Master Data Reference of GS2-Enhance

Reference of the format of master data and various models to be imported
  "version": "2020-08-22",
  "rateModels": [
      "name": "[string]Enhanced Rate Name",
      "description": "[string?]Description",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "targetInventoryModelId": "[string]Inventory available for enhancement targets",
      "acquireExperienceSuffix": "[string]Suffix to be assigned to the property ID that stores the experience value obtained from GS2-Experience",
      "materialInventoryModelId": "[string]GRN of item sets (quantity of items held per expiration date) that will be used as materials for enhancement.",
      "acquireExperienceHierarchy": [
        "[string]Hierarchical structure of JSON data defining acquisition experience values to be stored in ItemModel metadata"
      "experienceModelId": "[string]Experience Model GRN",
      "bonusRates": [
          "rate": "[float]Experience bonus multiplier (1.0 = no bonus)",
          "weight": "[int]lottery weight"
  "unleashRateModels": [
      "name": "[string]Enhanced Rate Name",
      "description": "[string?]Description",
      "metadata": "[string?]metadata",
      "targetInventoryModelId": "[string]Inventory available for unleash targets",
      "gradeModelId": "[string]Grade model",
      "gradeEntries": [
          "gradeValue": "[long]Target grade",
          "needCount": "[int]How many items of the same type to consume"
version2020-08-22Format version of master data
rateModelsList<RateModel>~ 10000 itemsEnhancement Rate Model
unleashRateModelsList<UnleashRateModel>~ 10000 itemsUnleash Rates


Enhancement Rate Model

The enhancement rate is data that defines the materials used for enhancement and the target of enhancement.

Both material data and enhancement target data must be managed in GS2-Inventory. The experience value obtained from the enhancement is recorded in GS2-Inventory metadata in JSON format. Here, it is necessary to describe at which level of the metadata the experience value is stored.

A correction value can be applied to the amount of experience value that can be obtained with a certain probability of great success during enhancement. The probability of that draw is also defined in this entity.

rateModelIdstring~ 1024 charsEnhance Rate Model GRN
namestring~ 128 charsEnhanced Rate Name
descriptionstring~ 1024 charsDescription
metadatastring~ 2048 charsmetadata
targetInventoryModelIdstring~ 1024 charsInventory available for enhancement targets
acquireExperienceSuffixstring~ 1024 charsSuffix to be assigned to the property ID that stores the experience value obtained from GS2-Experience
materialInventoryModelIdstring~ 1024 charsGRN of item sets (quantity of items held per expiration date) that will be used as materials for enhancement.
acquireExperienceHierarchyList<string>~ 10 itemsHierarchical structure of JSON data defining acquisition experience values to be stored in ItemModel metadata
experienceModelIdstring~ 1024 charsExperience Model GRN
bonusRatesList<BonusRate>~ 1000 itemsExperience gain bonus


Unleash Rates

The limit breakthrough rate is the data that defines the limit breakthrough target and the GS2-Grade limit breakthrough model. The data for the limit breakthrough must be managed in GS2-Inventory.

unleashRateModelIdstring~ 1024 charsUnleash Rate Model GRN
namestring~ 128 charsEnhanced Rate Name
descriptionstring~ 1024 charsDescription
metadatastring~ 2048 charsmetadata
targetInventoryModelIdstring~ 1024 charsInventory available for unleash targets
gradeModelIdstring~ 1024 charsGrade model
gradeEntriesList<UnleashRateEntryModel>1 ~ 1000 itemsList of Grade Entry


Experience gain bonus

ratefloat1.0~ 10000Experience bonus multiplier (1.0 = no bonus)
weightint1~ 2147483645lottery weight


Balance Parameter Value Model

materialItemSetIdstring~ 1024 charsGRN of item sets (quantity of items held per expiration date) that will be used as materials for enhancement
countint1~ 2147483645Number of consumption


Unleash rate entry model

gradeValuelong1 ~ 1000Target grade
needCountint1 ~ 1000How many items of the same type to consume


Verify action execution result

actionenum {
~ 128 charsTypes of actions to be performed in the verify task
verifyRequeststring~ 1048576 charsJSON of request
statusCodeint~ 999Status code
verifyResultstring~ 1048576 charsResult payload

Enumeration type definition to specify as action

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription


Consume action execution result

actionenum {
~ 128 charsTypes of actions to be performed in the consume action
consumeRequeststring~ 1048576 charsJSON of request
statusCodeint~ 999Status code
consumeResultstring~ 1048576 charsResult payload

Enumeration type definition to specify as action

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription


Acquire action execution result

actionenum {
~ 128 charsTypes of actions to be performed in the acquire action
acquireRequeststring~ 1048576 charsJSON of request
statusCodeint~ 999Status code
acquireResultstring~ 1048576 charsResult payload

Enumeration type definition to specify as action

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription


Transaction execution results

Transaction execution results executed using server-side transaction auto-execution functionality

transactionIdstring36 ~ 36 charsTransaction ID
verifyResultsList<VerifyActionResult>~ 10 itemsList of verify action execution results
consumeResultsList<ConsumeActionResult>[]~ 10 itemsList of consume action execution results
acquireResultsList<AcquireActionResult>[]~ 100 itemsList of acquire action execution results