describeNamespaces (
new DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < Namespace > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DescribeNamespacesResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeNamespaces (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeNamespaces (
new Gs2SkillTree . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_namespaces (
skill_tree . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.describe_namespaces ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_namespaces_async ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createNamespace Create a new namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name description string ~ 1024 chars Description transactionSetting TransactionSetting ✓ Transaction settings releaseScript ScriptSetting Script to run when a node is released restrainScript ScriptSetting Script to run when a node is restrained logSetting LogSetting Log output settings
Result Type Description item Namespace Namespace created
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateNamespace (
& skill_tree . CreateNamespaceRequest {
Name : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Description : nil ,
TransactionSetting : & skillTree . TransactionSetting {
EnableAutoRun : pointy . Bool ( false ),
QueueNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ),
ReleaseScript : nil ,
RestrainScript : nil ,
LogSetting : & skillTree . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\CreateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createNamespace (
( new CreateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withDescription ( null )
-> withTransactionSetting (( new \Gs2\SkillTree\Model\TransactionSetting ())
-> withEnableAutoRun ( False )
-> withQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
-> withKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
-> withReleaseScript ( null )
-> withRestrainScript ( null )
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\SkillTree\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
CreateNamespaceResult result = client . createNamespace (
new CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withTransactionSetting ( new io . gs2 . skillTree . model . TransactionSetting ()
. withEnableAutoRun ( false )
. withQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
. withKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
. withReleaseScript ( null )
. withRestrainScript ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . skillTree . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . CreateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithDescription ( null )
. WithTransactionSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Model . TransactionSetting ()
. WithEnableAutoRun ( false )
. WithQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
. WithKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
. WithReleaseScript ( null )
. WithRestrainScript ( null )
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createNamespace (
new Gs2SkillTree . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withTransactionSetting ( new Gs2SkillTree . model . TransactionSetting ()
. withEnableAutoRun ( false )
. withQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
. withKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
. withReleaseScript ( null )
. withRestrainScript ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2SkillTree . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_namespace (
skill_tree . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_description ( None )
. with_transaction_setting (
skill_tree . TransactionSetting ()
. with_enable_auto_run ( False )
. with_queue_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001' )
. with_key_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001' ))
. with_release_script ( None )
. with_restrain_script ( None )
. with_log_setting (
skill_tree . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.create_namespace ({
name = "namespace-0001" ,
description = nil ,
transactionSetting = {
enableAutoRun = false ,
queueNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" ,
keyId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ,
releaseScript = nil ,
restrainScript = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.create_namespace_async ({
name = "namespace-0001" ,
description = nil ,
transactionSetting = {
enableAutoRun = false ,
queueNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" ,
keyId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ,
releaseScript = nil ,
restrainScript = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getNamespaceStatus Get namespace status
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Type Description status string
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespaceStatus (
& skill_tree . GetNamespaceStatusRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
status := result . Status
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespaceStatus (
( new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$status = $result -> getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceStatusResult result = client . getNamespaceStatus (
new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
String status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . GetNamespaceStatusResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var status = result . Status ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2SkillTree . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace_status (
skill_tree . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
status = result . status
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.get_namespace_status ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_status_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
getNamespace Get namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespace (
& skill_tree . GetNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\GetNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespace (
( new GetNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.GetNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceResult result = client . getNamespace (
new GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.GetNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . GetNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespace (
new Gs2SkillTree . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace (
skill_tree . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.get_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateNamespace Update namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name description string ~ 1024 chars Description transactionSetting TransactionSetting ✓ Transaction settings releaseScript ScriptSetting Script to run when a node is released restrainScript ScriptSetting Script to run when a node is restrained logSetting LogSetting Log output settings
Result Type Description item Namespace Updated namespace
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateNamespace (
& skill_tree . UpdateNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
TransactionSetting : & skillTree . TransactionSetting {
EnableAutoRun : pointy . Bool ( false ),
QueueNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ),
ReleaseScript : nil ,
RestrainScript : nil ,
LogSetting : & skillTree . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateNamespace (
( new UpdateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
-> withTransactionSetting (( new \Gs2\SkillTree\Model\TransactionSetting ())
-> withEnableAutoRun ( False )
-> withQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
-> withKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
-> withReleaseScript ( null )
-> withRestrainScript ( null )
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\SkillTree\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateNamespaceResult result = client . updateNamespace (
new UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withTransactionSetting ( new io . gs2 . skillTree . model . TransactionSetting ()
. withEnableAutoRun ( false )
. withQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
. withKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
. withReleaseScript ( null )
. withRestrainScript ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . skillTree . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . UpdateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" )
. WithTransactionSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Model . TransactionSetting ()
. WithEnableAutoRun ( false )
. WithQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
. WithKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
. WithReleaseScript ( null )
. WithRestrainScript ( null )
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateNamespace (
new Gs2SkillTree . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withTransactionSetting ( new Gs2SkillTree . model . TransactionSetting ()
. withEnableAutoRun ( false )
. withQueueNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" )
. withKeyId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ))
. withReleaseScript ( null )
. withRestrainScript ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2SkillTree . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_namespace (
skill_tree . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
. with_transaction_setting (
skill_tree . TransactionSetting ()
. with_enable_auto_run ( False )
. with_queue_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001' )
. with_key_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001' ))
. with_release_script ( None )
. with_restrain_script ( None )
. with_log_setting (
skill_tree . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.update_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
transactionSetting = {
enableAutoRun = false ,
queueNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" ,
keyId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ,
releaseScript = nil ,
restrainScript = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.update_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
transactionSetting = {
enableAutoRun = false ,
queueNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:queue:queue-0001" ,
keyId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:key:namespace-0001:key:key-0001" ,
releaseScript = nil ,
restrainScript = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteNamespace Delete namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Type Description item Namespace Deleted namespace
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteNamespace (
& skill_tree . DeleteNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteNamespace (
( new DeleteNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteNamespaceResult result = client . deleteNamespace (
new DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DeleteNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteNamespace (
new Gs2SkillTree . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_namespace (
skill_tree . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.delete_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
dumpUserDataByUserId Get dump data of the data associated with the specified user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DumpUserDataByUserId (
& skill_tree . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> dumpUserDataByUserId (
( new DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DumpUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . dumpUserDataByUserId (
new DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DumpUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . dumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . dump_user_data_by_user_id (
skill_tree . DumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.dump_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.dump_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkDumpUserDataByUserId Check if the dump of the data associated with the specified user ID is complete
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description url string URL of output data
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckDumpUserDataByUserId (
& skill_tree . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
url := result . Url
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$url = $result -> getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
new CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckDumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var url = result . Url ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkDumpUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_dump_user_data_by_user_id (
skill_tree . CheckDumpUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
url = result . url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.check_dump_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.check_dump_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
cleanUserDataByUserId Get clean data of the data associated with the specified user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CleanUserDataByUserId (
& skill_tree . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> cleanUserDataByUserId (
( new CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.CleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
CleanUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . cleanUserDataByUserId (
new CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.CleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . CleanUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . cleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . clean_user_data_by_user_id (
skill_tree . CleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.clean_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.clean_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkCleanUserDataByUserId Check if the clean of the data associated with the specified user ID is complete
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckCleanUserDataByUserId (
& skill_tree . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
new CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckCleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkCleanUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_clean_user_data_by_user_id (
skill_tree . CheckCleanUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.check_clean_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.check_clean_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
prepareImportUserDataByUserId Start importing data associated with the specified user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description uploadToken string Token used to reflect results after upload uploadUrl string URL used to upload user data
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . PrepareImportUserDataByUserId (
& skill_tree . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
uploadToken := result . UploadToken
uploadUrl := result . UploadUrl
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
( new PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$uploadToken = $result -> getUploadToken ();
$uploadUrl = $result -> getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String uploadToken = result . getUploadToken ();
String uploadUrl = result . getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . PrepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var uploadToken = result . UploadToken ;
var uploadUrl = result . UploadUrl ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . prepareImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const uploadToken = result . getUploadToken ();
const uploadUrl = result . getUploadUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id (
skill_tree . PrepareImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
upload_token = result . upload_token
upload_url = result . upload_url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
uploadToken = result.uploadToken ;
uploadUrl = result.uploadUrl ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.prepare_import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
uploadToken = result.uploadToken ;
uploadUrl = result.uploadUrl ;
importUserDataByUserId Start importing data associated with the specified user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id uploadToken string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Token received in preparation for upload timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . ImportUserDataByUserId (
& skill_tree . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
UploadToken : pointy . String ( "upload-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> importUserDataByUserId (
( new ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.ImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
ImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . importUserDataByUserId (
new ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.ImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . ImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . ImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . importUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . import_user_data_by_user_id (
skill_tree . ImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_upload_token ( 'upload-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
checkImportUserDataByUserId Check if the import of the data associated with the specified user ID is complete
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id uploadToken string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Token received in preparation for upload timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description url string URL of log data
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CheckImportUserDataByUserId (
& skill_tree . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest {
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
UploadToken : pointy . String ( "upload-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
url := result . Url
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> checkImportUserDataByUserId (
( new CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ())
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$url = $result -> getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult result = client . checkImportUserDataByUserId (
new CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
String url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CheckImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var url = result . Url ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . checkImportUserDataByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withUploadToken ( "upload-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const url = result . getUrl ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . check_import_user_data_by_user_id (
skill_tree . CheckImportUserDataByUserIdRequest ()
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_upload_token ( 'upload-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
url = result . url
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.check_import_user_data_by_user_id ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.check_import_user_data_by_user_id_async ({
userId = "user-0001" ,
uploadToken = "upload-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
url = result.url ;
describeNodeModels Get list of status models
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeNodeModels (
& skill_tree . DescribeNodeModelsRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DescribeNodeModelsRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeNodeModels (
( new DescribeNodeModelsRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DescribeNodeModelsRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DescribeNodeModelsResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeNodeModelsResult result = client . describeNodeModels (
new DescribeNodeModelsRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
List < NodeModel > items = result . getItems ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DescribeNodeModelsRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DescribeNodeModelsResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DescribeNodeModelsResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeNodeModels (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DescribeNodeModelsRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeNodeModels (
new Gs2SkillTree . DescribeNodeModelsRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const items = result . getItems ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_node_models (
skill_tree . DescribeNodeModelsRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
items = result . items
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.describe_node_models ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_node_models_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
getNodeModel Get an status model
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name nodeModelName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Node Model Name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNodeModel (
& skill_tree . GetNodeModelRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
NodeModelName : pointy . String ( "status-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\GetNodeModelRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNodeModel (
( new GetNodeModelRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withNodeModelName ( "status-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.GetNodeModelRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.GetNodeModelResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNodeModelResult result = client . getNodeModel (
new GetNodeModelRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "status-0001" )
NodeModel item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.GetNodeModelRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.GetNodeModelResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . GetNodeModelResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNodeModel (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . GetNodeModelRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithNodeModelName ( "status-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNodeModel (
new Gs2SkillTree . GetNodeModelRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "status-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_node_model (
skill_tree . GetNodeModelRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_node_model_name ( 'status-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.get_node_model ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "status-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.get_node_model_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "status-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
describeNodeModelMasters List of status model masters
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name pageToken string ~ 1024 chars Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 Number of data acquired
Result Type Description items List<NodeModelMaster> List of Node Model Masters nextPageToken string Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeNodeModelMasters (
& skill_tree . DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeNodeModelMasters (
( new DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DescribeNodeModelMastersResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeNodeModelMastersResult result = client . describeNodeModelMasters (
new DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < NodeModelMaster > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DescribeNodeModelMastersResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DescribeNodeModelMastersResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeNodeModelMasters (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeNodeModelMasters (
new Gs2SkillTree . DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_node_model_masters (
skill_tree . DescribeNodeModelMastersRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.describe_node_model_masters ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_node_model_masters_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createNodeModelMaster Create a new status model master
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Node Model Name description string ~ 1024 chars Description metadata string ~ 2048 chars metadata releaseVerifyActions List<VerifyAction> [] ~ 10 items List of verify actions required to determine the conditions for release releaseConsumeActions List<ConsumeAction> ✓ [] 1 ~ 10 items List of consume actions required for release restrainReturnRate float ✓ 1.0 ~ 1.0 Return Rate premiseNodeNames List<string> [] ~ 10 items List of premise node model name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateNodeModelMaster (
& skill_tree . CreateNodeModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Name : pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
Description : nil ,
Metadata : pointy . String ( "NODE-0001" ),
ReleaseVerifyActions : nil ,
ReleaseConsumeActions : [] skillTree . ConsumeAction {
skillTree . ConsumeAction {
Action : pointy . String ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" ),
Request : pointy . String ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 10}" ),
RestrainReturnRate : pointy . Float32 ( 1.0 ),
PremiseNodeNames : [] * string {},
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createNodeModelMaster (
( new CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withName ( "node-0001" )
-> withDescription ( null )
-> withMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
-> withReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
-> withReleaseConsumeActions ([
( new \Gs2\SkillTree\Model\ConsumeAction ())
-> withAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
-> withRequest ( "{ \" namespaceName \" : \" namespace-0001 \" , \" inventoryName \" : \" item \" , \" itemName \" : \" potion \" , \" userId \" : \" #{userId} \" , \" consumeCount \" : 10}" ),
-> withRestrainReturnRate ( 1.0 )
-> withPremiseNodeNames ([])
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.CreateNodeModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
CreateNodeModelMasterResult result = client . createNodeModelMaster (
new CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withName ( "node-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
. withReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
. withReleaseConsumeActions ( Arrays . asList (
new io . gs2 . skillTree . model . ConsumeAction ()
. withAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
. withRequest ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 10}" )
. withRestrainReturnRate ( 1 . 0f )
. withPremiseNodeNames ( new ArrayList < String > ())
NodeModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.CreateNodeModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . CreateNodeModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithName ( "node-0001" )
. WithDescription ( null )
. WithMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
. WithReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
. WithReleaseConsumeActions ( new Gs2 . Core . Model . ConsumeAction [] {
new Gs2 . Core . Model . ConsumeAction ()
. WithAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
. WithRequest ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 10}" ),
. WithRestrainReturnRate ( 1.0f )
. WithPremiseNodeNames ( new string [] {}),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2SkillTree . CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withName ( "node-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
. withReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
. withReleaseConsumeActions ([
new Gs2SkillTree . model . ConsumeAction ()
. withAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
. withRequest ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 10}" ),
. withRestrainReturnRate ( 1.0 )
. withPremiseNodeNames ([])
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_node_model_master (
skill_tree . CreateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_name ( 'node-0001' )
. with_description ( None )
. with_metadata ( 'NODE-0001' )
. with_release_verify_actions ( None )
. with_release_consume_actions ([
skill_tree . ConsumeAction ()
. with_action ( 'Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId' )
. with_request ( '{"namespaceName": "namespace-0001", "inventoryName": "item", "itemName": "potion", "userId": "# {userId} ", "consumeCount": 10}' ),
. with_restrain_return_rate ( 1.0 )
. with_premise_node_names ([])
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.create_node_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
name = "node-0001" ,
description = nil ,
metadata = "NODE-0001" ,
releaseVerifyActions = nil ,
releaseConsumeActions = {
action = "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" ,
request = "{ \" namespaceName \" : \" namespace-0001 \" , \" inventoryName \" : \" item \" , \" itemName \" : \" potion \" , \" userId \" : \" #{userId} \" , \" consumeCount \" : 10}" ,
restrainReturnRate = 1.0 ,
premiseNodeNames = {},
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.create_node_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
name = "node-0001" ,
description = nil ,
metadata = "NODE-0001" ,
releaseVerifyActions = nil ,
releaseConsumeActions = {
action = "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" ,
request = "{ \" namespaceName \" : \" namespace-0001 \" , \" inventoryName \" : \" item \" , \" itemName \" : \" potion \" , \" userId \" : \" #{userId} \" , \" consumeCount \" : 10}" ,
restrainReturnRate = 1.0 ,
premiseNodeNames = {},
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getNodeModelMaster Get Node Model Master
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name nodeModelName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Node Model Name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNodeModelMaster (
& skill_tree . GetNodeModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
NodeModelName : pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\GetNodeModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNodeModelMaster (
( new GetNodeModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.GetNodeModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.GetNodeModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNodeModelMasterResult result = client . getNodeModelMaster (
new GetNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
NodeModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.GetNodeModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.GetNodeModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . GetNodeModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . GetNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithNodeModelName ( "node-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2SkillTree . GetNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_node_model_master (
skill_tree . GetNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_node_model_name ( 'node-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.get_node_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "node-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.get_node_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "node-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateNodeModelMaster Updated Node Model Master
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name nodeModelName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Node Model Name description string ~ 1024 chars Description metadata string ~ 2048 chars metadata releaseVerifyActions List<VerifyAction> [] ~ 10 items List of verify actions required to determine the conditions for release releaseConsumeActions List<ConsumeAction> ✓ [] 1 ~ 10 items List of consume actions required for release restrainReturnRate float ✓ 1.0 ~ 1.0 Return Rate premiseNodeNames List<string> [] ~ 10 items List of premise node model name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateNodeModelMaster (
& skill_tree . UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
NodeModelName : pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
Metadata : pointy . String ( "NODE-0001" ),
ReleaseVerifyActions : nil ,
ReleaseConsumeActions : [] skillTree . ConsumeAction {
skillTree . ConsumeAction {
Action : pointy . String ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" ),
Request : pointy . String ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 20}" ),
RestrainReturnRate : pointy . Float32 ( 0.9 ),
PremiseNodeNames : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateNodeModelMaster (
( new UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
-> withMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
-> withReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
-> withReleaseConsumeActions ([
( new \Gs2\SkillTree\Model\ConsumeAction ())
-> withAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
-> withRequest ( "{ \" namespaceName \" : \" namespace-0001 \" , \" inventoryName \" : \" item \" , \" itemName \" : \" potion \" , \" userId \" : \" #{userId} \" , \" consumeCount \" : 20}" ),
-> withRestrainReturnRate ( 0.9 )
-> withPremiseNodeNames ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.UpdateNodeModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateNodeModelMasterResult result = client . updateNodeModelMaster (
new UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
. withReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
. withReleaseConsumeActions ( Arrays . asList (
new io . gs2 . skillTree . model . ConsumeAction ()
. withAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
. withRequest ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 20}" )
. withRestrainReturnRate ( 0 . 9f )
. withPremiseNodeNames ( null )
NodeModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.UpdateNodeModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . UpdateNodeModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" )
. WithMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
. WithReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
. WithReleaseConsumeActions ( new Gs2 . Core . Model . ConsumeAction [] {
new Gs2 . Core . Model . ConsumeAction ()
. WithAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
. WithRequest ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 20}" ),
. WithRestrainReturnRate ( 0.9f )
. WithPremiseNodeNames ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2SkillTree . UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withMetadata ( "NODE-0001" )
. withReleaseVerifyActions ( null )
. withReleaseConsumeActions ([
new Gs2SkillTree . model . ConsumeAction ()
. withAction ( "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" )
. withRequest ( "{\"namespaceName\": \"namespace-0001\", \"inventoryName\": \"item\", \"itemName\": \"potion\", \"userId\": \"#{userId}\", \"consumeCount\": 20}" ),
. withRestrainReturnRate ( 0.9 )
. withPremiseNodeNames ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_node_model_master (
skill_tree . UpdateNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_node_model_name ( 'node-0001' )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
. with_metadata ( 'NODE-0001' )
. with_release_verify_actions ( None )
. with_release_consume_actions ([
skill_tree . ConsumeAction ()
. with_action ( 'Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId' )
. with_request ( '{"namespaceName": "namespace-0001", "inventoryName": "item", "itemName": "potion", "userId": "# {userId} ", "consumeCount": 20}' ),
. with_restrain_return_rate ( 0.9 )
. with_premise_node_names ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.update_node_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "node-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
metadata = "NODE-0001" ,
releaseVerifyActions = nil ,
releaseConsumeActions = {
action = "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" ,
request = "{ \" namespaceName \" : \" namespace-0001 \" , \" inventoryName \" : \" item \" , \" itemName \" : \" potion \" , \" userId \" : \" #{userId} \" , \" consumeCount \" : 20}" ,
restrainReturnRate = 0.9 ,
premiseNodeNames = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.update_node_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "node-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
metadata = "NODE-0001" ,
releaseVerifyActions = nil ,
releaseConsumeActions = {
action = "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId" ,
request = "{ \" namespaceName \" : \" namespace-0001 \" , \" inventoryName \" : \" item \" , \" itemName \" : \" potion \" , \" userId \" : \" #{userId} \" , \" consumeCount \" : 20}" ,
restrainReturnRate = 0.9 ,
premiseNodeNames = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteNodeModelMaster Delete status model master
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name nodeModelName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Node Model Name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteNodeModelMaster (
& skill_tree . DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
NodeModelName : pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteNodeModelMaster (
( new DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DeleteNodeModelMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteNodeModelMasterResult result = client . deleteNodeModelMaster (
new DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
NodeModelMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DeleteNodeModelMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DeleteNodeModelMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithNodeModelName ( "node-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteNodeModelMaster (
new Gs2SkillTree . DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withNodeModelName ( "node-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_node_model_master (
skill_tree . DeleteNodeModelMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_node_model_name ( 'node-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.delete_node_model_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "node-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_node_model_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
nodeModelName = "node-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
markReleaseByUserId Mark an status as released by user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID nodeModelNames List<string> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items List of node model names timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description item Status Status
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . MarkReleaseByUserId (
& skill_tree . MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
NodeModelNames : [] * string {
pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> markReleaseByUserId (
( new MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.MarkReleaseByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
MarkReleaseByUserIdResult result = client . markReleaseByUserId (
new MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ( Arrays . asList (
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.MarkReleaseByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . MarkReleaseByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . MarkReleaseByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithNodeModelNames ( new string [] {
"node-0001" ,
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . markReleaseByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . mark_release_by_user_id (
skill_tree . MarkReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_node_model_names ([
'node-0001' ,
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.mark_release_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.mark_release_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
release Release an status by user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name accessToken string ✓ ~ 128 chars Access token propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID nodeModelNames List<string> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items List of node model names config List<Config> [] ~ 32 items Set values to be applied to transaction variables
Result Type Description item Status Status transactionId string Issed transaction ID stampSheet string Stamp sheets used to execute the release process stampSheetEncryptionKeyId string Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations autoRunStampSheet bool? Is transaction auto-execution enabled? atomicCommit bool? Transaction to commit atomically transaction string Issued transaction transactionResult TransactionResult Transaction execution result
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . Release (
& skill_tree . ReleaseRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
NodeModelNames : [] * string {
pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
Config : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
transactionId := result . TransactionId
stampSheet := result . StampSheet
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId := result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId
autoRunStampSheet := result . AutoRunStampSheet
atomicCommit := result . AtomicCommit
transaction := result . Transaction
transactionResult := result . TransactionResult
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\ReleaseRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> release (
( new ReleaseRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
-> withConfig ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$transactionId = $result -> getTransactionId ();
$stampSheet = $result -> getStampSheet ();
$stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = $result -> getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
$autoRunStampSheet = $result -> getAutoRunStampSheet ();
$atomicCommit = $result -> getAtomicCommit ();
$transaction = $result -> getTransaction ();
$transactionResult = $result -> getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.ReleaseRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.ReleaseResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
ReleaseResult result = client . release (
new ReleaseRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ( Arrays . asList (
. withConfig ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
String transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
String stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
String stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
boolean autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
boolean atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
String transaction = result . getTransaction ();
TransactionResult transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.ReleaseRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.ReleaseResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . ReleaseResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . Release (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . ReleaseRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithNodeModelNames ( new string [] {
"node-0001" ,
. WithConfig ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var transactionId = result . TransactionId ;
var stampSheet = result . StampSheet ;
var stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
var autoRunStampSheet = result . AutoRunStampSheet ;
var atomicCommit = result . AtomicCommit ;
var transaction = result . Transaction ;
var transactionResult = result . TransactionResult ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . release (
new Gs2SkillTree . ReleaseRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
. withConfig ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
const stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
const stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
const autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
const atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
const transaction = result . getTransaction ();
const transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . release (
skill_tree . ReleaseRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_access_token ( 'accessToken-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_node_model_names ([
'node-0001' ,
. with_config ( None )
item = result . item
transaction_id = result . transaction_id
stamp_sheet = result . stamp_sheet
stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id = result . stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id
auto_run_stamp_sheet = result . auto_run_stamp_sheet
atomic_commit = result . atomic_commit
transaction = result . transaction
transaction_result = result . transaction_result
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.release ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.release_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
releaseByUserId Release an status by user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID nodeModelNames List<string> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items List of node model names config List<Config> [] ~ 32 items Set values to be applied to transaction variables timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description item Status Status transactionId string Issed transaction ID stampSheet string Stamp sheets used to execute the release process stampSheetEncryptionKeyId string Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations autoRunStampSheet bool? Is transaction auto-execution enabled? atomicCommit bool? Transaction to commit atomically transaction string Issued transaction transactionResult TransactionResult Transaction execution result
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . ReleaseByUserId (
& skill_tree . ReleaseByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
NodeModelNames : [] * string {
pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
Config : nil ,
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
transactionId := result . TransactionId
stampSheet := result . StampSheet
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId := result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId
autoRunStampSheet := result . AutoRunStampSheet
atomicCommit := result . AtomicCommit
transaction := result . Transaction
transactionResult := result . TransactionResult
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\ReleaseByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> releaseByUserId (
( new ReleaseByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
-> withConfig ( null )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$transactionId = $result -> getTransactionId ();
$stampSheet = $result -> getStampSheet ();
$stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = $result -> getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
$autoRunStampSheet = $result -> getAutoRunStampSheet ();
$atomicCommit = $result -> getAtomicCommit ();
$transaction = $result -> getTransaction ();
$transactionResult = $result -> getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.ReleaseByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.ReleaseByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
ReleaseByUserIdResult result = client . releaseByUserId (
new ReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ( Arrays . asList (
. withConfig ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
String transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
String stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
String stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
boolean autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
boolean atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
String transaction = result . getTransaction ();
TransactionResult transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.ReleaseByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.ReleaseByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . ReleaseByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . ReleaseByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . ReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithNodeModelNames ( new string [] {
"node-0001" ,
. WithConfig ( null )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var transactionId = result . TransactionId ;
var stampSheet = result . StampSheet ;
var stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
var autoRunStampSheet = result . AutoRunStampSheet ;
var atomicCommit = result . AtomicCommit ;
var transaction = result . Transaction ;
var transactionResult = result . TransactionResult ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . releaseByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . ReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
. withConfig ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
const stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
const stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
const autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
const atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
const transaction = result . getTransaction ();
const transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . release_by_user_id (
skill_tree . ReleaseByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_node_model_names ([
'node-0001' ,
. with_config ( None )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
transaction_id = result . transaction_id
stamp_sheet = result . stamp_sheet
stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id = result . stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id
auto_run_stamp_sheet = result . auto_run_stamp_sheet
atomic_commit = result . atomic_commit
transaction = result . transaction
transaction_result = result . transaction_result
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.release_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.release_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
markRestrain Mark an status as unrestrained
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name accessToken string ✓ ~ 128 chars Access token propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID nodeModelNames List<string> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items List of node model names
Result Type Description item Status Status
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . MarkRestrain (
& skill_tree . MarkRestrainRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
NodeModelNames : [] * string {
pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\MarkRestrainRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> markRestrain (
( new MarkRestrainRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.MarkRestrainRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.MarkRestrainResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
MarkRestrainResult result = client . markRestrain (
new MarkRestrainRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ( Arrays . asList (
Status item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.MarkRestrainRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.MarkRestrainResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . MarkRestrainResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . MarkRestrain (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . MarkRestrainRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithNodeModelNames ( new string [] {
"node-0001" ,
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . markRestrain (
new Gs2SkillTree . MarkRestrainRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . mark_restrain (
skill_tree . MarkRestrainRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_access_token ( 'accessToken-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_node_model_names ([
'node-0001' ,
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.mark_restrain ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.mark_restrain_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
markRestrainByUserId Mark an status as unrestrained by specified user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID nodeModelNames List<string> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items List of node model names timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description item Status Status
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . MarkRestrainByUserId (
& skill_tree . MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
NodeModelNames : [] * string {
pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> markRestrainByUserId (
( new MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.MarkRestrainByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
MarkRestrainByUserIdResult result = client . markRestrainByUserId (
new MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ( Arrays . asList (
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.MarkRestrainByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . MarkRestrainByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . MarkRestrainByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithNodeModelNames ( new string [] {
"node-0001" ,
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . markRestrainByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . mark_restrain_by_user_id (
skill_tree . MarkRestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_node_model_names ([
'node-0001' ,
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.mark_restrain_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.mark_restrain_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
restrain Restrain an status
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name accessToken string ✓ ~ 128 chars Access token propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID nodeModelNames List<string> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items List of node model names config List<Config> [] ~ 32 items Set values to be applied to transaction variables
Result Type Description item Status Status transactionId string Issed transaction ID stampSheet string Stamp sheets used to execute the restrain process stampSheetEncryptionKeyId string Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations autoRunStampSheet bool? Is transaction auto-execution enabled? atomicCommit bool? Transaction to commit atomically transaction string Issued transaction transactionResult TransactionResult Transaction execution result
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . Restrain (
& skill_tree . RestrainRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
NodeModelNames : [] * string {
pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
Config : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
transactionId := result . TransactionId
stampSheet := result . StampSheet
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId := result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId
autoRunStampSheet := result . AutoRunStampSheet
atomicCommit := result . AtomicCommit
transaction := result . Transaction
transactionResult := result . TransactionResult
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\RestrainRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> restrain (
( new RestrainRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
-> withConfig ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$transactionId = $result -> getTransactionId ();
$stampSheet = $result -> getStampSheet ();
$stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = $result -> getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
$autoRunStampSheet = $result -> getAutoRunStampSheet ();
$atomicCommit = $result -> getAtomicCommit ();
$transaction = $result -> getTransaction ();
$transactionResult = $result -> getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.RestrainRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.RestrainResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
RestrainResult result = client . restrain (
new RestrainRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ( Arrays . asList (
. withConfig ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
String transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
String stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
String stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
boolean autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
boolean atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
String transaction = result . getTransaction ();
TransactionResult transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.RestrainRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.RestrainResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . RestrainResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . Restrain (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . RestrainRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithNodeModelNames ( new string [] {
"node-0001" ,
. WithConfig ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var transactionId = result . TransactionId ;
var stampSheet = result . StampSheet ;
var stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
var autoRunStampSheet = result . AutoRunStampSheet ;
var atomicCommit = result . AtomicCommit ;
var transaction = result . Transaction ;
var transactionResult = result . TransactionResult ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . restrain (
new Gs2SkillTree . RestrainRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
. withConfig ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
const stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
const stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
const autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
const atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
const transaction = result . getTransaction ();
const transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . restrain (
skill_tree . RestrainRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_access_token ( 'accessToken-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_node_model_names ([
'node-0001' ,
. with_config ( None )
item = result . item
transaction_id = result . transaction_id
stamp_sheet = result . stamp_sheet
stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id = result . stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id
auto_run_stamp_sheet = result . auto_run_stamp_sheet
atomic_commit = result . atomic_commit
transaction = result . transaction
transaction_result = result . transaction_result
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.restrain ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.restrain_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
restrainByUserId Restrain an status by user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID nodeModelNames List<string> ✓ 1 ~ 1000 items List of node model names config List<Config> [] ~ 32 items Set values to be applied to transaction variables timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description item Status Status transactionId string Issed transaction ID stampSheet string Stamp sheets used to execute the restrain process stampSheetEncryptionKeyId string Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations autoRunStampSheet bool? Is transaction auto-execution enabled? atomicCommit bool? Transaction to commit atomically transaction string Issued transaction transactionResult TransactionResult Transaction execution result
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . RestrainByUserId (
& skill_tree . RestrainByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
NodeModelNames : [] * string {
pointy . String ( "node-0001" ),
Config : nil ,
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
transactionId := result . TransactionId
stampSheet := result . StampSheet
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId := result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId
autoRunStampSheet := result . AutoRunStampSheet
atomicCommit := result . AtomicCommit
transaction := result . Transaction
transactionResult := result . TransactionResult
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\RestrainByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> restrainByUserId (
( new RestrainByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
-> withConfig ( null )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$transactionId = $result -> getTransactionId ();
$stampSheet = $result -> getStampSheet ();
$stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = $result -> getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
$autoRunStampSheet = $result -> getAutoRunStampSheet ();
$atomicCommit = $result -> getAtomicCommit ();
$transaction = $result -> getTransaction ();
$transactionResult = $result -> getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.RestrainByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.RestrainByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
RestrainByUserIdResult result = client . restrainByUserId (
new RestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ( Arrays . asList (
. withConfig ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
String transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
String stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
String stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
boolean autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
boolean atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
String transaction = result . getTransaction ();
TransactionResult transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.RestrainByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.RestrainByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . RestrainByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . RestrainByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . RestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithNodeModelNames ( new string [] {
"node-0001" ,
. WithConfig ( null )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var transactionId = result . TransactionId ;
var stampSheet = result . StampSheet ;
var stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
var autoRunStampSheet = result . AutoRunStampSheet ;
var atomicCommit = result . AtomicCommit ;
var transaction = result . Transaction ;
var transactionResult = result . TransactionResult ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . restrainByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . RestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withNodeModelNames ([
"node-0001" ,
. withConfig ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
const stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
const stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
const autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
const atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
const transaction = result . getTransaction ();
const transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . restrain_by_user_id (
skill_tree . RestrainByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_node_model_names ([
'node-0001' ,
. with_config ( None )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
transaction_id = result . transaction_id
stamp_sheet = result . stamp_sheet
stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id = result . stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id
auto_run_stamp_sheet = result . auto_run_stamp_sheet
atomic_commit = result . atomic_commit
transaction = result . transaction
transaction_result = result . transaction_result
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.restrain_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.restrain_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
nodeModelNames = {
config = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
describeStatuses List status
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name accessToken string ✓ ~ 128 chars Access token pageToken string ~ 1024 chars Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 Number of data acquired
Result Type Description items List<Status> List of status nextPageToken string Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeStatuses (
& skill_tree . DescribeStatusesRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DescribeStatusesRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeStatuses (
( new DescribeStatusesRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DescribeStatusesRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DescribeStatusesResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeStatusesResult result = client . describeStatuses (
new DescribeStatusesRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < Status > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DescribeStatusesRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DescribeStatusesResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DescribeStatusesResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeStatuses (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DescribeStatusesRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeStatuses (
new Gs2SkillTree . DescribeStatusesRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_statuses (
skill_tree . DescribeStatusesRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_access_token ( 'accessToken-0001' )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.describe_statuses ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_statuses_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
describeStatusesByUserId List status by user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id pageToken string ~ 1024 chars Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 Number of data acquired timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description items List<Status> List of status nextPageToken string Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeStatusesByUserId (
& skill_tree . DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeStatusesByUserId (
( new DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.DescribeStatusesByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeStatusesByUserIdResult result = client . describeStatusesByUserId (
new DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
List < Status > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.DescribeStatusesByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . DescribeStatusesByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeStatusesByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeStatusesByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_statuses_by_user_id (
skill_tree . DescribeStatusesByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.describe_statuses_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_statuses_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
getStatus Get an status
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name accessToken string ✓ ~ 128 chars Access token propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID
Result Type Description item Status Status
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetStatus (
& skill_tree . GetStatusRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\GetStatusRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getStatus (
( new GetStatusRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.GetStatusRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.GetStatusResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
GetStatusResult result = client . getStatus (
new GetStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
Status item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.GetStatusRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.GetStatusResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . GetStatusResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetStatus (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . GetStatusRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getStatus (
new Gs2SkillTree . GetStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_status (
skill_tree . GetStatusRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_access_token ( 'accessToken-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.get_status ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.get_status_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getStatusByUserId Get status by user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description item Status Status
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetStatusByUserId (
& skill_tree . GetStatusByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\GetStatusByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getStatusByUserId (
( new GetStatusByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.GetStatusByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.GetStatusByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
GetStatusByUserIdResult result = client . getStatusByUserId (
new GetStatusByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.GetStatusByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.GetStatusByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . GetStatusByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetStatusByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . GetStatusByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getStatusByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . GetStatusByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_status_by_user_id (
skill_tree . GetStatusByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.get_status_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.get_status_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
reset Reset status
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name accessToken string ✓ ~ 128 chars Access token propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID config List<Config> [] ~ 32 items Set values to be applied to transaction variables
Result Type Description item Status Status transactionId string Issed transaction ID stampSheet string Stamp sheets used to execute the reset process stampSheetEncryptionKeyId string Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations autoRunStampSheet bool? Is transaction auto-execution enabled? atomicCommit bool? Transaction to commit atomically transaction string Issued transaction transactionResult TransactionResult Transaction execution result
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . Reset (
& skill_tree . ResetRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
AccessToken : pointy . String ( "accessToken-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
Config : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
transactionId := result . TransactionId
stampSheet := result . StampSheet
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId := result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId
autoRunStampSheet := result . AutoRunStampSheet
atomicCommit := result . AtomicCommit
transaction := result . Transaction
transactionResult := result . TransactionResult
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\ResetRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> reset (
( new ResetRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withConfig ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$transactionId = $result -> getTransactionId ();
$stampSheet = $result -> getStampSheet ();
$stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = $result -> getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
$autoRunStampSheet = $result -> getAutoRunStampSheet ();
$atomicCommit = $result -> getAtomicCommit ();
$transaction = $result -> getTransaction ();
$transactionResult = $result -> getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.ResetRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.ResetResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
ResetResult result = client . reset (
new ResetRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withConfig ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
String transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
String stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
String stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
boolean autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
boolean atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
String transaction = result . getTransaction ();
TransactionResult transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.ResetRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.ResetResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . ResetResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . Reset (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . ResetRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithConfig ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var transactionId = result . TransactionId ;
var stampSheet = result . StampSheet ;
var stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
var autoRunStampSheet = result . AutoRunStampSheet ;
var atomicCommit = result . AtomicCommit ;
var transaction = result . Transaction ;
var transactionResult = result . TransactionResult ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . reset (
new Gs2SkillTree . ResetRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withAccessToken ( "accessToken-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withConfig ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
const stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
const stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
const autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
const atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
const transaction = result . getTransaction ();
const transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . reset (
skill_tree . ResetRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_access_token ( 'accessToken-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_config ( None )
item = result . item
transaction_id = result . transaction_id
stamp_sheet = result . stamp_sheet
stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id = result . stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id
auto_run_stamp_sheet = result . auto_run_stamp_sheet
atomic_commit = result . atomic_commit
transaction = result . transaction
transaction_result = result . transaction_result
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.reset ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
config = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.reset_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
accessToken = "accessToken-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
config = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
resetByUserId Reset status by user ID
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name userId string ✓ ~ 128 chars User Id propertyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Property ID config List<Config> [] ~ 32 items Set values to be applied to transaction variables timeOffsetToken string ~ 1024 chars Time offset token
Result Type Description item Status Status transactionId string Issed transaction ID stampSheet string Stamp sheets used to execute the reset process stampSheetEncryptionKeyId string Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations autoRunStampSheet bool? Is transaction auto-execution enabled? atomicCommit bool? Transaction to commit atomically transaction string Issued transaction transactionResult TransactionResult Transaction execution result
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . ResetByUserId (
& skill_tree . ResetByUserIdRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
UserId : pointy . String ( "user-0001" ),
PropertyId : pointy . String ( "property-0001" ),
Config : nil ,
TimeOffsetToken : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
transactionId := result . TransactionId
stampSheet := result . StampSheet
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId := result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId
autoRunStampSheet := result . AutoRunStampSheet
atomicCommit := result . AtomicCommit
transaction := result . Transaction
transactionResult := result . TransactionResult
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\ResetByUserIdRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> resetByUserId (
( new ResetByUserIdRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withUserId ( "user-0001" )
-> withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
-> withConfig ( null )
-> withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$transactionId = $result -> getTransactionId ();
$stampSheet = $result -> getStampSheet ();
$stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = $result -> getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
$autoRunStampSheet = $result -> getAutoRunStampSheet ();
$atomicCommit = $result -> getAtomicCommit ();
$transaction = $result -> getTransaction ();
$transactionResult = $result -> getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.ResetByUserIdRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.ResetByUserIdResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
ResetByUserIdResult result = client . resetByUserId (
new ResetByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withConfig ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
Status item = result . getItem ();
String transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
String stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
String stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
boolean autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
boolean atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
String transaction = result . getTransaction ();
TransactionResult transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.ResetByUserIdRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.ResetByUserIdResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . ResetByUserIdResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . ResetByUserId (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . ResetByUserIdRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithUserId ( "user-0001" )
. WithPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. WithConfig ( null )
. WithTimeOffsetToken ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var transactionId = result . TransactionId ;
var stampSheet = result . StampSheet ;
var stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . StampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
var autoRunStampSheet = result . AutoRunStampSheet ;
var atomicCommit = result . AtomicCommit ;
var transaction = result . Transaction ;
var transactionResult = result . TransactionResult ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . resetByUserId (
new Gs2SkillTree . ResetByUserIdRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withUserId ( "user-0001" )
. withPropertyId ( "property-0001" )
. withConfig ( null )
. withTimeOffsetToken ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
const transactionId = result . getTransactionId ();
const stampSheet = result . getStampSheet ();
const stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result . getStampSheetEncryptionKeyId ();
const autoRunStampSheet = result . getAutoRunStampSheet ();
const atomicCommit = result . getAtomicCommit ();
const transaction = result . getTransaction ();
const transactionResult = result . getTransactionResult ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . reset_by_user_id (
skill_tree . ResetByUserIdRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_user_id ( 'user-0001' )
. with_property_id ( 'property-0001' )
. with_config ( None )
. with_time_offset_token ( None )
item = result . item
transaction_id = result . transaction_id
stamp_sheet = result . stamp_sheet
stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id = result . stamp_sheet_encryption_key_id
auto_run_stamp_sheet = result . auto_run_stamp_sheet
atomic_commit = result . atomic_commit
transaction = result . transaction
transaction_result = result . transaction_result
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.reset_by_user_id ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
config = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.reset_by_user_id_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
userId = "user-0001" ,
propertyId = "property-0001" ,
config = nil ,
timeOffsetToken = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
transactionId = result.transactionId ;
stampSheet = result.stampSheet ;
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId = result.stampSheetEncryptionKeyId ;
autoRunStampSheet = result.autoRunStampSheet ;
atomicCommit = result.atomicCommit ;
transaction = result.transaction ;
transactionResult = result.transactionResult ;
markReleaseByStampSheet Execute the record of the released node as an acquire action
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description stampSheet string ✓ ~ 5242880 chars Transaction keyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars encryption key GRN
Result Type Description item Status Status
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . MarkReleaseByStampSheet (
& skill_tree . MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest {
StampSheet : pointy . String ( "stampSheet" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> markReleaseByStampSheet (
( new MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ())
-> withStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
-> withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.MarkReleaseByStampSheetResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
MarkReleaseByStampSheetResult result = client . markReleaseByStampSheet (
new MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ()
. withStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
Status item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.MarkReleaseByStampSheetResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . MarkReleaseByStampSheetResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . MarkReleaseByStampSheet (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ()
. WithStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. WithKeyId ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . markReleaseByStampSheet (
new Gs2SkillTree . MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ()
. withStampSheet ( "stampSheet" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . mark_release_by_stamp_sheet (
skill_tree . MarkReleaseByStampSheetRequest ()
. with_stamp_sheet ( 'stampSheet' )
. with_key_id ( 'key-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.mark_release_by_stamp_sheet ({
stampSheet = "stampSheet" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.mark_release_by_stamp_sheet_async ({
stampSheet = "stampSheet" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
markRestrainByStampTask Execute the unrestrained state of the node as a consume action
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description stampTask string ✓ ~ 5242880 chars Consume Action keyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars encryption key GRN
Result Type Description item Status Status newContextStack string Request of context in which consume action execution results are recorded
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . MarkRestrainByStampTask (
& skill_tree . MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest {
StampTask : pointy . String ( "stampTask" ),
KeyId : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
newContextStack := result . NewContextStack
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> markRestrainByStampTask (
( new MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ())
-> withStampTask ( "stampTask" )
-> withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
$newContextStack = $result -> getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.MarkRestrainByStampTaskResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
MarkRestrainByStampTaskResult result = client . markRestrainByStampTask (
new MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ()
. withStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
Status item = result . getItem ();
String newContextStack = result . getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.MarkRestrainByStampTaskResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . MarkRestrainByStampTaskResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . MarkRestrainByStampTask (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ()
. WithStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. WithKeyId ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
var newContextStack = result . NewContextStack ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . markRestrainByStampTask (
new Gs2SkillTree . MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ()
. withStampTask ( "stampTask" )
. withKeyId ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
const newContextStack = result . getNewContextStack ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . mark_restrain_by_stamp_task (
skill_tree . MarkRestrainByStampTaskRequest ()
. with_stamp_task ( 'stampTask' )
. with_key_id ( 'key-0001' )
item = result . item
new_context_stack = result . new_context_stack
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.mark_restrain_by_stamp_task ({
stampTask = "stampTask" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
newContextStack = result.newContextStack ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.mark_restrain_by_stamp_task_async ({
stampTask = "stampTask" ,
keyId = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
newContextStack = result.newContextStack ;
exportMaster Export master data for currently available status settings
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . ExportMaster (
& skill_tree . ExportMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\ExportMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> exportMaster (
( new ExportMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.ExportMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.ExportMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
ExportMasterResult result = client . exportMaster (
new ExportMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
CurrentTreeMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.ExportMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.ExportMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . ExportMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . ExportMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . ExportMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . exportMaster (
new Gs2SkillTree . ExportMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . export_master (
skill_tree . ExportMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.export_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.export_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getCurrentTreeMaster Get the currently available status settings
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetCurrentTreeMaster (
& skill_tree . GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getCurrentTreeMaster (
( new GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.GetCurrentTreeMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
GetCurrentTreeMasterResult result = client . getCurrentTreeMaster (
new GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
CurrentTreeMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.GetCurrentTreeMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . GetCurrentTreeMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetCurrentTreeMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getCurrentTreeMaster (
new Gs2SkillTree . GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_current_tree_master (
skill_tree . GetCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.get_current_tree_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.get_current_tree_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateCurrentTreeMaster Update the currently available status settings
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name settings string ✓ ~ 5242880 chars Master data
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateCurrentTreeMaster (
& skill_tree . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Settings : pointy . String ( "{\"version\": \"2023-09-06\", \"nodeModels\": [{\"name\": \"node-0001\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0001\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 10}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": []}, {\"name\": \"node-0002\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0002\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 15}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0001\"]}, {\"name\": \"node-0003\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0003\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 20}\"}, {\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0002\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 2}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0002\"]}]}" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateCurrentTreeMaster (
( new UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withSettings ( "{ \" version \" : \" 2023-09-06 \" , \" nodeModels \" : [{ \" name \" : \" node-0001 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0001 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0001 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" #{userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 10} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : []}, { \" name \" : \" node-0002 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0002 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0001 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" #{userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 15} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : [ \" node-0001 \" ]}, { \" name \" : \" node-0003 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0003 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0001 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" #{userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 20} \" }, { \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0002 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" #{userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 2} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : [ \" node-0002 \" ]}]}" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateCurrentTreeMasterResult result = client . updateCurrentTreeMaster (
new UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withSettings ( "{\"version\": \"2023-09-06\", \"nodeModels\": [{\"name\": \"node-0001\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0001\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 10}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": []}, {\"name\": \"node-0002\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0002\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 15}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0001\"]}, {\"name\": \"node-0003\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0003\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 20}\"}, {\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0002\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 2}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0002\"]}]}" )
CurrentTreeMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateCurrentTreeMaster (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithSettings ( "{\"version\": \"2023-09-06\", \"nodeModels\": [{\"name\": \"node-0001\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0001\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 10}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": []}, {\"name\": \"node-0002\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0002\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 15}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0001\"]}, {\"name\": \"node-0003\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0003\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 20}\"}, {\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0002\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 2}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0002\"]}]}" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateCurrentTreeMaster (
new Gs2SkillTree . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withSettings ( "{\"version\": \"2023-09-06\", \"nodeModels\": [{\"name\": \"node-0001\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0001\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 10}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": []}, {\"name\": \"node-0002\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0002\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 15}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0001\"]}, {\"name\": \"node-0003\", \"metadata\": \"NODE-0003\", \"releaseConsumeActions\": [{\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0001\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 20}\"}, {\"action\": \"Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId\", \"request\": \"{\\\"namespaceName\\\": \\\"namespace-0001\\\", \\\"inventoryName\\\": \\\"item\\\", \\\"itemName\\\": \\\"item-0002\\\", \\\"userId\\\": \\\"#{userId}\\\", \\\"consumeCount\\\": 2}\"}], \"restrainReturnRate\": 0.5, \"premiseNodeNames\": [\"node-0002\"]}]}" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_current_tree_master (
skill_tree . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_settings ( '{"version": "2023-09-06", "nodeModels": [{"name": "node-0001", "metadata": "NODE-0001", "releaseConsumeActions": [{"action": "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId", "request": "{ \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0001 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" # {userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 10}"}], "restrainReturnRate": 0.5, "premiseNodeNames": []}, {"name": "node-0002", "metadata": "NODE-0002", "releaseConsumeActions": [{"action": "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId", "request": "{ \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0001 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" # {userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 15}"}], "restrainReturnRate": 0.5, "premiseNodeNames": ["node-0001"]}, {"name": "node-0003", "metadata": "NODE-0003", "releaseConsumeActions": [{"action": "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId", "request": "{ \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0001 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" # {userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 20}"}, {"action": "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId", "request": "{ \\\" namespaceName \\\" : \\\" namespace-0001 \\\" , \\\" inventoryName \\\" : \\\" item \\\" , \\\" itemName \\\" : \\\" item-0002 \\\" , \\\" userId \\\" : \\\" # {userId} \\\" , \\\" consumeCount \\\" : 2}"}], "restrainReturnRate": 0.5, "premiseNodeNames": ["node-0002"]}]}' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.update_current_tree_master ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
settings = "{ \" version \" : \" 2023-09-06 \" , \" nodeModels \" : [{ \" name \" : \" node-0001 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0001 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0001 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 10} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : []}, { \" name \" : \" node-0002 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0002 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0001 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 15} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : [ \" node-0001 \" ]}, { \" name \" : \" node-0003 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0003 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0001 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 20} \" }, { \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0002 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 2} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : [ \" node-0002 \" ]}]}" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.update_current_tree_master_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
settings = "{ \" version \" : \" 2023-09-06 \" , \" nodeModels \" : [{ \" name \" : \" node-0001 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0001 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0001 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 10} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : []}, { \" name \" : \" node-0002 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0002 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0001 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 15} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : [ \" node-0001 \" ]}, { \" name \" : \" node-0003 \" , \" metadata \" : \" NODE-0003 \" , \" releaseConsumeActions \" : [{ \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0001 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 20} \" }, { \" action \" : \" Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId \" , \" request \" : \" { \\ " namespaceName \\ ": \\ " namespace - 0001 \\ ", \\ " inventoryName \\ ": \\ " item \\ ", \\ " itemName \\ ": \\ " item - 0002 \\ ", \\ " userId \\ ": \\ " # { userId } \\ ", \\ " consumeCount \\ ": 2} \" }], \" restrainReturnRate \" : 0.5, \" premiseNodeNames \" : [ \" node-0002 \" ]}]}" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHub Update the currently available status settings
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name checkoutSetting GitHubCheckoutSetting ✓ Setup to check out master data from GitHub
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/skill_tree"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHub (
& skill_tree . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
CheckoutSetting : & skillTree . GitHubCheckoutSetting {
ApiKeyId : pointy . String ( "apiKeyId-0001" ),
RepositoryName : pointy . String ( "gs2io/master-data" ),
SourcePath : pointy . String ( "path/to/file.json" ),
ReferenceType : pointy . String ( "branch" ),
BranchName : pointy . String ( "develop" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
use Gs2\SkillTree\Request\UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHub (
( new UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withCheckoutSetting (( new GitHubCheckoutSetting ())
-> withApiKeyId ( "apiKeyId-0001" )
-> withRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
-> withSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
-> withReferenceType ( "branch" )
-> withBranchName ( "develop" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.rest.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.request.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ;
import io.gs2.skillTree.result.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2SkillTreeRestClient client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubResult result = client . updateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHub (
new UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withCheckoutSetting ( new GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. withApiKeyId ( "apiKeyId-0001" )
. withRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
. withSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
. withReferenceType ( "branch" )
. withBranchName ( "develop" )
CurrentTreeMaster item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Request.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2SkillTree.Result.UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Result . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHub (
new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Request . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithCheckoutSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2SkillTree . Model . GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. WithApiKeyId ( "apiKeyId-0001" )
. WithRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
. WithSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
. WithReferenceType ( "branch" )
. WithBranchName ( "develop" )
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2SkillTree from '@/gs2/skillTree' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2SkillTree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHub (
new Gs2SkillTree . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withCheckoutSetting ( new Gs2SkillTree . model . GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. withApiKeyId ( "apiKeyId-0001" )
. withRepositoryName ( "gs2io/master-data" )
. withSourcePath ( "path/to/file.json" )
. withReferenceType ( "branch" )
. withBranchName ( "develop" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import skill_tree
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = skill_tree . Gs2SkillTreeRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_current_tree_master_from_git_hub (
skill_tree . UpdateCurrentTreeMasterFromGitHubRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_checkout_setting ( skill_tree . GitHubCheckoutSetting ()
. with_api_key_id ( 'apiKeyId-0001' )
. with_repository_name ( 'gs2io/master-data' )
. with_source_path ( 'path/to/file.json' )
. with_reference_type ( 'branch' )
. with_branch_name ( 'develop' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result = client.update_current_tree_master_from_git_hub ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
checkoutSetting = {
api_key_id = "apiKeyId-0001" ,
repository_name = "gs2io/master-data" ,
source_path = "path/to/file.json" ,
reference_type = "branch" ,
branch_name = "develop" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'skillTree' )
api_result_handler = client.update_current_tree_master_from_git_hub_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
checkoutSetting = {
api_key_id = "apiKeyId-0001" ,
repository_name = "gs2io/master-data" ,
source_path = "path/to/file.json" ,
reference_type = "branch" ,
branch_name = "develop" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;