Transaction Action of GS2-Enchant

Specification of verify/consume/acquire transaction actions



Verify rarity parameter by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
parameterNamestringRarity parameter model name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
propertyIdstringProperty ID of the resource that owns the parameter
verifyTypeenum [
Type of verification
parameterCountintNumber of parameters to verify
multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantityboolWhether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token

Enumeration type definition to specify as verifyType

Enumerator String DefinitionDescription
haventThe specified parameter must not be held
haveThe specified parameter must be held
countThe number of parameters held must be the specified number
    "action": "Gs2Enchant:VerifyRarityParameterStatusByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "parameterName": "[string]Rarity parameter model name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "verifyType": "[string]Type of verification",
        "parameterValueName": "[string]Name",
        "parameterCount": "[int]Number of parameters to verify",
        "multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity": "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Enchant:VerifyRarityParameterStatusByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  parameterName: "[string]Rarity parameter model name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter"
  verifyType: "[string]Type of verification"
  parameterValueName: "[string]Name"
  parameterCount: "[int]Number of parameters to verify"
  multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity: "[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    parameterName="[string]Rarity parameter model name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
    verifyType="[string]Type of verification",
    parameterCount="[int]Number of parameters to verify",
    multiplyValueSpecifyingQuantity="[bool]Whether to multiply the value used for verification when specifying the quantity",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",




Re-draw balance parameter by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
parameterNamestringBalance parameter model name
propertyIdstringProperty ID of the resource that owns the parameter
fixedParameterNamesstring[]List of Parameter index not to re-draw
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Enchant:ReDrawBalanceParameterStatusByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "parameterName": "[string]Balance parameter model name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "fixedParameterNames": [
            "[string]Parameter name not to re-draw"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Enchant:ReDrawBalanceParameterStatusByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  parameterName: "[string]Balance parameter model name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter"
    - "[string]Parameter name not to re-draw"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    parameterName="[string]Balance parameter model name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "[string]Parameter name not to re-draw"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Set any value to balance parameter status by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
parameterNamestringBalance parameter model name
propertyIdstringProperty ID of the resource that owns the parameter
parameterValuesBalanceParameterValue[]List of balance parameter values
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Enchant:SetBalanceParameterStatusByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "parameterName": "[string]Balance parameter model name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "parameterValues": [
                "name": "[string]Name",
                "value": "[long]Value"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Enchant:SetBalanceParameterStatusByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  parameterName: "[string]Balance parameter model name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter"
    - name: "[string]Name"
      value: "[long]Value"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    parameterName="[string]Balance parameter model name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Re-draw rarity parameter status by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
parameterNamestringRarity parameter model name
propertyIdstringProperty ID of the resource that owns the parameter
fixedParameterNamesstring[]List of Parameter index not to re-draw
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Enchant:ReDrawRarityParameterStatusByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "parameterName": "[string]Rarity parameter model name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "fixedParameterNames": [
            "[string]Parameter name not to re-draw"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Enchant:ReDrawRarityParameterStatusByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  parameterName: "[string]Rarity parameter model name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter"
    - "[string]Parameter name not to re-draw"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    parameterName="[string]Rarity parameter model name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "[string]Parameter name not to re-draw"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Add rarity parameter status by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: YES

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
parameterNamestringRarity parameter model name
propertyIdstringProperty ID of the resource that owns the parameter
countintNumber of parameters to add
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Enchant:AddRarityParameterStatusByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "parameterName": "[string]Rarity parameter model name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "count": "[int]Number of parameters to add",
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Enchant:AddRarityParameterStatusByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  parameterName: "[string]Rarity parameter model name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter"
  count: "[int]Number of parameters to add"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    parameterName="[string]Rarity parameter model name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
    count="[int]Number of parameters to add",
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",


Set any value to rarity parameter by specifying user ID

Actions for which quantity can be specified: NO

Reversible action: NO

namespaceNamestringNamespace name
userIdstringSet #{userId} to replace the currently logged in user ID.
parameterNamestringRarity parameter model name
propertyIdstringProperty ID of the resource that owns the parameter
parameterValuesRarityParameterValue[]List of rarity parameter values
timeOffsetTokenstringTime offset token
    "action": "Gs2Enchant:SetRarityParameterStatusByUserId",
    "request": {
        "namespaceName": "[string]Namespace name",
        "userId": "[string]User Id",
        "parameterName": "[string]Rarity parameter model name",
        "propertyId": "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
        "parameterValues": [
                "name": "[string]Name",
                "resourceName": "[string]Resource Name",
                "resourceValue": "[long]Resource Value"
        "timeOffsetToken": "[string]Time offset token"
action: Gs2Enchant:SetRarityParameterStatusByUserId
  namespaceName: "[string]Namespace name"
  userId: "[string]User Id"
  parameterName: "[string]Rarity parameter model name"
  propertyId: "[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter"
    - name: "[string]Name"
      resourceName: "[string]Resource Name"
      resourceValue: "[long]Resource Value"
  timeOffsetToken: "[string]Time offset token"
    namespaceName="[string]Namespace name",
    userId="[string]User Id",
    parameterName="[string]Rarity parameter model name",
    propertyId="[string]Property ID of the resource that owns the parameter",
            resourceName="[string]Resource Name",
            resourceValue="[long]Resource Value"
    timeOffsetToken="[string]Time offset token",