API Reference of GS2-Mission SDK for Game Engine
Mission Accomplishments
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
missionGroupName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name | |
completedMissionTaskNames | List<string> | [] | ~ 1000 items | List of Completed Task Names | |
receivedMissionTaskNames | List<string> | [] | ~ 1000 items | List of Reward has been received Task Names |
Counter Reset Timing Model
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
resetType | enum { “notReset”, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly” } | {scopeType} == “resetTiming” | ~ 128 chars | Reset timing | |
resetDayOfMonth | int | {resetType} == “monthly” | 1 ~ 31 | Date to reset (If the value exceeds the days of the month, it is treated as the last day.) | |
resetDayOfWeek | enum { “sunday”, “monday”, “tuesday”, “wednesday”, “thursday”, “friday”, “saturday” } | {resetType} == “weekly” | ~ 128 chars | Day of the week to reset | |
resetHour | int | {resetType} in [“monthly”, “weekly”, “daily”] | ~ 23 | Hour of Reset |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetType
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
notReset | Not resetting. |
daily | Daily |
weekly | Weekly |
monthly | Monthly |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetDayOfWeek
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
sunday | Sunday |
monday | Monday |
tuesday | Tuesday |
wednesday | Wednesday |
thursday | Thuesday |
friday | Friday |
saturday | Saturday |
Set values to be applied to transaction variables
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
key | string | ✓ | ~ 64 chars | Name | |
value | string | ~ 51200 chars | Value |
Acquire Action
Consume Action
Verify Action
A counter is an entity that keeps track of mission progress for each game player. Counter values are aggregated by the duration of the associated task.
Therefore, one counter can have multiple values. For example, for a quest clear count counter, the number of times the quest was completed this month, this week, and today. For example, a quest clear count counter could have the following values.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name | |
values | List<EzScopedValue> | [] | ~ 32 items | Value |
Counter Model
The counter model is an entity that can be set as a condition for accomplishing mission tasks. Since counter values can be referenced by multiple mission groups, a single counter can be set as an accomplishment condition for multiple mission groups, such as weekly and daily missions.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name | |
metadata | string | ~ 1024 chars | metadata | ||
scopes | List<EzCounterScopeModel> | ✓ | [] | 1 ~ 20 items | List of Counter reset timing |
challengePeriodEventId | string | ~ 1024 chars | GS2-Schedule event GRN that sets the period during which the counter can be operated. |
Mission Group Model
A mission group is an entity that groups tasks by counter reset timing. For example, one group for daily missions. One group for Weekly Mission.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name | |
metadata | string | ~ 1024 chars | metadata | ||
tasks | List<EzMissionTaskModel> | [] | ~ 1000 items | List of Mission Task | |
resetType | enum { “notReset”, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly” } | ✓ | “notReset” | ~ 128 chars | Reset timing |
resetDayOfMonth | int | {resetType} == “monthly” | 1 ~ 31 | Date to reset (If the value exceeds the days of the month, it is treated as the last day.) | |
resetDayOfWeek | enum { “sunday”, “monday”, “tuesday”, “wednesday”, “thursday”, “friday”, “saturday” } | {resetType} == “weekly” | ~ 128 chars | Day of the week to reset | |
resetHour | int | {resetType} in [“monthly”, “weekly”, “daily”] | ~ 23 | Hour of Reset | |
completeNotificationNamespaceId | string | ~ 1024 chars | Namespace GRN |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetType
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
notReset | Not resetting. |
daily | Daily |
weekly | Weekly |
monthly | Monthly |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetDayOfWeek
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
sunday | Sunday |
monday | Monday |
tuesday | Tuesday |
wednesday | Wednesday |
thursday | Thuesday |
friday | Friday |
saturday | Saturday |
Mission Task Model Master
A mission task is an entity that defines the conditions under which a reward will be given if the value of the associated counter exceeds a certain level.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Task Name | |
metadata | string | ~ 1024 chars | metadata | ||
verifyCompleteType | enum { “counter”, “verifyActions” } | ✓ | “counter” | ~ 128 chars | Completion criteria type |
targetCounter | EzTargetCounterModel | {verifyCompleteType} == “counter” | Target Counter | ||
verifyCompleteConsumeActions | List<EzVerifyAction> | {verifyCompleteType} == “consumeActions” | [] | ~ 10 items | Verify actions when task is accomplished |
completeAcquireActions | List<EzAcquireAction> | [] | ~ 100 items | Rewards for mission accomplishment | |
challengePeriodEventId | string | ~ 1024 chars | GS2-Schedule event GRN with a set period of time during which rewards can be received | ||
premiseMissionTaskName | string | ~ 128 chars | Name of the tasks accomplish to attempt this task |
Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyCompleteType
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
counter | Counter |
verifyActions | Verify Actions |
Target Counter
Information about the counter that serves as the achievement goal for the mission
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
counterName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name | |
resetType | enum { “notReset”, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly” } | {scopeType} == “resetTiming” | ~ 128 chars | Target Reset timing | |
value | long | ✓ | 1 ~ 9223372036854775805 | Target value |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetType
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
notReset | Not resetting. |
daily | Daily |
weekly | Weekly |
monthly | Monthly |
Reset timing
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
resetType | enum { “notReset”, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly” } | {scopeType} == “resetTiming” | ~ 128 chars | Reset timing | |
value | long | ✓ | 0 | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Count value |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetType
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
notReset | Not resetting. |
daily | Daily |
weekly | Weekly |
monthly | Monthly |
Verify action execution result
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
action | enum { } | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Types of actions to be performed in the verify task | |
verifyRequest | string | ✓ | ~ 1048576 chars | JSON of request | |
statusCode | int | ~ 999 | Status code | ||
verifyResult | string | ~ 1048576 chars | Result payload |
Enumeration type definition to specify as action
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
Consume action execution result
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
action | enum { } | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Types of actions to be performed in the consume action | |
consumeRequest | string | ✓ | ~ 1048576 chars | JSON of request | |
statusCode | int | ~ 999 | Status code | ||
consumeResult | string | ~ 1048576 chars | Result payload |
Enumeration type definition to specify as action
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
Acquire action execution result
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
action | enum { } | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action | |
acquireRequest | string | ✓ | ~ 1048576 chars | JSON of request | |
statusCode | int | ~ 999 | Status code | ||
acquireResult | string | ~ 1048576 chars | Result payload |
Enumeration type definition to specify as action
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
Transaction execution results
Transaction execution results executed using server-side transaction auto-execution functionality
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
transactionId | string | ✓ | 36 ~ 36 chars | Transaction ID | |
verifyResults | List<EzVerifyActionResult> | ~ 10 items | List of verify action execution results | ||
consumeResults | List<EzConsumeActionResult> | ~ 10 items | List of consume action execution results | ||
acquireResults | List<EzAcquireActionResult> | ~ 100 items | List of acquire action execution results |
Receive rewards for mission accomplishment in bulk
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
missionGroupName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name | |
missionTaskNames | List<string> | ✓ | 1 ~ 100 items | Task name list | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
transactionId | string | Issed transaction ID |
stampSheet | string | Stamp sheet to receive rewards for mission accomplishment |
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId | string | Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations |
autoRunStampSheet | bool | Is transaction auto-execution enabled? |
atomicCommit | bool | Transaction to commit atomically |
transaction | string | Issued transaction |
transactionResult | EzTransactionResult | Transaction execution result |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var result = await domain.BatchReceiveRewardsAsync(
missionTaskNames: new List<string> {
// In New Experience, stamp sheets are automatically executed at the SDK level.
// If an error occurs, a TransactionException is thrown.
// you can retry with TransactionException::Retry().
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var future = domain.BatchReceiveRewardsFuture(
missionTaskNames: new List<string> {
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
// In New Experience, stamp sheets are automatically executed at the SDK level.
// If an error occurs, a TransactionException is thrown.
// you can retry with TransactionException::Retry().
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
const auto Future = Domain->BatchReceiveRewards(
auto v = TOptional<TArray<FString>>();
return v;
}() // missionTaskNames
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Retrieve accomplished missions by specifying the mission group
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
missionGroupName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
item | EzComplete | status of achievement |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Mission::Model::FComplete> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of accomplished missions
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
pageToken | string | ~ 1024 chars | Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data | ||
limit | int | ✓ | 30 | 1 ~ 1000 | Number of data acquired |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzComplete> | List of status of achievement |
nextPageToken | string | Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var items = await domain.CompletesAsync(
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Completes(
List<EzComplete> items = new List<EzComplete>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->Completes(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Mission::Model::FEzCompletePtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeCompletes(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Completes(
List<EzComplete> items = new List<EzComplete>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeCompletes(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Obtain rewards for mission accomplishment
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
missionGroupName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name | |
missionTaskName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Task Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
transactionId | string | Issed transaction ID |
stampSheet | string | Stamp sheet to receive rewards for mission accomplishment |
stampSheetEncryptionKeyId | string | Cryptographic key GRN used for stamp sheet signature calculations |
autoRunStampSheet | bool | Is transaction auto-execution enabled? |
atomicCommit | bool | Transaction to commit atomically |
transaction | string | Issued transaction |
transactionResult | EzTransactionResult | Transaction execution result |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var result = await domain.ReceiveRewardsAsync(
missionTaskName: "mission-task-0001"
// In New Experience, stamp sheets are automatically executed at the SDK level.
// If an error occurs, a TransactionException is thrown.
// you can retry with TransactionException::Retry().
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var future = domain.ReceiveRewardsFuture(
missionTaskName: "mission-task-0001"
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
// In New Experience, stamp sheets are automatically executed at the SDK level.
// If an error occurs, a TransactionException is thrown.
// you can retry with TransactionException::Retry().
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
const auto Future = Domain->ReceiveRewards(
"mission-task-0001" // missionTaskName
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Reset counter
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
counterName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzCounter | Deleted counters |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
counterName: "counter-0001"
var result = await domain.DeleteCounterAsync(
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
counterName: "counter-0001"
var future = domain.DeleteCounterFuture(
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"counter-0001" // counterName
const auto Future = Domain->DeleteCounter(
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
const auto Result = Future->GetTask().Result();
Retrieve accomplished missions by specifying the mission group
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
counterName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzCounter | Counter |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
counterName: "quest_complete"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
counterName: "quest_complete"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"quest_complete" // counterName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
counterName: "quest_complete"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
counterName: "quest_complete"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"quest_complete" // counterName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Mission::Model::FCounter> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of accomplished missions
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
pageToken | string | ~ 1024 chars | Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data | ||
limit | int | ✓ | 30 | 1 ~ 1000 | Number of data acquired |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzCounter> | List of Counter |
nextPageToken | string | Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var items = await domain.CountersAsync(
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Counters(
List<EzCounter> items = new List<EzCounter>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->Counters(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Mission::Model::FEzCounterPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeCounters(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Counters(
List<EzCounter> items = new List<EzCounter>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeCounters(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get Counter Model
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
counterName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzCounterModel | Counter Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
counterName: "counter-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
counterName: "counter-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"counter-0001" // counterName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
counterName: "counter-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
counterName: "counter-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"counter-0001" // counterName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Mission::Model::FCounterModel> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of counter models
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzCounterModel> | List of Counter Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var items = await domain.CounterModelsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.CounterModels(
List<EzCounterModel> items = new List<EzCounterModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->CounterModels(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Mission::Model::FEzCounterModelPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeCounterModels(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.CounterModels(
List<EzCounterModel> items = new List<EzCounterModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeCounterModels(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get mission group model by specifying mission group name
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
missionGroupName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzMissionGroupModel | Mission group model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Mission::Model::FMissionGroupModel> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of mission group models
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzMissionGroupModel> | List of Mission Group Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var items = await domain.MissionGroupModelsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.MissionGroupModels(
List<EzMissionGroupModel> items = new List<EzMissionGroupModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->MissionGroupModels(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Mission::Model::FEzMissionGroupModelPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeMissionGroupModels(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.MissionGroupModels(
List<EzMissionGroupModel> items = new List<EzMissionGroupModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeMissionGroupModels(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Obtain a mission task model by specifying the mission task name
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
missionGroupName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name | |
missionTaskName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Task Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzMissionTaskModel | Mission task model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
missionTaskName: "mission-task-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
missionTaskName: "mission-task-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
"mission-task-0001" // missionTaskName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
missionTaskName: "mission-task-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
missionTaskName: "mission-task-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
"mission-task-0001" // missionTaskName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Mission::Model::FMissionTaskModel> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of mission task models
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
missionGroupName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Mission Group Name |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzMissionTaskModel> | List of Mission Task Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var items = await domain.MissionTaskModelsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var it = domain.MissionTaskModels(
List<EzMissionTaskModel> items = new List<EzMissionTaskModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
const auto It = Domain->MissionTaskModels(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Mission::Model::FEzMissionTaskModelPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeMissionTaskModels(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Mission.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
missionGroupName: "mission-group-0001"
var it = domain.MissionTaskModels(
List<EzMissionTaskModel> items = new List<EzMissionTaskModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Mission->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mission-group-0001" // missionGroupName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeMissionTaskModels(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Event Handler
Notification used when mission tasks are accomplished
Name | Type | Description |
namespaceName | string | Namespace name |
groupName | string | Mission Group Name |
userId | string | User Id |
taskName | string | Mission Task Name |
Implementation Example
gs2.Mission.OnCompleteNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var groupName = notification.GroupName;
var userId = notification.UserId;
var taskName = notification.TaskName;
gs2.Mission.OnCompleteNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var groupName = notification.GroupName;
var userId = notification.UserId;
var taskName = notification.TaskName;
Gs2->Mission->OnCompleteNotification().AddLambda([](const auto Notification)
const auto NamespaceName = Notification->NamespaceNameValue;
const auto GroupName = Notification->GroupNameValue;
const auto UserId = Notification->UserIdValue;
const auto TaskName = Notification->TaskNameValue;