API Reference of GS2-Money2 SDK for Game Engine
Currency in the wallet is managed separately for currency purchased for a fee and currency obtained for free. Currency purchased for a fee is further managed by the unit price at the time of purchase, allowing for refunds in the event of service termination, or to determine if the balance is sufficient to meet the requirements of the Funds Settlement Act.
The wallet has slots and each slot has a different balance. If balances cannot be shared across platforms, they can be managed separately by using different slots for each platform. Currency acquired for free can also be shared across all platforms.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
slot | int | ✓ | ~ 100000000 | Slot Number | |
summary | EzWalletSummary | ✓ | Wallet Status | ||
sharedFreeCurrency | bool | ✓ | Share Free Currency | ||
updatedAt | long | ✓ | Now | Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) |
Wallet Status
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
paid | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 2147483646 | Count of Paid |
free | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 2147483646 | Count of Free |
total | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 2147483646 | Count of Total |
Deposit Transaction
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
price | float | ✓ | ~ 100000.0 | Purchase Price | |
currency | string | {price} > 0 | ~ 8 chars | Currency Code | |
count | int | ✓ | ~ 2147483646 | Count |
Get Wallet
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
slot | int | ✓ | ~ 100000000 | Slot Number |
Type | Description | |
item | EzWallet | Wallet |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
slot: 0
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
slot: 0
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Money2->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
0 // slot
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
slot: 0
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
slot: 0
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Money2->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
0 // slot
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Money2::Model::FWallet> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of wallets
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzWallet> | List of Wallets |
nextPageToken | string | Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var items = await domain.WalletsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Wallets(
List<EzWallet> items = new List<EzWallet>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Money2->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->Wallets(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Money2::Model::FEzWalletPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeWallets(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Wallets(
List<EzWallet> items = new List<EzWallet>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Money2->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeWallets(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Consume the balance from the wallet
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
slot | int | ✓ | ~ 100000000 | Slot Number | |
withdrawCount | int | ✓ | 1 ~ 2147483646 | Quantity of billable currency to be consumed | |
paidOnly | bool | ✓ | false | Only for paid currency |
Type | Description | |
item | EzWallet | Post-withdraw Wallet |
withdrawTransactions | List<EzDepositTransaction> | List of consumed deposit transactions |
Special exceptions are defined in this API. GS2-SDK for GameEngine provides specialized exceptions derived from general exceptions to facilitate handling of errors that may need to be handled in games. Please refer to the documentation here for more information on common error types and handling methods.
Type | Base Type | Description |
ConflictException | ConflictException | The wallet operation process conflicted. Retry required. |
InsufficientException | BadRequestException | Wallet balance is insufficient. |
Implementation Example
try {
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
slot: 0
var result = await domain.WithdrawAsync(
withdrawCount: 50,
paidOnly: null
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
var withdrawTransactions = result.WithdrawTransactions;
} catch(Gs2.Gs2Money2.Exception.Conflict e) {
// The wallet operation process conflicted. Retry required.
} catch(Gs2.Gs2Money2.Exception.Insufficient e) {
// Wallet balance is insufficient.
var domain = gs2.Money2.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
slot: 0
var future = domain.WithdrawFuture(
withdrawCount: 50,
paidOnly: null
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
if (future.Error is Gs2.Gs2Money2.Exception.ConflictException)
// The wallet operation process conflicted. Retry required.
if (future.Error is Gs2.Gs2Money2.Exception.InsufficientException)
// Wallet balance is insufficient.
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
var withdrawTransactions = future.Result.WithdrawTransactions;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Money2->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
0 // slot
const auto Future = Domain->Withdraw(
50 // withdrawCount
// paidOnly
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
auto e = Future->GetTask().Error();
if (e->IsChildOf(Gs2::Money2::Error::FConflictError::Class))
// The wallet operation process conflicted. Retry required.
if (e->IsChildOf(Gs2::Money2::Error::FInsufficientError::Class))
// Wallet balance is insufficient.
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
const auto WithdrawTransactions = Result->WithdrawTransactions;