Transaction Action of GS2-Grade

Specification of verify/consume/acquire transaction actions



Verify grade by user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
gradeNamestringGrade Model Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
propertyIdstringProperty ID
gradeValuelongCurrent Grade
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
lessGrade is less than the specified value
lessEqualGrade is less than or equal to the specified value
greaterGrade is greater than the specified value
greaterEqualGrade is greater than or equal to the specified value
equalGrade is equal to the specified value
notEqualGrade is not equal to the specified value
    "action": "Gs2Grade:VerifyGradeByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "gradeName": "[string]Grade Model Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID",
        "gradeValue": "[long]Current Grade",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Grade:VerifyGradeByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  gradeName: "[string]Grade Model Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID"
  gradeValue: "[long]Current Grade"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    gradeName="[string]Grade Model Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID",
    gradeValue="[long]Current Grade",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Verify grade up material by user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
gradeNamestringGrade Model Name
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
propertyIdstringProperty ID
materialPropertyIdstringProperty ID
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
matchGrade is equal to the specified value
notMatchGrade is not equal to the specified value
    "action": "Gs2Grade:VerifyGradeUpMaterialByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "gradeName": "[string]Grade Model Name",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID",
        "materialPropertyId": "[string]Property ID",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Grade:VerifyGradeUpMaterialByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  gradeName: "[string]Grade Model Name"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID"
  materialPropertyId: "[string]Property ID"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    gradeName="[string]Grade Model Name",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID",
    materialPropertyId="[string]Property ID",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



Subtract grade by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
gradeNamestringGrade Model Name
propertyIdstringProperty ID
gradeValuelongLost Grade
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Grade:SubGradeByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "gradeName": "[string]Grade Model Name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID",
        "gradeValue": "[long]Lost Grade",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Grade:SubGradeByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  gradeName: "[string]Grade Model Name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID"
  gradeValue: "[long]Lost Grade"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    gradeName="[string]Grade Model Name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID",
    gradeValue="[long]Lost Grade",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",



Add grade by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
gradeNamestringGrade Model Name
propertyIdstringProperty ID
gradeValuelongGained Grade
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Grade:AddGradeByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "gradeName": "[string]Grade Model Name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID",
        "gradeValue": "[long]Gained Grade",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Grade:AddGradeByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  gradeName: "[string]Grade Model Name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID"
  gradeValue: "[long]Gained Grade"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    gradeName="[string]Grade Model Name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID",
    gradeValue="[long]Gained Grade",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Apply rank cap to GS2-Experience by user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
gradeNamestringGrade Model Name
propertyIdstringProperty ID
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Grade:ApplyRankCapByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "gradeName": "[string]Grade Model Name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Grade:ApplyRankCapByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  gradeName: "[string]Grade Model Name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    gradeName="[string]Grade Model Name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Add resources according to the grade of the target property of the grade specified by the user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
gradeNamestringGrade Model Name
propertyIdstringProperty ID
rateNamestringRemuneration addition table name
acquireActionsAcquireAction[]List of Acquire Action
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Grade:MultiplyAcquireActionsByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "gradeName": "[string]Grade Model Name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID",
        "rateName": "[string]Remuneration addition table name",
        "acquireActions": [
                "action": "[string]Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action",
                "request": "[string]JSON of request"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Grade:MultiplyAcquireActionsByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  gradeName: "[string]Grade Model Name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID"
  rateName: "[string]Remuneration addition table name"
    - action: "[string]Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action"
      request: "[string]JSON of request"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    gradeName="[string]Grade Model Name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID",
    rateName="[string]Remuneration addition table name",
            action="[string]Types of actions to be performed in the acquire action",
            request="[string]JSON of request"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",