API Reference of GS2-Key SDK Specification of models and API references for GS2-SDK for various programming languages
Model Namespace Namespace
Namespace is a mechanism that allows multiple uses of the same service for different purposes within a single project.
Basically, GS2 services have a layer called namespace, and different namespaces are treated as completely different data spaces, even for the same service.
Therefore, it is necessary to create a namespace before starting to use each service.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Namespace GRN name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name description string ~ 1024 chars Description logSetting LogSetting Log output settings createdAt long ✓ Now Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) updatedAt long ✓ Now Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 Revision
Key Encryption key
The GRN of the encryption key to be created here must be specified when encryption processing is required by GS2.
The contents of the specific encryption key will not be disclosed outside of GS2, and encryption and decryption can be performed securely.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description keyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars encryption key GRN name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name description string ~ 1024 chars Description createdAt long ✓ Now Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) updatedAt long ✓ Now Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 Revision
GitHubApiKey GitHub API Key
GS2 has several interfaces for uploading files such as master data and GS2-Deploy template files.
For these interfaces, instead of uploading data, GS2 provides an interface to reflect settings from a specific branch or tag in a specific repository on GitHun.
This interface stores the GitHub API key needed to use this interface.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description apiKeyId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars GitHub API key GRN name string ✓ ~ 128 chars GitHub API key name description string ~ 1024 chars Description encryptionKeyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name createdAt long ✓ Now Datetime of creation (Unix time unit:milliseconds) updatedAt long ✓ Now Datetime of last update (Unix time unit:milliseconds) revision long 0 ~ 9223372036854775805 Revision
LogSetting Log setting
This type manages log output settings.
This type holds the identifier of the log namespace used to output log data.
The log namespace ID specifies the GS2-Log namespace to aggregate and store the log data.
Through this setting, API request and response log data under this namespace will be output to the target GS2-Log.
GS2-Log provides logs in real time, which can be used for system monitoring, analysis, debugging, etc.
Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description loggingNamespaceId string ✓ ~ 1024 chars Namespace GRN
Methods describeNamespaces Get list of namespaces
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description pageToken string ~ 1024 chars Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 Number of data acquired
Result Type Description items List<Namespace> List of Namespace nextPageToken string Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeNamespaces (
& key . DescribeNamespacesRequest {
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeNamespaces (
( new DescribeNamespacesRequest ())
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeNamespacesResult result = client . describeNamespaces (
new DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < Namespace > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.DescribeNamespacesRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.DescribeNamespacesResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . DescribeNamespacesResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeNamespaces (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeNamespaces (
new Gs2Key . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_namespaces (
key . DescribeNamespacesRequest ()
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.describe_namespaces ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_namespaces_async ({
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createNamespace Create a new namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name description string ~ 1024 chars Description logSetting LogSetting Log output settings
Result Type Description item Namespace Namespace created
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateNamespace (
& key . CreateNamespaceRequest {
Name : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Description : nil ,
LogSetting : & key . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\CreateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createNamespace (
( new CreateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withDescription ( null )
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\Key\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
CreateNamespaceResult result = client . createNamespace (
new CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . key . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.CreateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.CreateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . CreateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithDescription ( null )
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createNamespace (
new Gs2Key . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. withName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2Key . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_namespace (
key . CreateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_description ( None )
. with_log_setting (
key . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.create_namespace ({
name = "namespace-0001" ,
description = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.create_namespace_async ({
name = "namespace-0001" ,
description = nil ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getNamespaceStatus Get namespace status
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Type Description status string
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespaceStatus (
& key . GetNamespaceStatusRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
status := result . Status
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespaceStatus (
( new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$status = $result -> getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceStatusResult result = client . getNamespaceStatus (
new GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
String status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.GetNamespaceStatusRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.GetNamespaceStatusResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . GetNamespaceStatusResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var status = result . Status ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespaceStatus (
new Gs2Key . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const status = result . getStatus ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace_status (
key . GetNamespaceStatusRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
status = result . status
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.get_namespace_status ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_status_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
status = result.status ;
getNamespace Get namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetNamespace (
& key . GetNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\GetNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getNamespace (
( new GetNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.GetNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
GetNamespaceResult result = client . getNamespace (
new GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.GetNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.GetNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . GetNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getNamespace (
new Gs2Key . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_namespace (
key . GetNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.get_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.get_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateNamespace Update namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name description string ~ 1024 chars Description logSetting LogSetting Log output settings
Result Type Description item Namespace Updated namespace
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateNamespace (
& key . UpdateNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
LogSetting : & key . LogSetting {
LoggingNamespaceId : pointy . String ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateNamespace (
( new UpdateNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
-> withLogSetting (( new \Gs2\Key\Model\LogSetting ())
-> withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateNamespaceResult result = client . updateNamespace (
new UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withLogSetting ( new io . gs2 . key . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.UpdateNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.UpdateNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . UpdateNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" )
. WithLogSetting ( new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Model . LogSetting ()
. WithLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" )),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateNamespace (
new Gs2Key . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withLogSetting ( new Gs2Key . model . LogSetting ()
. withLoggingNamespaceId ( "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ))
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_namespace (
key . UpdateNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
. with_log_setting (
key . LogSetting ()
. with_logging_namespace_id ( 'grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001' ))
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.update_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.update_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
logSetting = {
loggingNamespaceId = "grn:gs2:ap-northeast-1:YourOwnerId:log:namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteNamespace Delete namespace
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name
Result Type Description item Namespace Updated namespace
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteNamespace (
& key . DeleteNamespaceRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteNamespace (
( new DeleteNamespaceRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteNamespaceResult result = client . deleteNamespace (
new DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
Namespace item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.DeleteNamespaceRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.DeleteNamespaceResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . DeleteNamespaceResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteNamespace (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteNamespace (
new Gs2Key . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_namespace (
key . DeleteNamespaceRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.delete_namespace ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_namespace_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
describeKeys Get list of encryption keys
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name pageToken string ~ 1024 chars Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 Number of data acquired
Result Type Description items List<Key> List of Encryption key nextPageToken string Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeKeys (
& key . DescribeKeysRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\DescribeKeysRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeKeys (
( new DescribeKeysRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.DescribeKeysRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.DescribeKeysResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeKeysResult result = client . describeKeys (
new DescribeKeysRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < Key > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.DescribeKeysRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.DescribeKeysResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . DescribeKeysResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeKeys (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . DescribeKeysRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeKeys (
new Gs2Key . DescribeKeysRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_keys (
key . DescribeKeysRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.describe_keys ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_keys_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createKey Create new encryption key
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name name string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name description string ~ 1024 chars Description
Result Type Description item Key Created encryption key
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateKey (
& key . CreateKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Name : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
Description : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\CreateKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createKey (
( new CreateKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withName ( "key-0001" )
-> withDescription ( null )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.CreateKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.CreateKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
CreateKeyResult result = client . createKey (
new CreateKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withName ( "key-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
Key item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.CreateKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.CreateKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . CreateKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . CreateKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithName ( "key-0001" )
. WithDescription ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createKey (
new Gs2Key . CreateKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withName ( "key-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_key (
key . CreateKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_name ( 'key-0001' )
. with_description ( None )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.create_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
name = "key-0001" ,
description = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.create_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
name = "key-0001" ,
description = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateKey Update encryption key
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name keyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name description string ~ 1024 chars Description
Result Type Description item Key Updated encryption key
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateKey (
& key . UpdateKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
KeyName : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\UpdateKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateKey (
( new UpdateKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.UpdateKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.UpdateKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateKeyResult result = client . updateKey (
new UpdateKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
Key item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.UpdateKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.UpdateKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . UpdateKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . UpdateKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateKey (
new Gs2Key . UpdateKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_key (
key . UpdateKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_key_name ( 'key-0001' )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.update_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.update_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getKey Get encryption key
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name keyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name
Result Type Description item Key Encryption key
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetKey (
& key . GetKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
KeyName : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\GetKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getKey (
( new GetKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.GetKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.GetKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
GetKeyResult result = client . getKey (
new GetKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
Key item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.GetKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.GetKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . GetKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . GetKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithKeyName ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getKey (
new Gs2Key . GetKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_key (
key . GetKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_key_name ( 'key-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.get_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.get_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteKey Delete encryption key
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name keyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name
Result Type Description item Key Deleted encryption key
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteKey (
& key . DeleteKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
KeyName : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\DeleteKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteKey (
( new DeleteKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.DeleteKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.DeleteKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteKeyResult result = client . deleteKey (
new DeleteKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
Key item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.DeleteKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.DeleteKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . DeleteKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . DeleteKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithKeyName ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteKey (
new Gs2Key . DeleteKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_key (
key . DeleteKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_key_name ( 'key-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.delete_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
encrypt Encrypt data
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name keyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name data string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars
Result Type Description data string Encrypted Data
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . Encrypt (
& key . EncryptRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
KeyName : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
Data : pointy . String ( "hoge" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
data := result . Data
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\EncryptRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> encrypt (
( new EncryptRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
-> withData ( "hoge" )
$data = $result -> getData ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.EncryptRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.EncryptResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
EncryptResult result = client . encrypt (
new EncryptRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. withData ( "hoge" )
String data = result . getData ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.EncryptRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.EncryptResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . EncryptResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . Encrypt (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . EncryptRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. WithData ( "hoge" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var data = result . Data ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . encrypt (
new Gs2Key . EncryptRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. withData ( "hoge" )
const data = result . getData ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . encrypt (
key . EncryptRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_key_name ( 'key-0001' )
. with_data ( 'hoge' )
data = result . data
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.encrypt ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
data = "hoge" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
data = result.data ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.encrypt_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
data = "hoge" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
data = result.data ;
decrypt Decrypt data
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name keyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name data string ✓ ~ 1048576 chars
Result Type Description data string decrypted data
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . Decrypt (
& key . DecryptRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
KeyName : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
Data : pointy . String ( "hoge" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
data := result . Data
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\DecryptRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> decrypt (
( new DecryptRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
-> withData ( "hoge" )
$data = $result -> getData ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.DecryptRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.DecryptResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
DecryptResult result = client . decrypt (
new DecryptRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. withData ( "hoge" )
String data = result . getData ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.DecryptRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.DecryptResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . DecryptResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . Decrypt (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . DecryptRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. WithData ( "hoge" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var data = result . Data ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . decrypt (
new Gs2Key . DecryptRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withKeyName ( "key-0001" )
. withData ( "hoge" )
const data = result . getData ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . decrypt (
key . DecryptRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_key_name ( 'key-0001' )
. with_data ( 'hoge' )
data = result . data
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.decrypt ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
data = "hoge" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
data = result.data ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.decrypt_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
keyName = "key-0001" ,
data = "hoge" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
data = result.data ;
describeGitHubApiKeys Get list of GitHub API keys
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name pageToken string ~ 1024 chars Token specifying the position from which to start acquiring data limit int ✓ 30 1 ~ 1000 Number of data acquired
Result Type Description items List<GitHubApiKey> List of GitHub API Keys nextPageToken string Page token to retrieve the rest of the listing
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DescribeGitHubApiKeys (
& key . DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
PageToken : nil ,
Limit : nil ,
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
items := result . Items
nextPageToken := result . NextPageToken
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> describeGitHubApiKeys (
( new DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withPageToken ( null )
-> withLimit ( null )
$items = $result -> getItems ();
$nextPageToken = $result -> getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.DescribeGitHubApiKeysResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
DescribeGitHubApiKeysResult result = client . describeGitHubApiKeys (
new DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
List < GitHubApiKey > items = result . getItems ();
String nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.DescribeGitHubApiKeysResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . DescribeGitHubApiKeysResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DescribeGitHubApiKeys (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithPageToken ( null )
. WithLimit ( null ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var items = result . Items ;
var nextPageToken = result . NextPageToken ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . describeGitHubApiKeys (
new Gs2Key . DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withPageToken ( null )
. withLimit ( null )
const items = result . getItems ();
const nextPageToken = result . getNextPageToken ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . describe_git_hub_api_keys (
key . DescribeGitHubApiKeysRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_page_token ( None )
. with_limit ( None )
items = result . items
next_page_token = result . next_page_token
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.describe_git_hub_api_keys ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.describe_git_hub_api_keys_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
pageToken = nil ,
limit = nil ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
items = result.items ;
nextPageToken = result.nextPageToken ;
createGitHubApiKey Create a new API key for GitHub
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name name string ✓ ~ 128 chars GitHub API key name description string ~ 1024 chars Description encryptionKeyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name
Result Type Description item GitHubApiKey The GitHub API key you created
Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . CreateGitHubApiKey (
& key . CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
Name : pointy . String ( "api-key-0001" ),
Description : nil ,
ApiKey : pointy . String ( "secret-0001" ),
EncryptionKeyName : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> createGitHubApiKey (
( new CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withName ( "api-key-0001" )
-> withDescription ( null )
-> withApiKey ( "secret-0001" )
-> withEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.CreateGitHubApiKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
CreateGitHubApiKeyResult result = client . createGitHubApiKey (
new CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withName ( "api-key-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withApiKey ( "secret-0001" )
. withEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" )
GitHubApiKey item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.CreateGitHubApiKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . CreateGitHubApiKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . CreateGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithName ( "api-key-0001" )
. WithDescription ( null )
. WithApiKey ( "secret-0001" )
. WithEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . createGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2Key . CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withName ( "api-key-0001" )
. withDescription ( null )
. withApiKey ( "secret-0001" )
. withEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . create_git_hub_api_key (
key . CreateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_name ( 'api-key-0001' )
. with_description ( None )
. with_api_key ( 'secret-0001' )
. with_encryption_key_name ( 'key-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.create_git_hub_api_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
name = "api-key-0001" ,
description = nil ,
apiKey = "secret-0001" ,
encryptionKeyName = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.create_git_hub_api_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
name = "api-key-0001" ,
description = nil ,
apiKey = "secret-0001" ,
encryptionKeyName = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
updateGitHubApiKey Update GitHub API key
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name apiKeyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars GitHub API key name description string ~ 1024 chars Description encryptionKeyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Encryption key name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . UpdateGitHubApiKey (
& key . UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
ApiKeyName : pointy . String ( "api-key-0001" ),
Description : pointy . String ( "description1" ),
ApiKey : pointy . String ( "secret-0004" ),
EncryptionKeyName : pointy . String ( "key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> updateGitHubApiKey (
( new UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
-> withDescription ( "description1" )
-> withApiKey ( "secret-0004" )
-> withEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.UpdateGitHubApiKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
UpdateGitHubApiKeyResult result = client . updateGitHubApiKey (
new UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withApiKey ( "secret-0004" )
. withEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" )
GitHubApiKey item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.UpdateGitHubApiKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . UpdateGitHubApiKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . UpdateGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
. WithDescription ( "description1" )
. WithApiKey ( "secret-0004" )
. WithEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . updateGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2Key . UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
. withDescription ( "description1" )
. withApiKey ( "secret-0004" )
. withEncryptionKeyName ( "key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . update_git_hub_api_key (
key . UpdateGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_api_key_name ( 'api-key-0001' )
. with_description ( 'description1' )
. with_api_key ( 'secret-0004' )
. with_encryption_key_name ( 'key-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.update_git_hub_api_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
apiKeyName = "api-key-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
apiKey = "secret-0004" ,
encryptionKeyName = "key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.update_git_hub_api_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
apiKeyName = "api-key-0001" ,
description = "description1" ,
apiKey = "secret-0004" ,
encryptionKeyName = "key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
getGitHubApiKey Get GitHub API key
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name apiKeyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars GitHub API key name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . GetGitHubApiKey (
& key . GetGitHubApiKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
ApiKeyName : pointy . String ( "api-key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> getGitHubApiKey (
( new GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.GetGitHubApiKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
GetGitHubApiKeyResult result = client . getGitHubApiKey (
new GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
GitHubApiKey item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.GetGitHubApiKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . GetGitHubApiKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . GetGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . getGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2Key . GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . get_git_hub_api_key (
key . GetGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_api_key_name ( 'api-key-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.get_git_hub_api_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
apiKeyName = "api-key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.get_git_hub_api_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
apiKeyName = "api-key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
deleteGitHubApiKey Delete GitHub API key
Request Type Condition Require Default Limitation Description namespaceName string ✓ ~ 128 chars Namespace name apiKeyName string ✓ ~ 128 chars GitHub API key name
Result Implementation Example
GS2-Script(Async) import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/core"
import "github.com/gs2io/gs2-golang-sdk/key"
import "github.com/openlyinc/pointy"
session := core . Gs2RestSession {
Credential : & core . BasicGs2Credential {
ClientId : "your client id" ,
ClientSecret : "your client secret" ,
Region : core . ApNortheast1 ,
if err := session . Connect (); err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
client := key . Gs2KeyRestClient {
Session : & session ,
result , err := client . DeleteGitHubApiKey (
& key . DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest {
NamespaceName : pointy . String ( "namespace-0001" ),
ApiKeyName : pointy . String ( "api-key-0001" ),
if err != nil {
panic ( "error occurred" )
item := result . Item
use Gs2\Core\Model\BasicGs2Credential ;
use Gs2\Core\Model\Region ;
use Gs2\Core\Net\Gs2RestSession ;
use Gs2\Core\Exception\Gs2Exception ;
use Gs2\Key\Gs2KeyRestClient ;
use Gs2\Key\Request\DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
$session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
"your client id" ,
"your client secret"
Region :: AP_NORTHEAST_1
$session -> open ();
$client = new Gs2AccountRestClient (
try {
$result = $client -> deleteGitHubApiKey (
( new DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ())
-> withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
-> withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
$item = $result -> getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception $e ) {
exit ( "error occurred" )
import io.gs2.core.model.Region ;
import io.gs2.core.model.BasicGs2Credential ;
import io.gs2.core.rest.Gs2RestSession ;
import io.gs2.core.exception.Gs2Exception ;
import io.gs2.key.rest.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
import io.gs2.key.request.DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
import io.gs2.key.result.DeleteGitHubApiKeyResult ;
Gs2RestSession session = new Gs2RestSession (
Region . AP_NORTHEAST_1 ,
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
session . connect ();
Gs2KeyRestClient client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
DeleteGitHubApiKeyResult result = client . deleteGitHubApiKey (
new DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
GitHubApiKey item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( Gs2Exception e ) {
System . exit ( 1 );
using Gs2.Core.Model.Region ;
using Gs2.Core.Model.BasicGs2Credential ;
using Gs2.Core.Net.Gs2RestSession ;
using Gs2.Core.Exception.Gs2Exception ;
using Gs2.Core.AsyncResult ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Gs2KeyRestClient ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Request.DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ;
using Gs2.Gs2Key.Result.DeleteGitHubApiKeyResult ;
var session = new Gs2RestSession (
new BasicGs2Credential (
' your client id ' ,
' your client secret '
Region . ApNortheast1
yield return session . Open ();
var client = new Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
AsyncResult < Gs2 . Gs2Key . Result . DeleteGitHubApiKeyResult > asyncResult = null ;
yield return client . DeleteGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2 . Gs2Key . Request . DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. WithNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. WithApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" ),
r => asyncResult = r
if ( asyncResult . Error != null ) {
throw asyncResult . Error ;
var result = asyncResult . Result ;
var item = result . Item ;
import Gs2Core from '@/gs2/core' ;
import * as Gs2Key from '@/gs2/key' ;
const session = new Gs2Core . Gs2RestSession (
"ap-northeast-1" ,
new Gs2Core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
await session . connect ();
const client = new Gs2Key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session );
try {
const result = await client . deleteGitHubApiKey (
new Gs2Key . DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. withNamespaceName ( "namespace-0001" )
. withApiKeyName ( "api-key-0001" )
const item = result . getItem ();
} catch ( e ) {
process . exit ( 1 );
from gs2 import core
from gs2 import key
session = core . Gs2RestSession (
core . BasicGs2Credential (
'your client id' ,
'your client secret'
"ap-northeast-1" ,
session . connect ()
client = key . Gs2KeyRestClient ( session )
try :
result = client . delete_git_hub_api_key (
key . DeleteGitHubApiKeyRequest ()
. with_namespace_name ( 'namespace-0001' )
. with_api_key_name ( 'api-key-0001' )
item = result . item
except core . Gs2Exception as e :
exit ( 1 )
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result = client.delete_git_hub_api_key ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
apiKeyName = "api-key-0001" ,
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;
client = gs2 ( 'key' )
api_result_handler = client.delete_git_hub_api_key_async ({
namespaceName = "namespace-0001" ,
apiKeyName = "api-key-0001" ,
api_result = api_result_handler () -- Call the handler to get the result
if ( api_result.isError ) then
-- When error occurs
fail ( api_result [ 'statusCode' ], api_result [ 'message' ])
result = api_result.result
item = result.item ;