Transaction Action of GS2-Mission

Specification of verify/consume/acquire transaction actions



Verify achievement status by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
missionGroupNamestringMission Group Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
missionTaskNamestringTask Name
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
completedCondition is achieved
notCompletedCondition is not achieved
receivedReward has been received
notReceivedReward has not been received
completedAndNotReceivedCondition is achieved and reward has not been received
    "action": "Gs2Mission:VerifyCompleteByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "missionGroupName": "[string]Mission Group Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "missionTaskName": "[string]Task Name",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:VerifyCompleteByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  missionGroupName: "[string]Mission Group Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  missionTaskName: "[string]Task Name"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    missionGroupName="[string]Mission Group Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    missionTaskName="[string]Task Name",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Verify counter value by specifying a user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
counterNamestringCounter Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
scopeTypeenum [
Scope type
resetTypeenum [
Reset timing
conditionNamestringCondition Name
valuelongCount value
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
lessCounter value is less than the specified value
lessEqualCounter value is less than or equal to the specified value
greaterCounter value is greater than the specified value
greaterEqualCounter value is greater than or equal to the specified value
equalCounter value is equal to the specified value
notEqualCounter value is not equal to the specified value

Enumeration type definition to specify as scopeType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
resetTimingReset timing
verifyActionVerify action

Enumeration type definition to specify as resetType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
notResetNot resetting.
daysEvery certain number of days
    "action": "Gs2Mission:VerifyCounterValueByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "scopeType": "[string]Scope type",
        "resetType": "[string]Reset timing",
        "conditionName": "[string]Condition Name",
        "value": "[long]Count value",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:VerifyCounterValueByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  scopeType: "[string]Scope type"
  resetType: "[string]Reset timing"
  conditionName: "[string]Condition Name"
  value: "[long]Count value"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    scopeType="[string]Scope type",
    resetType="[string]Reset timing",
    conditionName="[string]Condition Name",
    value="[long]Count value",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



Receive rewards for mission accomplishment

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
missionGroupNamestringMission Group Name
missionTaskNamestringTask Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Mission:ReceiveByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "missionGroupName": "[string]Mission Group Name",
        "missionTaskName": "[string]Task Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:ReceiveByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  missionGroupName: "[string]Mission Group Name"
  missionTaskName: "[string]Task Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    missionGroupName="[string]Mission Group Name",
    missionTaskName="[string]Task Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Receive rewards for multiple mission tasks in bulk

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
missionGroupNamestringMission Group Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
missionTaskNamesstring[]Task name list
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Mission:BatchReceiveByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "missionGroupName": "[string]Mission Group Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "missionTaskNames": [
            "[string]Task Name"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:BatchReceiveByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  missionGroupName: "[string]Mission Group Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  - "[string]Task Name"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    missionGroupName="[string]Mission Group Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
        "[string]Task Name"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Decrease counter by specifying a user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
counterNamestringCounter Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
valuelongValue to be subtracted
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Mission:DecreaseCounterByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "value": "[long]Value to be subtracted",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:DecreaseCounterByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  value: "[long]Value to be subtracted"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    value="[long]Value to be subtracted",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Reset counter by specifying a user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
counterNamestringCounter Name
scopesScopedValue[]List of scopes
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Mission:ResetCounterByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "scopes": [
                "scopeType": "[string]Scope type",
                "resetType": "[string]Reset timing",
                "conditionName": "[string]Condition Name",
                "value": "[long]Count value",
                "nextResetAt": "[long]Next reset timing",
                "updatedAt": "[long]Datetime of last update"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:ResetCounterByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  - scopeType: "[string]Scope type"
    resetType: "[string]Reset timing"
    conditionName: "[string]Condition Name"
    value: "[long]Count value"
    nextResetAt: "[long]Next reset timing"
    updatedAt: "[long]Datetime of last update"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
            scopeType="[string]Scope type",
            resetType="[string]Reset timing",
            conditionName="[string]Condition Name",
            value="[long]Count value",
            nextResetAt="[long]Next reset timing",
            updatedAt="[long]Datetime of last update"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



Revert the status of mission accomplishment to unreceived

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
missionGroupNamestringMission Group Name
missionTaskNamestringTask Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Mission:RevertReceiveByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "missionGroupName": "[string]Mission Group Name",
        "missionTaskName": "[string]Task Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:RevertReceiveByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  missionGroupName: "[string]Mission Group Name"
  missionTaskName: "[string]Task Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    missionGroupName="[string]Mission Group Name",
    missionTaskName="[string]Task Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Increase counter by specifying a user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
counterNamestringCounter Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
valuelongValue to be added
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Mission:IncreaseCounterByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "value": "[long]Value to be added",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:IncreaseCounterByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  value: "[long]Value to be added"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    value="[long]Value to be added",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Set counter by specifying a user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
counterNamestringCounter Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
valuesScopedValue[]List of values to be set
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Mission:SetCounterByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "values": [
                "scopeType": "[string]Scope type",
                "resetType": "[string]Reset timing",
                "conditionName": "[string]Condition Name",
                "value": "[long]Count value",
                "nextResetAt": "[long]Next reset timing",
                "updatedAt": "[long]Datetime of last update"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Mission:SetCounterByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
    - scopeType: "[string]Scope type"
      resetType: "[string]Reset timing"
      conditionName: "[string]Condition Name"
      value: "[long]Count value"
      nextResetAt: "[long]Next reset timing"
      updatedAt: "[long]Datetime of last update"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
            scopeType="[string]Scope type",
            resetType="[string]Reset timing",
            conditionName="[string]Condition Name",
            value="[long]Count value",
            nextResetAt="[long]Next reset timing",
            updatedAt="[long]Datetime of last update"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",