Master Data Reference of GS2-Ranking2

  "version": "2024-05-30",
  "globalRankingModels": [
      "name": "[string]Ranking Name",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "minimumValue": "[long?]Minimum Score",
      "maximumValue": "[long?]Maximum Score",
      "sum": "[bool]Add up the scores of put and compete for the total value.",
      "orderDirection": "[string]Sort direction of scores",
      "entryPeriodEventId": "[string?]GS2-Schedule Event GRN",
      "rankingRewards": [
          "thresholdRank": "[int]Rank threshold",
          "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
          "acquireActions": [
              "action": "[string]Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action",
              "request": "[string]JSON of request"
      "accessPeriodEventId": "[string?]GS2-Schedule Event GRN"
  "clusterRankingModels": [
      "name": "[string]Ranking Name",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "clusterType": "[string]Cluster Type",
      "minimumValue": "[long?]Minimum Score",
      "maximumValue": "[long?]Maximum Score",
      "sum": "[bool]Add up the scores of put and compete for the total value.",
      "orderDirection": "[string]Sort direction of scores",
      "entryPeriodEventId": "[string?]GS2-Schedule Event GRN",
      "rankingRewards": [
          "thresholdRank": "[int]Rank threshold",
          "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
          "acquireActions": [
              "action": "[string]Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action",
              "request": "[string]JSON of request"
      "accessPeriodEventId": "[string?]GS2-Schedule Event GRN"
  "subscribeRankingModels": [
      "name": "[string]Ranking Name",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "minimumValue": "[long?]Minimum Score",
      "maximumValue": "[long?]Maximum Score",
      "sum": "[bool]Add up the scores of put and compete for the total value.",
      "orderDirection": "[string]Sort direction of scores",
      "entryPeriodEventId": "[string?]GS2-Schedule Event GRN",
      "accessPeriodEventId": "[string?]GS2-Schedule Event GRN"
version2024-05-30Format version of master data
globalRankingModelsList<GlobalRankingModel>~ 10 itemsGlobal Ranking Model
clusterRankingModelsList<ClusterRankingModel>~ 10 itemsCluster Ranking Model
subscribeRankingModelsList<SubscribeRankingModel>~ 10 itemsSubscribe Ranking Model


Global Ranking Model

The global ranking is a mode that allows you to create a ranking that targets all players. You can display the top 1000 rankings.

By associating it with the repeat event of GS2-Schedule, you can reset the ranking according to the number of repetitions.

globalRankingModelIdstring~ 1024 charsGlobal Ranking GRN
namestring~ 128 charsRanking Name
metadatastring~ 1024 charsmetadata
minimumValuelong~ 9223372036854775805Minimum Score
maximumValuelong~ 9223372036854775805Maximum Score
sumboolfalseAdd up the scores of put and compete for the total value.
orderDirectionenum [
~ 128 charsSort direction of scores
entryPeriodEventIdstring~ 1024 charsGS2-Schedule Event GRN
rankingRewardsList<RankingReward>{entryPeriodEventId} != null~ 100 itemsList of ranking rewards
accessPeriodEventIdstring~ 1024 charsGS2-Schedule Event GRN


Cluster Ranking Model

The cluster ranking mode is a mode for realizing rankings targeting players in guilds or gatherings. You can display the top 1000 rankings.

By associating it with the repeat event of GS2-Schedule, you can reset the ranking according to the number of repetitions.

clusterRankingModelIdstring~ 1024 charsCluster Ranking GRN
namestring~ 128 charsRanking Name
metadatastring~ 1024 charsmetadata
clusterTypeenum [
~ 128 charsCluster Type
minimumValuelong~ 9223372036854775805Minimum Score
maximumValuelong~ 9223372036854775805Maximum Score
sumboolfalseAdd up the scores of put and compete for the total value.
orderDirectionenum [
~ 128 charsSort direction of scores
entryPeriodEventIdstring~ 1024 charsGS2-Schedule Event GRN
rankingRewardsList<RankingReward>{entryPeriodEventId} != null~ 100 itemsList of ranking rewards
accessPeriodEventIdstring~ 1024 charsGS2-Schedule Event GRN


Subscribe Ranking Model

A mode that aggregates the scores of other players who have subscribed and creates a ranking.

subscribeRankingModelIdstring~ 1024 charsSubscribe Ranking GRN
namestring~ 128 charsRanking Name
metadatastring~ 1024 charsmetadata
minimumValuelong~ 9223372036854775805Minimum Score
maximumValuelong~ 9223372036854775805Maximum Score
sumboolfalseAdd up the scores of put and compete for the total value.
orderDirectionenum [
~ 128 charsSort direction of scores
entryPeriodEventIdstring~ 1024 charsGS2-Schedule Event GRN
accessPeriodEventIdstring~ 1024 charsGS2-Schedule Event GRN


Subscribe Information

rankingNamestring~ 128 charsRanking Name
userIdstring~ 128 charsUser Id
targetUserIdstring~ 128 charsSubscribe Target User ID


Ranking Reward Model

Set the rewards that can be received during the reference period when the score registration period is set in the ranking. If the repeat setting is enabled, the most recently ended period ranking will be the target for receiving rewards.

thresholdRankint1 ~ 1001Rank threshold
metadatastring~ 1024 charsmetadata
acquireActionsList<AcquireAction>[]~ 100 itemsList of actions to be performed when rewards are received


Acquire Action

actionenum [
~ 128 charsTypes of actions to be performed in the acquire action
requeststring~ 1048576 charsJSON of request