Master Data Reference of GS2-SeasonRating

Reference of the format of master data and various models to be imported
  "version": "2024-02-23",
  "seasonModels": [
      "name": "[string]Season Model Name",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "tiers": [
          "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
          "raiseRankBonus": "[int]The bonus points added to prevent immediate rank demotion when the rank is promoted.",
          "entryFee": "[int]Points to be subtracted as an entry fee to start the game.",
          "minimumChangePoint": "[int]Change point minimum value when losing",
          "maximumChangePoint": "[int]Change point maximum value when winning"
      "experienceModelId": "[string]Experience Model GRN",
      "challengePeriodEventId": "[string?]GS2-Schedule event GRN that sets the period during which the season is open."
version2024-02-23Format version of master data
seasonModelsList<SeasonModel>~ 50 itemsSeason Model


Season Model

GS2 uses Glicko-2 as its rating algorithm. Glicko-2 has several parameters, but GS2-Matchmaking aggregates them into a single parameter, volatility, which represents the totality of the parameters. Volatility is a parameter that expresses the magnitude of change; the larger the value, the greater the change in the rating value.

seasonModelIdstring~ 1024 charsSeason Model GRN
namestring~ 128 charsSeason Model Name
metadatastring~ 128 charsmetadata
tiersList<TierModel>1 ~ 100 itemsList of Tier
experienceModelIdstring~ 1024 charsExperience Model GRN
challengePeriodEventIdstring~ 1024 charsGS2-Schedule event GRN that sets the period during which the season is open.


Tear model

metadatastring~ 128 charsmetadata
raiseRankBonusint~ 10000The bonus points added to prevent immediate rank demotion when the rank is promoted.
entryFeeint~ 10000Points to be subtracted as an entry fee to start the game.
minimumChangePointint~ -1Change point minimum value when losing
maximumChangePointint1 ~ 99999999Change point maximum value when winning


Verify action execution result

actionenum {
~ 128 charsTypes of actions to be performed in the verify task
verifyRequeststring~ 1048576 charsJSON of request
statusCodeint~ 999Status code
verifyResultstring~ 1048576 charsResult payload

Enumeration type definition to specify as action

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription


Consume action execution result

actionenum {
~ 128 charsTypes of actions to be performed in the consume action
consumeRequeststring~ 1048576 charsJSON of request
statusCodeint~ 999Status code
consumeResultstring~ 1048576 charsResult payload

Enumeration type definition to specify as action

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription


Acquire action execution result

actionenum {
~ 128 charsTypes of actions to be performed in the acquire action
acquireRequeststring~ 1048576 charsJSON of request
statusCodeint~ 999Status code
acquireResultstring~ 1048576 charsResult payload

Enumeration type definition to specify as action

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription


Transaction execution results

Transaction execution results executed using server-side transaction auto-execution functionality

transactionIdstring36 ~ 36 charsTransaction ID
verifyResultsList<VerifyActionResult>~ 10 itemsList of verify action execution results
consumeResultsList<ConsumeActionResult>[]~ 10 itemsList of consume action execution results
acquireResultsList<AcquireActionResult>[]~ 100 itemsList of acquire action execution results


Match Results

rankint~ 2147483646Rank
userIdstring~ 128 charsUser Id


Ballot Paper

userIdstring~ 128 charsUser Id
seasonNamestring~ 128 charsRating name used for rating calculations
sessionNamestring~ 128 charsName of MatchSession to be voted
numberOfPlayerint2 ~ 10Number of participants


Ballot with signatures

bodystring~ 1024 charsData for ballot signature targets
signaturestring~ 256 charsSignature


Ballot Paper

gameResultsList<GameResult>~ 10 itemsList of Results