Transaction Action of GS2-Inventory

Specification of verify/consume/acquire transaction actions



Verify current max inventory capacity by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
currentInventoryMaxCapacityintMaximum capacity
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
lessCurrent max inventory capacity is less than the specified value
lessEqualCurrent max inventory capacity is less than or equal to the specified value
greaterCurrent max inventory capacity is greater than the specified value
greaterEqualCurrent max inventory capacity is greater than or equal to the specified value
equalCurrent max inventory capacity is equal to the specified value
notEqualCurrent max inventory capacity is not equal to the specified value
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:VerifyInventoryCurrentMaxCapacityByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "currentInventoryMaxCapacity": "[int]Maximum capacity",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:VerifyInventoryCurrentMaxCapacityByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  currentInventoryMaxCapacity: "[int]Maximum capacity"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    currentInventoryMaxCapacity="[int]Maximum capacity",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Verify possession quantity by specifying the user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
itemNamestringItem Model Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
itemSetNamestringName identifying the item set
countlongQuantity in possession
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
lessPossession quantity is less than the specified value
lessEqualPossession quantity is less than or equal to the specified value
greaterPossession quantity is greater than the specified value
greaterEqualPossession quantity is greater than or equal to the specified value
equalPossession quantity is equal to the specified value
notEqualPossession quantity is not equal to the specified value
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:VerifyItemSetByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "itemName": "[string]Item Model Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "itemSetName": "[string]Name identifying the item set",
        "count": "[long]Quantity in possession",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:VerifyItemSetByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  itemName: "[string]Item Model Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  itemSetName: "[string]Name identifying the item set"
  count: "[long]Quantity in possession"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    itemName="[string]Item Model Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    itemSetName="[string]Name identifying the item set",
    count="[long]Quantity in possession",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Verify the reference source by specifying the user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
itemNamestringItem Model Name
itemSetNamestringName identifying the item set
referenceOfstringReferences for this possession
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
not_entryThat the specified referent is not yet registered.
already_entryThe specified reference must already be registered.
emptyZero elements registered as referents.
not_emptyAt least one element registered as a reference source
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:VerifyReferenceOfByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "itemName": "[string]Item Model Name",
        "itemSetName": "[string]Name identifying the item set",
        "referenceOf": "[string]References for this possession",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:VerifyReferenceOfByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  itemName: "[string]Item Model Name"
  itemSetName: "[string]Name identifying the item set"
  referenceOf: "[string]References for this possession"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    itemName="[string]Item Model Name",
    itemSetName="[string]Name identifying the item set",
    referenceOf="[string]References for this possession",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Verify the quantity of possessions in simple items by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
inventoryNamestringSimple Inventory Model Name
itemNamestringSimple Item Model Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
countlongQuantity in possession
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
lessPossession quantity is less than the specified value
lessEqualPossession quantity is less than or equal to the specified value
greaterPossession quantity is greater than the specified value
greaterEqualPossession quantity is greater than or equal to the specified value
equalPossession quantity is equal to the specified value
notEqualPossession quantity is not equal to the specified value
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:VerifySimpleItemByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
        "itemName": "[string]Simple Item Model Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "count": "[long]Quantity in possession",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:VerifySimpleItemByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  inventoryName: "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name"
  itemName: "[string]Simple Item Model Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  count: "[long]Quantity in possession"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    inventoryName="[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
    itemName="[string]Simple Item Model Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    count="[long]Quantity in possession",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Verify possession quantity of big items by user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
inventoryNamestringBig Inventory Model Name
itemNamestringBig Item Model Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
countstringQuantity in possession
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
lessPossession quantity is less than the specified value
lessEqualPossession quantity is less than or equal to the specified value
greaterPossession quantity is greater than the specified value
greaterEqualPossession quantity is greater than or equal to the specified value
equalPossession quantity is equal to the specified value
notEqualPossession quantity is not equal to the specified value
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:VerifyBigItemByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
        "itemName": "[string]Big Item Model Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "count": "[string]Quantity in possession",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:VerifyBigItemByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  inventoryName: "[string]Big Inventory Model Name"
  itemName: "[string]Big Item Model Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  count: "[string]Quantity in possession"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    inventoryName="[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
    itemName="[string]Big Item Model Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    count="[string]Quantity in possession",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



Consume items by specifying the user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
itemNamestringItem Model Name
consumeCountlongAmount to consume
itemSetNamestringName identifying the item set
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "itemName": "[string]Item Model Name",
        "consumeCount": "[long]Amount to consume",
        "itemSetName": "[string]Name identifying the item set",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:ConsumeItemSetByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  itemName: "[string]Item Model Name"
  consumeCount: "[long]Amount to consume"
  itemSetName: "[string]Name identifying the item set"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    itemName="[string]Item Model Name",
    consumeCount="[long]Amount to consume",
    itemSetName="[string]Name identifying the item set",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Consume simple items by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringSimple Inventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
consumeCountsConsumeCount[]List of quantity of simple items to be consumed
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeSimpleItemsByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "consumeCounts": [
                "itemName": "[string]Simple Item Model Name",
                "count": "[long]Quantity to be consumed"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:ConsumeSimpleItemsByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  - itemName: "[string]Simple Item Model Name"
    count: "[long]Quantity to be consumed"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
            itemName="[string]Simple Item Model Name",
            count="[long]Quantity to be consumed"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Consume big items by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringBig Inventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
itemNamestringBig Item Model Name
consumeCountstringQuantity of big items to be consumed
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:ConsumeBigItemByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "itemName": "[string]Big Item Model Name",
        "consumeCount": "[string]Quantity of big items to be consumed",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:ConsumeBigItemByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Big Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  itemName: "[string]Big Item Model Name"
  consumeCount: "[string]Quantity of big items to be consumed"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    itemName="[string]Big Item Model Name",
    consumeCount="[string]Quantity of big items to be consumed",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



Add inventory capacity size by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
addCapacityValueintCapacity size to be added
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:AddCapacityByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "addCapacityValue": "[int]Capacity size to be added",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:AddCapacityByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  addCapacityValue: "[int]Capacity size to be added"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    addCapacityValue="[int]Capacity size to be added",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Set inventory capacity size by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
newCapacityValueintNew maximum capacity for inventory
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:SetCapacityByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "newCapacityValue": "[int]New maximum capacity for inventory",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:SetCapacityByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  newCapacityValue: "[int]New maximum capacity for inventory"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    newCapacityValue="[int]New maximum capacity for inventory",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Acquire items by specifying the user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
itemNamestringItem Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
acquireCountlongQuantity to be obtained
expiresAtlongEffective date
createNewItemSetboolEven if there is room in an existing ItemSet, you can create a new ItemSet
itemSetNamestringName identifying the item set
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:AcquireItemSetByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "itemName": "[string]Item Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "acquireCount": "[long]Quantity to be obtained",
        "expiresAt": "[long]Effective date",
        "createNewItemSet": "[bool]Even if there is room in an existing ItemSet, you can create a new ItemSet",
        "itemSetName": "[string]Name identifying the item set",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:AcquireItemSetByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  itemName: "[string]Item Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  acquireCount: "[long]Quantity to be obtained"
  expiresAt: "[long]Effective date"
  createNewItemSet: "[bool]Even if there is room in an existing ItemSet, you can create a new ItemSet"
  itemSetName: "[string]Name identifying the item set"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    itemName="[string]Item Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    acquireCount="[long]Quantity to be obtained",
    expiresAt="[long]Effective date",
    createNewItemSet="[bool]Even if there is room in an existing ItemSet, you can create a new ItemSet",
    itemSetName="[string]Name identifying the item set",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Acquire items by specifying the user ID and setting the grade in GS2-Grade

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
itemNamestringItem Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
gradeModelIdstringGrade Model GRN
gradeValuelongGrade value to set
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:AcquireItemSetWithGradeByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "itemName": "[string]Item Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "gradeModelId": "[string]Grade Model GRN",
        "gradeValue": "[long]Grade value to set",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:AcquireItemSetWithGradeByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  itemName: "[string]Item Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  gradeModelId: "[string]Grade Model GRN"
  gradeValue: "[long]Grade value to set"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    itemName="[string]Item Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    gradeModelId="[string]Grade Model GRN",
    gradeValue="[long]Grade value to set",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Add a reference by specifying a user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
itemNamestringItem Model Name
itemSetNamestringName identifying the item set
referenceOfstringReferences for this possession
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:AddReferenceOfByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "itemName": "[string]Item Model Name",
        "itemSetName": "[string]Name identifying the item set",
        "referenceOf": "[string]References for this possession",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:AddReferenceOfByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  itemName: "[string]Item Model Name"
  itemSetName: "[string]Name identifying the item set"
  referenceOf: "[string]References for this possession"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    itemName="[string]Item Model Name",
    itemSetName="[string]Name identifying the item set",
    referenceOf="[string]References for this possession",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Delete the reference source by specifying the user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringInventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
itemNamestringItem Model Name
itemSetNamestringName identifying the item set
referenceOfstringReferences for this possession
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:DeleteReferenceOfByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "itemName": "[string]Item Model Name",
        "itemSetName": "[string]Name identifying the item set",
        "referenceOf": "[string]References for this possession",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:DeleteReferenceOfByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  itemName: "[string]Item Model Name"
  itemSetName: "[string]Name identifying the item set"
  referenceOf: "[string]References for this possession"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    itemName="[string]Item Model Name",
    itemSetName="[string]Name identifying the item set",
    referenceOf="[string]References for this possession",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Acquire simple items by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringSimple Inventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
acquireCountsAcquireCount[]List of quantity of simple items to be obtained
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:AcquireSimpleItemsByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "acquireCounts": [
                "itemName": "[string]Simple Item Model Name",
                "count": "[long]Quantity to be obtained"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:AcquireSimpleItemsByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
    - itemName: "[string]Simple Item Model Name"
      count: "[long]Quantity to be obtained"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
            itemName="[string]Simple Item Model Name",
            count="[long]Quantity to be obtained"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Set the quantity of simple items by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringSimple Inventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
countsHeldCount[]List of quantity of simple items to be obtained
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:SetSimpleItemsByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "counts": [
                "itemName": "[string]Simple Item Model Name",
                "count": "[long]Number of items held"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:SetSimpleItemsByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Simple Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
    - itemName: "[string]Simple Item Model Name"
      count: "[long]Number of items held"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Simple Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
            itemName="[string]Simple Item Model Name",
            count="[long]Number of items held"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Acquire big items by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringBig Inventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
itemNamestringBig Item Model Name
acquireCountstringQuantity of big items to be obtained
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:AcquireBigItemByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "itemName": "[string]Big Item Model Name",
        "acquireCount": "[string]Quantity of big items to be obtained",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:AcquireBigItemByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Big Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  itemName: "[string]Big Item Model Name"
  acquireCount: "[string]Quantity of big items to be obtained"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    itemName="[string]Big Item Model Name",
    acquireCount="[string]Quantity of big items to be obtained",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Set the quantity of big items by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
inventoryNamestringBig Inventory Model Name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
itemNamestringBig Item Model Name
countstringQuantity of big items to be set
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Inventory:SetBigItemByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "inventoryName": "[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "itemName": "[string]Big Item Model Name",
        "count": "[string]Quantity of big items to be set",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Inventory:SetBigItemByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  inventoryName: "[string]Big Inventory Model Name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  itemName: "[string]Big Item Model Name"
  count: "[string]Quantity of big items to be set"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    inventoryName="[string]Big Inventory Model Name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    itemName="[string]Big Item Model Name",
    count="[string]Quantity of big items to be set",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",