API Reference of GS2-Matchmaking SDK for Game Engine
An entity representing a group of game players brought together by matchmaking. It has multiple parameters for matchmaking, and the players are grouped based on the totality of the parameters.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
gatheringId | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | Gathering GRN | |
name | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
attributeRanges | List<EzAttributeRange> | [] | ~ 5 items | Terms and Conditions | |
capacityOfRoles | List<EzCapacityOfRole> | ✓ | [] | 1 ~ 5 items | List of application limit |
allowUserIds | List<string> | [] | ~ 100 items | User ID allowed to participate | |
metadata | string | ~ 1024 chars | metadata | ||
expiresAt | long | Gathering expiration date (Unix time unit:milliseconds) | |||
createdAt | long | ✓ | Now | Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) | |
updatedAt | long | ✓ | Now | Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) |
Rating Model
GS2 uses Glicko-2 as its rating algorithm. Glicko-2 has several parameters, but GS2-Matchmaking aggregates them into a single parameter, volatility, which represents the totality of the parameters. Volatility is a parameter that expresses the magnitude of change; the larger the value, the greater the change in the rating value.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Rating Model Name | |
metadata | string | ~ 128 chars | metadata | ||
volatility | int | ✓ | 100 | 1 ~ 20000 | Magnitude of rate value fluctuation |
An entity that holds the current rating value for each game player.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
ratingId | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | Rating GRN | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Rating Name | |
userId | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | User Id | |
rateValue | float | ✓ | 1500.0 | ~ 65535.0 | |
createdAt | long | ✓ | Now | Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) | |
updatedAt | long | ✓ | Now | Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) |
Joined Season Gathering
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
seasonName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name | |
season | long | ✓ | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Season | |
tier | long | ✓ | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Tier | |
seasonGatheringName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
Season Gathering
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
seasonGatheringId | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | Season Gathering GRN | |
seasonName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name | |
season | long | ✓ | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Season | |
tier | long | ✓ | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Tier | |
name | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
participants | List<string> | [] | ~ 1000 items | List of Participant User IDs |
Season Model
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name | |
metadata | string | ~ 128 chars | metadata | ||
maximumParticipants | int | ✓ | 2 ~ 1000 | Maximum number of participants | |
experienceModelId | string | ~ 1024 chars | Experience model that holds the tier | ||
challengePeriodEventId | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | GS2-Schedule event GRN that sets the period during which the season is open. |
Participant Player Information
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
userId | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | User Id | |
attributes | List<EzAttribute> | [] | ~ 5 items | List of Attributes | |
roleName | string | ✓ | “default” | ~ 128 chars | Role Name |
denyUserIds | List<string> | [] | ~ 100 items | List of user IDs that are denied participation |
Terms and Conditions
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Attribute Name | |
min | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 2147483646 | Minimum attribute values that can participate in the Gathering |
max | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 2147483646 | Maximum value of attributes that can participate in the Gathering |
Application Limit
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
roleName | string | ✓ | “default” | ~ 128 chars | Role Name |
roleAliases | List<string> | [] | ~ 9 items | List of Role Name Aliases | |
capacity | int | ✓ | 1 ~ 256 | Number of applicants | |
participants | List<EzPlayer> | [] | ~ 1000 items | List of Participant Players |
Attribute Value
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Attribute Name | |
value | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 2147483646 | Attribute value |
Match Results
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
rank | int | ✓ | ~ 2147483646 | Rank | |
userId | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | User Id |
Ballot Paper
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
userId | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | User Id | |
ratingName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Rating name used for rating calculations | |
gatheringName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Name of Gathering to be voted | |
numberOfPlayer | int | ✓ | 2 ~ 10 | Number of participants |
Ballot with signatures
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
body | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | Data for ballot signature targets | |
signature | string | ✓ | ~ 256 chars | Signature |
Time Interval
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
days | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 365 | Number of days from current time |
hours | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 24 | Hours from current time |
minutes | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 60 | Minutes from current time |
Cancel Matchmaking and leave the Gathering in which you are participating.
If matchmaking is completed before leaving the gathering, a NotFoundException (404 error) will be raised and failure will occur.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
gatheringName | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
item | EzGathering | Canceled Gathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var result = await domain.CancelMatchmakingAsync(
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.CancelMatchmakingFuture(
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"gathering-0001" // gatheringName
const auto Future = Domain->CancelMatchmaking(
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
const auto Result = Future->GetTask().Result();
Create a new Gathering
The user ID for the player’s own player information specified in Player can be omitted. The expiration date of the gathering can be set by specifying “expiresAt”. If no expiration date is used, old gatherings will remain, and when a match is made The user may have left the game. If you use an expiration date, you should prompt the user to recreate the gathering each time the expiration date comes up.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
player | EzPlayer | ✓ | Own player information | ||
attributeRanges | List<EzAttributeRange> | [] | ~ 5 items | Terms and Conditions | |
capacityOfRoles | List<EzCapacityOfRole> | ✓ | [] | 1 ~ 5 items | List of application limit |
allowUserIds | List<string> | [] | ~ 100 items | User ID allowed to participate | |
expiresAt | long | Gathering expiration date | |||
expiresAtTimeSpan | EzTimeSpan | Time to expiration |
Type | Description | |
item | EzGathering | Created Gathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var result = await domain.CreateGatheringAsync(
player: new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzPlayer {
Attributes = new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttribute> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttribute {
Name = "stage",
Value = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttribute {
Name = "level",
Value = 10,
attributeRanges: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "stage",
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "level",
Min = 0,
Max = 10,
capacityOfRoles: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzCapacityOfRole> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzCapacityOfRole {
RoleName = "default",
Capacity = 4,
allowUserIds: null,
expiresAt: null,
expiresAtTimeSpan: null
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var future = domain.CreateGatheringFuture(
player: new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzPlayer {
Attributes = new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttribute> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttribute {
Name = "stage",
Value = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttribute {
Name = "level",
Value = 10,
attributeRanges: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "stage",
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "level",
Min = 0,
Max = 10,
capacityOfRoles: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzCapacityOfRole> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzCapacityOfRole {
RoleName = "default",
Capacity = 4,
allowUserIds: null,
expiresAt: null,
expiresAtTimeSpan: null
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto Future = Domain->CreateGathering(
auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzAttribute>>>();
return v;
), // player
auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzAttributeRange>>>();
return v;
}(), // attributeRanges
auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzCapacityOfRole>>>();
return v;
}() // capacityOfRoles
// allowUserIds
// expiresAt
// expiresAtTimeSpan
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
Find and join a gathering that you can participate in among those that already exist.
Search for a certain period of time and return a matchmaking status token
if the target is not found.
Next time, you can resume the search process from the previous time by submitting a request again with a token to keep the matchmaking status
When all gatherings are searched but there is no gathering to join, null
is returned for both the gathering and the token.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
player | EzPlayer | ✓ | Own player information | ||
matchmakingContextToken | string | ~ 5120 chars | Used to resume search Token that holds matchmaking state |
Type | Description | |
item | EzGathering | Participated Gatherings |
matchmakingContextToken | string | Token that preserves matchmaking status |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var items = await domain.DoMatchmakingAsync(
player: new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzPlayer() {
UserId = "user-0001",
Attributes = new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2MatchmakingEzAttribute> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2MatchmakingEzAttribute() {
Name = "attr1",
Value = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2MatchmakingEzAttribute() {
Name = "attr2",
Value = 1,
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.DoMatchmaking(
player: new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzPlayer() {
UserId = "user-0001",
Attributes = new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2MatchmakingEzAttribute> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2MatchmakingEzAttribute() {
Name = "attr1",
Value = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2MatchmakingEzAttribute() {
Name = "attr2",
Value = 1,
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->DoMatchmaking(
const auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzAttribute>>>();
v->Add( MakeShared<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzAttribute>()
v->Add( MakeShared<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzAttribute>()
return v;
}() // player
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzGatheringPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Early Complete Matchmaking.
Ends matchmaking early when the number of participants has not reached the specified number. Only the player who created the gathering can end the matchmaking early.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
gatheringName | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
item | EzGathering | Canceled Gathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var result = await domain.EarlyCompleteMatchmakingAsync(
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.EarlyCompleteMatchmakingFuture(
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"gathering-0001" // gatheringName
const auto Future = Domain->EarlyCompleteMatchmaking(
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
Get the latest Gathering status
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
gatheringName | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzGathering | Gathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"user-0001" // userId
"gathering-0001" // gatheringName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"user-0001" // userId
"gathering-0001" // gatheringName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Matchmaking::Model::FGathering> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Notify that you are waiting for matchmaking
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
gatheringName | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzGathering | Updated Gathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var result = await domain.PingAsync(
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.PingFuture(
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"gathering-0001" // gatheringName
const auto Future = Domain->Ping(
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
Change Gathering Application Requirements
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
gatheringName | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
attributeRanges | List<EzAttributeRange> | [] | ~ 5 items | Terms and Conditions |
Type | Description | |
item | EzGathering | Updated Gathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var result = await domain.UpdateGatheringAsync(
attributeRanges: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "stage",
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "level",
Min = 0,
Max = 50,
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
gatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.UpdateGatheringFuture(
attributeRanges: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "stage",
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzAttributeRange {
Name = "level",
Min = 0,
Max = 50,
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"gathering-0001" // gatheringName
const auto Future = Domain->UpdateGathering(
auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzAttributeRange>>>();
return v;
}() // attributeRanges
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
Get a rating model by specifying a rating name
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
ratingName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Rating Model Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzRatingModel | Rating Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
ratingName: "mode1"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
ratingName: "mode1"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mode1" // ratingName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
ratingName: "mode1"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
ratingName: "mode1"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"mode1" // ratingName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Matchmaking::Model::FRatingModel> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of rating models
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzRatingModel> | List of Rating Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var items = await domain.RatingModelsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.RatingModels(
List<EzRatingModel> items = new List<EzRatingModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->RatingModels(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzRatingModelPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeRatingModels(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.RatingModels(
List<EzRatingModel> items = new List<EzRatingModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeRatingModels(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get Rating
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
ratingName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Rating Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzRating | Rating |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"rating-0001" // ratingName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"rating-0001" // ratingName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Matchmaking::Model::FRating> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of ratings
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
pageToken | string | ~ 1024 chars | Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data | ||
limit | int | ✓ | 30 | 1 ~ 1000 | Number of data acquired |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzRating> | List of Rating |
nextPageToken | string | Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var items = await domain.RatingsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Ratings(
List<EzRating> items = new List<EzRating>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->Ratings(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzRatingPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeRatings(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Ratings(
List<EzRating> items = new List<EzRating>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeRatings(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Prepare a ballot
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
ratingName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Rating Model Name | |
gatheringName | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
numberOfPlayer | int | ✓ | 2 ~ 10 | Number of participants | |
keyId | string | ✓ | “grn:gs2:{region}:{ownerId}:key:default:key:default” | ~ 1024 chars | encryption key GRN |
Type | Description | |
item | EzBallot | Ballot |
body | string | Data to be signed |
signature | string | Signature |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001",
gatheringName: "gathering-0001",
numberOfPlayer: 4,
keyId: "key-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001",
gatheringName: "gathering-0001",
numberOfPlayer: 4,
keyId: "key-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"rating-0001", // ratingName
"gathering-0001", // gatheringName
4, // numberOfPlayer
"key-0001" // keyId
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001",
gatheringName: "gathering-0001",
numberOfPlayer: 4,
keyId: "key-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
ratingName: "rating-0001",
gatheringName: "gathering-0001",
numberOfPlayer: 4,
keyId: "key-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"rating-0001", // ratingName
"gathering-0001", // gatheringName
4, // numberOfPlayer
"key-0001" // keyId
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Matchmaking::Model::FBallot> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Vote on the results of the matchups.
Voting must take place within 5 minutes of the first vote being cast. This means that the results will not be reflected immediately, but approximately 5 minutes after the start of voting or when all players have cast their votes. If all ballots are not collected within 5 minutes, the result will be determined by a majority vote based on the votes cast at that time. If the number of votes for each result is the same, the result will be discarded (the behavior can be changed by script).
If you want to reflect the result immediately, the representative player of the winning side can collect ballots from each player and call voteMultiple to reflect the result immediately.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
ballotBody | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | Data for ballot signature targets | |
ballotSignature | string | ✓ | ~ 256 chars | Signature | |
gameResults | List<EzGameResult> | ~ 10 items | List of Results | ||
keyId | string | ✓ | “grn:gs2:{region}:{ownerId}:key:default:key:default” | ~ 1024 chars | encryption key GRN |
Type | Description | |
item | EzBallot | Ballot |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var result = await domain.VoteAsync(
ballotBody: "ballotBody...",
ballotSignature: "ballotSignature...",
gameResults: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 1,
UserId = "user-0001",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0002",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0003",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 3,
UserId = "user-0004",
keyId: "key-0001"
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var future = domain.VoteFuture(
ballotBody: "ballotBody...",
ballotSignature: "ballotSignature...",
gameResults: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 1,
UserId = "user-0001",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0002",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0003",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 3,
UserId = "user-0004",
keyId: "key-0001"
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto Future = Domain->Vote(
"ballotBody...", // ballotBody
"ballotSignature...", // ballotSignature
auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzGameResult>>>();
return v;
}(), // gameResults
"key-0001" // keyId
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
Vote on the results of the matchups together.
The side that wins the game collects the ballots of other players and uses them to vote collectively. We say ’the winning side’ because there is an incentive for the losing side to report that they won, but not vice versa. It is possible that the losing side will not hand in their ballots, but even in that case, if there is a majority of ballots, the results can still be passed.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
signedBallots | List<EzSignedBallot> | ~ 10 items | List of Ballot with signatures | ||
gameResults | List<EzGameResult> | ~ 10 items | List of Results | ||
keyId | string | ✓ | “grn:gs2:{region}:{ownerId}:key:default:key:default” | ~ 1024 chars | encryption key GRN |
Type | Description | |
item | EzBallot | Ballot |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var result = await domain.VoteMultipleAsync(
signedBallots: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
gameResults: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 1,
UserId = "user-0001",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0002",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0003",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 3,
UserId = "user-0004",
keyId: "key-0001"
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var future = domain.VoteMultipleFuture(
signedBallots: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzSignedBallot() {
Body = "aaa",
Signature = "bbb",
gameResults: new List<Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult> {
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 1,
UserId = "user-0001",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0002",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 2,
UserId = "user-0003",
new Gs2.Unity.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.EzGameResult() {
Rank = 3,
UserId = "user-0004",
keyId: "key-0001"
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto Future = Domain->VoteMultiple(
auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzSignedBallot>>>();
return v;
}(), // signedBallots
auto v = MakeShared<TArray<TSharedPtr<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzGameResult>>>();
return v;
}(), // gameResults
"key-0001" // keyId
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
Get a season model by specifying a season name
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
seasonName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name | |
season | long | ✓ | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Season | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
item | EzJoinedSeasonGathering | JoinedSeasonGathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"season-0001", // seasonName
0 // season
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"season-0001", // seasonName
0 // season
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Matchmaking::Model::FJoinedSeasonGathering> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of season models
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
seasonName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzJoinedSeasonGathering> | List of Season Gathering |
nextPageToken | string | Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var items = await domain.JoinedSeasonGatheringsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var it = domain.JoinedSeasonGatherings(
List<EzJoinedSeasonGathering> items = new List<EzJoinedSeasonGathering>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"season-0001", // seasonName
0 // season
const auto It = Domain->JoinedSeasonGatherings(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzJoinedSeasonGatheringPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeJoinedSeasonGatherings(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var it = domain.JoinedSeasonGatherings(
List<EzJoinedSeasonGathering> items = new List<EzJoinedSeasonGathering>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"season-0001", // seasonName
0 // season
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeJoinedSeasonGatherings(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Find and join a season gathering that you can participate in among those that already exist.
Search for a certain period of time and return a matchmaking status token
if the target is not found.
Next time, you can resume the search process from the previous time by submitting a request again with a token to keep the matchmaking status
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
seasonName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
matchmakingContextToken | string | ~ 5120 chars | Used to resume search Token that holds matchmaking state |
Type | Description | |
item | EzSeasonGathering | Participated Season Gatherings |
matchmakingContextToken | string | Token that preserves matchmaking status |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var items = await domain.DoSeasonMatchmakingAsync(
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
var it = domain.DoSeasonMatchmaking(
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"season-0001", // seasonName
0 // season
const auto It = Domain->DoSeasonMatchmaking(
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Get the latest SeasonGathering status
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
seasonName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name | |
season | long | ✓ | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Season | |
tier | long | ✓ | ~ 9223372036854775805 | Tier | |
seasonGatheringName | string | ✓ | UUID | ~ 128 chars | Gathering Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzSeasonGathering | SeasonGathering |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
tier: 0,
seasonGatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
tier: 0,
seasonGatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"user-0001" // userId
"season-0001", // seasonName
0 // season
0, // tier
"gathering-0001" // seasonGatheringName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
tier: 0,
seasonGatheringName: "gathering-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
userId: "user-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001",
season: 0
tier: 0,
seasonGatheringName: "gathering-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"user-0001" // userId
"season-0001", // seasonName
0 // season
0, // tier
"gathering-0001" // seasonGatheringName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Matchmaking::Model::FSeasonGathering> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get a season model by specifying a season name
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
seasonName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Season Model Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzSeasonModel | Season Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"season-0001" // seasonName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
seasonName: "season-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"season-0001" // seasonName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Matchmaking::Model::FSeasonModel> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of season models
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzSeasonModel> | List of Season Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var items = await domain.SeasonModelsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.SeasonModels(
List<EzSeasonModel> items = new List<EzSeasonModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->SeasonModels(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Matchmaking::Model::FEzSeasonModelPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeSeasonModels(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Matchmaking.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.SeasonModels(
List<EzSeasonModel> items = new List<EzSeasonModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Matchmaking->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeSeasonModels(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Event Handler
Notification used when a new participant joins the Gathering
Name | Type | Description |
namespaceName | string | Namespace name |
gatheringName | string | Gathering Name |
joinUserId | string | User Id |
Implementation Example
gs2.Matchmaking.OnJoinNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var gatheringName = notification.GatheringName;
var joinUserId = notification.JoinUserId;
gs2.Matchmaking.OnJoinNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var gatheringName = notification.GatheringName;
var joinUserId = notification.JoinUserId;
Gs2->Matchmaking->OnJoinNotification().AddLambda([](const auto Notification)
const auto NamespaceName = Notification->NamespaceNameValue;
const auto GatheringName = Notification->GatheringNameValue;
const auto JoinUserId = Notification->JoinUserIdValue;
Notification used when a participant leaves the Gathering
Name | Type | Description |
namespaceName | string | Namespace name |
gatheringName | string | Gathering Name |
leaveUserId | string | User Id |
Implementation Example
gs2.Matchmaking.OnLeaveNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var gatheringName = notification.GatheringName;
var leaveUserId = notification.LeaveUserId;
gs2.Matchmaking.OnLeaveNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var gatheringName = notification.GatheringName;
var leaveUserId = notification.LeaveUserId;
Gs2->Matchmaking->OnLeaveNotification().AddLambda([](const auto Notification)
const auto NamespaceName = Notification->NamespaceNameValue;
const auto GatheringName = Notification->GatheringNameValue;
const auto LeaveUserId = Notification->LeaveUserIdValue;
Notification used when matchmaking is established
Name | Type | Description |
namespaceName | string | Namespace name |
gatheringName | string | Gathering Name |
Implementation Example
gs2.Matchmaking.OnCompleteNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var gatheringName = notification.GatheringName;
gs2.Matchmaking.OnCompleteNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var gatheringName = notification.GatheringName;
Gs2->Matchmaking->OnCompleteNotification().AddLambda([](const auto Notification)
const auto NamespaceName = Notification->NamespaceNameValue;
const auto GatheringName = Notification->GatheringNameValue;
Notification used when rating values change
Name | Type | Description |
namespaceName | string | Namespace name |
ratingName | string | Rating Name |
userId | string | User Id |
rateValue | float |
Implementation Example
gs2.Matchmaking.OnChangeRatingNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var ratingName = notification.RatingName;
var userId = notification.UserId;
var rateValue = notification.RateValue;
gs2.Matchmaking.OnChangeRatingNotification += notification =>
var namespaceName = notification.NamespaceName;
var ratingName = notification.RatingName;
var userId = notification.UserId;
var rateValue = notification.RateValue;
Gs2->Matchmaking->OnChangeRatingNotification().AddLambda([](const auto Notification)
const auto NamespaceName = Notification->NamespaceNameValue;
const auto RatingName = Notification->RatingNameValue;
const auto UserId = Notification->UserIdValue;
const auto RateValue = Notification->RateValueValue;