Transaction Action of GS2-Limit

Specification of verify/consume/acquire transaction actions



Verify counter value by user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
limitNamestringName of limit model
counterNamestringCounter Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
countintcount value
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
lessPossession quantity is less than the specified value
lessEqualPossession quantity is less than or equal to the specified value
greaterPossession quantity is greater than the specified value
greaterEqualPossession quantity is greater than or equal to the specified value
equalPossession quantity is equal to the specified value
notEqualPossession quantity is not equal to the specified value
    "action": "Gs2Limit:VerifyCounterByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "limitName": "[string]Name of limit model",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "count": "[int]count value",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Limit:VerifyCounterByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  limitName: "[string]Name of limit model"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  count: "[int]count value"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    limitName="[string]Name of limit model",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    count="[int]count value",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



count-up by the specify user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
limitNamestringName of limit model
counterNamestringCounter Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
countUpValueintAmount to count up
maxValueintMaximum value allowed to count up
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Limit:CountUpByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "limitName": "[string]Name of limit model",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "countUpValue": "[int]Amount to count up",
        "maxValue": "[int]Maximum value allowed to count up",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Limit:CountUpByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  limitName: "[string]Name of limit model"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  countUpValue: "[int]Amount to count up"
  maxValue: "[int]Maximum value allowed to count up"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    limitName="[string]Name of limit model",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    countUpValue="[int]Amount to count up",
    maxValue="[int]Maximum value allowed to count up",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



count-down by the specify user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
limitNamestringName of limit model
counterNamestringCounter Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
countDownValueintAmount to count down
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Limit:CountDownByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "limitName": "[string]Name of limit model",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "countDownValue": "[int]Amount to count down",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Limit:CountDownByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  limitName: "[string]Name of limit model"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  countDownValue: "[int]Amount to count down"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    limitName="[string]Name of limit model",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    countDownValue="[int]Amount to count down",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Delete counter by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
limitNamestringName of limit model
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
counterNamestringCounter Name
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Limit:DeleteCounterByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "limitName": "[string]Name of limit model",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "counterName": "[string]Counter Name",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Limit:DeleteCounterByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  limitName: "[string]Name of limit model"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  counterName: "[string]Counter Name"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    limitName="[string]Name of limit model",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    counterName="[string]Counter Name",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",