Master Data Reference of GS2-Guild

  "version": "2024-04-25",
  "guildModels": [
      "name": "[string]Guild Model Name",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "defaultMaximumMemberCount": "[int]Maximum number of guild members that will be applied when creating a guild",
      "maximumMemberCount": "[int]Maximum number of guild members that can be applied",
      "inactivityPeriodDays": "[int]Number of days of inactivity of the guild master to select a new guild master from the guild members",
      "roles": [
          "name": "[string]Role Model Name",
          "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
          "policyDocument": "[string]Policy document for permissions to apply to roles"
      "guildMasterRole": "[string]Role that guild masters have",
      "guildMemberDefaultRole": "[string]Role that guild members have in the initial state",
      "rejoinCoolTimeMinutes": "[int]Cool time until you can join again after leaving the guild (minutes)"
version2024-04-25Format version of master data
guildModelsList<GuildModel>~ 100 itemsGuild Model Master


Guild Model Master

A guild model is an entity that sets the maximum number of people who can join the guild and the permission settings for each position within the guild.

guildModelIdstring~ 1024 charsGuild Model GRN
namestring~ 128 charsGuild Model Name
metadatastring~ 2048 charsmetadata
defaultMaximumMemberCountint1 ~ 2147483646Maximum number of guild members that will be applied when creating a guild
maximumMemberCountint1 ~ 2147483646Maximum number of guild members that can be applied
inactivityPeriodDaysint71 ~ 365Number of days of inactivity of the guild master to select a new guild master from the guild members
rolesList<RoleModel>1 ~ 10 itemsList of permission settings for each position in the guild
guildMasterRolestring~ 128 charsRole that guild masters have
guildMemberDefaultRolestring~ 128 charsRole that guild members have in the initial state
rejoinCoolTimeMinutesint0~ 2147483646Cool time until you can join again after leaving the guild (minutes)


Role Model

The role model defines the role within the guild and sets the permissions for each role.

namestring~ 128 charsRole Model Name
metadatastring~ 2048 charsmetadata
policyDocumentstring~ 10240 charsPolicy document for permissions to apply to roles



An entity that manages a list of guild members

userIdstring~ 128 charsUser Id
roleNamestring~ 128 charsRole Model Name
joinedAtlongNowJoin date (Unix time unit:milliseconds)