API Reference of GS2-Limit SDK for Game Engine
Current value of frequency limit
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
counterId | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | Counter GRN | |
limitName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Name of limit model | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name | |
count | int | ✓ | 0 | ~ 2147483646 | count value |
createdAt | long | ✓ | Now | Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) | |
updatedAt | long | ✓ | Now | Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) |
Limit model
The reset interval can be set for the limit. The reset interval can be selected from daily, weekly, monthly, or not reset.
The maximum number of times limit is not set in the master data. Because the system works like a step-up gacha, a product can be purchased when the purchase count counter is less than 3 times. A product that can be purchased when the aforementioned product cannot be purchased and the purchase count counter is less than 5 times. This is so that the maximum value can be changed depending on the context.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
limitModelId | string | ✓ | ~ 1024 chars | Limit Model GRN | |
name | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Limit Model Name | |
metadata | string | ~ 2048 chars | metadata | ||
resetType | enum { “notReset”, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”, “days” } | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Reset timing | |
resetDayOfMonth | int | {resetType} == “monthly” | 1 ~ 31 | Date to reset (If the value exceeds the days of the month, it is treated as the last day.) | |
resetDayOfWeek | enum { “sunday”, “monday”, “tuesday”, “wednesday”, “thursday”, “friday”, “saturday” } | {resetType} == “weekly” | ~ 128 chars | Day of the week to reset | |
resetHour | int | {resetType} in [“monthly”, “weekly”, “daily”] | ~ 23 | Reset hour |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetType
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
notReset | Not resetting. |
daily | Daily |
weekly | Weekly |
monthly | Monthly |
days | Days |
Enumeration type definition to specify as resetDayOfWeek
Enumerator String Definition | Description |
sunday | Sunday |
monday | Monday |
tuesday | Tuesday |
wednesday | Wednesday |
thursday | Thursday |
friday | Friday |
saturday | Saturday |
Count up the count limit counter associated with the game player by specifying the name of the count limit and the name of the counter
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
limitName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Name of limit model | |
counterName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
countUpValue | int | ✓ | 1 | 1 ~ 2147483646 | Amount to count up |
maxValue | int | 1 ~ 2147483646 | Maximum value allowed to count up |
Type | Description | |
item | EzCounter | Counter with increased count |
Special exceptions are defined in this API. GS2-SDK for GameEngine provides specialized exceptions derived from general exceptions to facilitate handling of errors that may need to be handled in games. Please refer to the documentation here for more information on common error types and handling methods.
Type | Base Type | Description |
OverflowException | BadRequestException | The maximum number of times limit has been reached. |
Implementation Example
try {
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
limitName: "daily",
counterName: "counter1"
var result = await domain.CountUpAsync(
countUpValue: 1,
maxValue: 100
var item = await result.ModelAsync();
} catch(Gs2.Gs2Limit.Exception.Overflow e) {
// The maximum number of times limit has been reached.
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
limitName: "daily",
counterName: "counter1"
var future = domain.CountUpFuture(
countUpValue: 1,
maxValue: 100
yield return future;
if (future.Error != null)
if (future.Error is Gs2.Gs2Limit.Exception.OverflowException)
// The maximum number of times limit has been reached.
onError.Invoke(future.Error, null);
yield break;
var future2 = future.Result.ModelFuture();
yield return future2;
if (future2.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(future2.Error, null);
yield break;
var result = future2.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"daily", // limitName
"counter1" // counterName
const auto Future = Domain->CountUp(
1, // countUpValue
100 // maxValue
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
auto e = Future->GetTask().Error();
if (e->IsChildOf(Gs2::Limit::Error::FOverflowError::Class))
// The maximum number of times limit has been reached.
return false;
// obtain changed values / result values
const auto Future2 = Future->GetTask().Result()->Model();
if (Future2->GetTask().IsError())
return Future2->GetTask().Error();
const auto Result = Future2->GetTask().Result();
Get a count limit counter associated with a game player by specifying the name of the count limit and the name of the counter
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
limitName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Name of limit model | |
counterName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Counter Name | |
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token |
Type | Description | |
item | EzCounter | Counter |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
limitName: "daily",
counterName: "counter1"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
limitName: "daily",
counterName: "counter1"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"daily", // limitName
"counter1" // counterName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
limitName: "daily",
counterName: "counter1"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
limitName: "daily",
counterName: "counter1"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"daily", // limitName
"counter1" // counterName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Limit::Model::FCounter> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of frequency limit counters tied to game players
The name of the frequency limit can be omitted.
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
limitName | string | ~ 128 chars | Limit Model Name | ||
accessToken | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Access token | |
pageToken | string | ~ 1024 chars | Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data | ||
limit | int | ✓ | 30 | 1 ~ 1000 | Number of data acquired |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzCounter> | List of Counter |
nextPageToken | string | Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var items = await domain.CountersAsync(
limitName: "daily"
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Counters(
limitName: "daily"
List<EzCounter> items = new List<EzCounter>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->Counters(
"daily" // limitName
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Limit::Model::FEzCounterPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeCounters(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
gameSession: GameSession
var it = domain.Counters(
limitName: "daily"
List<EzCounter> items = new List<EzCounter>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeCounters(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get the limit model by specifying the limit name
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name | |
limitName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Limit Model Name |
Type | Description | |
item | EzLimitModel | Limit Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
limitName: "limit-model-0001"
var item = await domain.ModelAsync();
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
limitName: "limit-model-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"limit-model-0001" // limitName
const auto Future = Domain->Model();
if (Future->GetTask().IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
limitName: "limit-model-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.Subscribe(
value => {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
limitName: "limit-model-0001"
var future = domain.ModelFuture();
yield return future;
var item = future.Result;
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
"limit-model-0001" // limitName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->Subscribe(
[](TSharedPtr<Gs2::Limit::Model::FLimitModel> value) {
// Called when the value changes
// The "value" is passed the value after the change.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.
Get list of limit models
Type | Require | Default | Limitation | Description | |
namespaceName | string | ✓ | ~ 128 chars | Namespace name |
Type | Description | |
items | List<EzLimitModel> | List of Limit Model |
Implementation Example
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var items = await domain.LimitModelsAsync(
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.LimitModels(
List<EzLimitModel> items = new List<EzLimitModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
const auto It = Domain->LimitModels(
TArray<Gs2::UE5::Limit::Model::FEzLimitModelPtr> Result;
for (auto Item : *It)
if (Item.IsError())
return false;
Value change event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
// Start event handling
var callbackId = domain.SubscribeLimitModels(
() => {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
var domain = gs2.Limit.Namespace(
namespaceName: "namespace-0001"
var it = domain.LimitModels(
List<EzLimitModel> items = new List<EzLimitModel>();
while (it.HasNext())
yield return it.Next();
if (it.Error != null)
onError.Invoke(it.Error, null);
if (it.Current != null)
const auto Domain = Gs2->Limit->Namespace(
"namespace-0001" // namespaceName
// Start event handling
const auto CallbackId = Domain->SubscribeLimitModels(
[]() {
// Called when an element of the list changes.
// Stop event handling
This event is called when the value in the local cache that the SDK has is changed.
The local cache will only be changed by executing the SDK’s API, or by executing a stamp sheet via GS2-Distributor with GS2-Gateway notification enabled, or by executing a GS2-JobQueue with GS2-Gateway notification enabled. GS2-Gateway notification enabled.
Therefore, callbacks will not be invoked if the value is changed in any other way.